
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    I was eight years old then. Looking1I remember the time in a baseball field passing the team that we had just2. We shook their hands and said, ”Good game!”

    It is3to do that when you win! When you lose, you have a tendency(倾向) to slap (拍) the hand-instead of shaking it-and4the ground instead of the eyes. This is not only true for an eight-year-old; it is true for adults, too.

    A few years ago, in a softball league, we lost 15 games! And we thought it was5. But during the “Good game” handshake after each6, I looked each player in the eyes and shook their hands. I couldn't look my opponents (对手) in the eyes and congratulate them on a good7when I was eight. Somehow I took the loss as a8on my self-worth and felt my self-confidence had been slapped;9-I did what most eight-year-olds do and I slapped the opponents' hands, not giving them the satisfaction of a shake. I was wrong to do this. I'm happy today as a(n)10 that I have learned this11: There is something to be said for losing well.

    12it is a baseball game or an important examination, you can13a lot about a person by now they deal with defeat. The person who deals with defeat as an14blow is not allowing the event to define (定义) him, while someone who cannot15defeat is allowing the event to16his self-worth. In my opinion, when you17in something-though it may be18-look at your opponents in the eyes, and shake their hands in a19way as you say, “Good game!”20to allow the event to define your life. You might find yourself winning the next game.

A、round B、before C、about D、back
A、taught B、met C、defeated D、caught
A、difficult B、easy C、proper D、bad
A、laugh at B、shout at C、knock at D、look at
A、unbelievable B、reasonable C、embarrassing D、challenging
A、loss B、sadness C、disappointing D、failure
A、game B、time C、team D、day
A、text B、limit C、hit D、cost
A、otherwise B、therefore C、besides D、finally
A、child B、player C、adult D、parent
A、course B、rule C、opinion D、lesson
A、As B、Although C、Whether D、Once
A、tell B、get C、argue D、disagree
A、unimportant B、unfortunate C、unnecessary D、unacceptable
A、carry out B、care about C、deal with D、take up
A、disturb B、affect C、order D、remark
A、begin B、end C、lose D、stop
A、certain B、hard C、impossible D、funny
A、immediate B、cold C、friendly D、slow
A、Try B、Fear C、Refuse D、Prepare

One teacher had two students. One of them had a positive vision while the other had the 1 one.

One day, the teacher 2 for a park with both the students and while wandering in the garden, they 3 a mango tree from which some ripe and juicy mangoes were 4 . On seeing this, the teacher thought to 5 both of his students. Then, he asked the first one, "My dear child, what do you think of this mango tree?"

The student answered instantly, "Teacher, in spite of people 6 this tree with stones, it gives us sweet and juicy mangoes. It does 7 but still it gives us fruits. I wish all human beings learn this important 8 from the mango tree-to share their 9 even if they have to suffer for this."

After that, the teacher asked the other student the same question. The student 10 answered, "Teacher, this mango tree is no good and will not give mangoes by itself but only when we hit it with stones and 11 . Therefore, we should hit it hard to get sweet mangoes from it. That is the only way to 12 these mangoes. It is also clear from this tree that in order to get good 13 from others, we need to be violent and only when we become violent, then and only then will we get 14 ."

The teacher was delighted with the answer given by the first student because he had an admirable vision and 15 the tree with positive vision.

