
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Is your TV connected to the Internet? What about your chair, or your fridge? Probably they are not. But in the future, most things in your home may be connected, thanks to the so-called "Internet of things".

    The Internet of things may be coming sooner than you think. Earlier this year, Samsung CEO spent a lot of time talking about the Internet things. He said that three years from now, every Samsung product will be part of the Internet of things, no matter whether it's a remote control or a washing machine.

    So, how do household objects that are part of the Internet of things work? Well, think of a common chair. When connected to the Internet, the chair warms up when it knows the user has just walked into the room and is feeling cold.

    An Internet-connected camera could help people feel safer in their homes. It can know people's faces and has an infrared sensor(红外传感器), so even if it's dark it can see when someone passes by and send you a message on your smart-phone to let you know who's there. If the person is someone you don't know, it can tell you that, too.

    But according to MIT Technology Review, whether companies are connecting dog food bowls or safety systems to the Internet, there may be some problems. For example, many early connected-home objects don't have much built-in security, which means they could be hacked(攻击). Moreover, it could be difficult to get these new machines to work together especially when they are made by different companies. To fight this, many companies have joined the Open Interconnect Consortium, which had 45 members by late 2015.

    So, picture this: you enter your home. The temperature changes to make you feel comfortable. Your favorite music starts playing for you. Do you think that this would be a good thing? It may happen sooner than you think.

(1)、According to Samsung CEO, when will his product be part of the Internet of things?
A、In 2010 B、In 2021 C、In 2031 D、In 2041
(2)、We can infer from paragraphs 3 and 4 that ___________.
A、the chair can know whether the user feels cold or not B、a usual chair can warm up when it knows the user comes in C、an Internet-connected camera can be used to take photos in the house D、an Internet-connected camera can be connected to the user's smart phone
(3)、What does the article mainly talk about?
A、Advantages of living with the Internet B、Disadvantages of living with the Internet C、The coming "Internet of things" D、The impossible "Internet of things"
(4)、Which of the following words best describes the writer's tone(语气)in the article?
A、Doubtful B、Hopeful C、Humorous D、Worried

    The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication. Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution.
    To pollute means to make things unfit or unclean to use. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even eat it. Pollution is beginning to threaten (威胁) our health, our happiness and our life.
    Man has been polluting the earth from the time he first made fire, washed his clothes in the river and threw his waste on the ground. When land was used up or water became dirty, men moved on to another place. At first, the problem was not so serious because there was plenty of clean air, land and water. There weren't so many people then and their wants fewer. All the dirty things could be absorbed(吸收) by nature and soon covered over. But this is no longer true. The increase of pollution and the development of industry(工业) have changed that. Man is slowly poisoning(毒害)not only his environment but also himself.
    Through the use of poison, man has polluted the land, killing the animals. By putting dirty water and chemicals into rivers and lakes we have polluted our drinking water, killing the fish.
Our increasing population is part of the problem. More people, more waste.
     Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world into a big rubbish dump(堆存处),or is there any hope that we can get rid of (摆脱,除去) the pollution? Luckily, millions of people have been warned of the danger of pollution. Large numbers of people are now working hard to bring pollution under control.
    The earth is our home. We must take care of it. This means keeping the land, air and water clean. And we must take care of the rise in pollution at the same time.


    Since the beginning of history, man has been fascinated by the idea of living forever, of winning the fight against death and disease. So far, this has only remained a dream, though a very powerful one. Many people have wondered whether it would be possible to find a way to preserve human bodies, and what would be the best way to preserve human bodies.

    It has long been known that meat or fruit can be kept fresh for long periods by freezing; in ancient China, for example, food was stored with ice to keep it fresh. This method could also be useful for preserving humans, and in fact many people have explored this possibility.

    However, most living beings that exist under warm conditions die when frozen. This is because of the harmful effects of freezing ice crystals, which are not only larger than the volume of the water originally in the cells, but also form sharp cutting shapes that harm the cells.

    In the 1940s Dr B. J. Luyet and a group of scientists in England were working on the problem of freezing cells without damaging them. Since the harm caused by ice crystals was the main cause of the damage, Luyet suggested removing some or all of the water from the cells before freezing them.

    Using living cells from chicken, Luyet and his assistants discovered that they could partly dry the chicken cells, using a mixture of the white part of an egg and glycerin, a clear thick liquid made chiefly from fats and oils. Some success was obtained. The chicken cells were dried, frozen for a period of time, and then carefully unfrozen.

    Almost all the cells recovered when they reached normal temperature. Since then, the cooling of whole animals to a temperature very much below freezing point for later unfreezing has become more of a possibility, and the glycerin method would probably be used to accomplish this. When this can be done completely and successfully, science will have moved much closer to its aim of freezing and storing incurable patients until the day they can be cured.

