
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:真题 难易度:普通




Plastic-Eating Worms

    Humans produce more than 300 million tons of plastic every year. Almost half of that winds up in landfills(垃圾填埋场), and up to 12 million tons pollute the oceans. So far there is no effective way to get rid of it, but a new study suggests an answer may lie in the stomachs of some hungry worms.

    Researchers in Spain and England recently found that the worms of the greater wax moth can break down polyethylene, which accounts for 40% of plastics. The team left 100 wax worms on a commercial polyethylene shopping bag for 12 hours, and the worms consumed and broke down about 92 milligrams, or almost 3% of it. To confirm that the worms' chewing alone was not responsible for the polyethylene breakdown, the researchers made some worms into paste(糊状物) and applied it to plastic films. 14 hours later the films had lost 13% of their mass — apparently broken down by enzymes (酶) from the worms' stomachs. Their findings were published in Current Biology in 2017.

    Federica Bertocchini, co-author of the study, says the worms' ability to break down their everyday food — beeswax — also allows them to break down plastic. "Wax is a complex mixture, but the basic bond in polyethylene, the carbon-carbon bond, is there as well, "she explains, "The wax worm evolved a method or system to break this bond. "

    Jennifer DeBruyn, a microbiologist at the University of Tennessee, who was not involved in the study, says it is not surprising that such worms can break down polyethylene. But compared with previous studies, she finds the speed of breaking down in this one exciting. The next step, DeBruyn says, will be to identify the cause of the breakdown. Is it an enzyme produced by the worm itself or by its gut microbes(肠道微生物)?

    Bertocchini agrees and hopes her team's findings might one day help employ the enzyme to break down plastics in landfills. But she expects using the chemical in some kind of industrial process — not simply "millions of worms thrown on top of the plastic."

(1)、What can we learn about the worms in the study?
A、They take plastics as their everyday food. B、They are newly evolved creatures. C、They can consume plastics. D、They wind up in landfills.
(2)、According to Jennifer DeBruyn, the next step of the study is to            .
A、identify other means of the breakdown B、find out the source of the enzyme C、confirm the research findings D、increase the breakdown speed
(3)、It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the chemical might            .
A、help to raise worms B、help make plastic bags C、be used to clean the oceans D、be produced in factories in future
(4)、What is the main purpose of the passage?
A、To explain a study method on worms. B、To introduce the diet of a special worm. C、To present a way to break down plastics. D、To propose new means to keep eco-balance.

                                                          Music for Humans and Humpback Whales   

    As researchers conclude in Science, the love of music is not only a universal feature of the human species, but is also deeply fixed in complex structures of the human brain, and is far more ancientthan previously suspected.

    In the articles that discuss the field of bio-musicology, the study of the biological basis for the creation and appreciation of music, researchers present various evidence to show that music-making is at once an original human "business", and an art form with skillful performers throughout the animal kingdom.

    The new reports stress that humans hold no copy right on sound wisdom, and that a number of nonhuman animals produce what can rightly be called music, rather than random sound. Recentin-depth analyses of the songs sung by humpback whales show that, even when their organ would allow them to do otherwise, the animals converge on the same choices relating to sounds and beauty, and accept the same laws ofsong composition as those preferred by human musicians, and human ears, everywhere.

    For example, male humpback whales, who spend six months of each year doing little else but singing, use rhythms (节奏) similar to those found in human music and musical phrases of similar length—a few seconds. Whales areable to make sounds over a range of at least seven octaves (八度音阶), yet they tend to move on through a song in beautiful musical intervals, rather than moving forwards madly. They mix thesounds like drums and pure tones in a ratio (比例) which agrees with that heard in much western music. They also usea favorite technique of human singers, the so-called A-B-A form, in which a theme is stated, then developed, and then returned to in slightly revised form.

    Perhaps most impressive, humpback songs contain tunes that rhyme. "This suggests that whales use rhyme in the same way we do: as a technique in poem tohelp them remember complex material," the researchers write.


    Food safety is a problem in all places around the world and people in different areas of the world prepare foods in different ways. The WHO released (发布) five simple rules for preparing food in a safe way. They call these rules the “Five Keys to Safer Food”.

Key 1: Keep clean

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} People should wash their hands often — before touching food and while they are preparing food. People should wash all surfaces and equipment used for preparing food.

Key 2: Separate raw (生的) and cooked

    Raw foods should not touch prepared foods.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Key 3:{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    People should cook eggs and meat especially carefully. These foods may carry more micro-organisms (微生物) than other foods. Food like soup must be boiled for at least a minute to make it be cooked completely. It is also important that people re-heat cooked food completely.

Key 4: Keep food at safe temperatures

    When people are finished with eating, they should keep the left food in a refrigerator below 5℃ and shouldn't store it for too long. At room temperature, about 20℃, the amount of micro-organisms can increase very quickly. But temperatures above 60℃ or below 5℃ control the growth of micro-organisms.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

Key 5: Use safe water and raw materials

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Damaged or old food may develop harmful chemicals as it gets older.

A. Eat healthily

B. Cook completely

C. They can live where we make food

D. This key tells about the importance of washing

E. People should use safe water and choose fresh foods

F. They cannot grow as quickly in a very hot or very cold environment

G. People should use separate equipment and tools for touching and preparing raw foods


    Whatever life threw at us each year, our family had one tradition at Christmas: our dog Pepper opened our presents for us.

    Last year, everyone made it home for a Christmas get-together. However, it couldn't feel perfect because Pepper's health was becoming worse. Her life had already been longer than we expected-she was fourteen-and yet her mind was still sharp. Her love for life made us feel better. But her body could not keep up with her mind.

    Probably it was Pepper's last Christmas, so we decided to make sure she would enjoy it. On Christmas Eve, we each prepared presents for her.

    Soon, Pepper selected her first Christmas gift. She turned the present, just as she was a young dog once more. She pulled the paper off the dog treat before she chewed (咀嚼) it slowly. Our family was so happy.

    Pepper saw the remaining three presents, and then turned to Mom as if asking, “May I open another?”

    “Go ahead, girl!” Mom encouraged.

    For the next few minutes, Pepper opened each of her Christmas presents. While she did, she reminded us of the joy of being together. Our family felt as a whole-not because we were in the same room or city, but because our love brought us together.

    Pepper passed away after Christmas. Her peaceful passing made us tearful. Her passing was also a celebration of life, because she gave my family so much love and laughter.

    I still treasure Pepper's final Christmas gift. She taught me that no matter where we each spend the holidays, the smallest act of sincere giving can unite our family through our love. For me, that knowledge is the longest-lasting gift of all.


    Winter is the perfect time to see Washington in a different light. The crowds have thinned, and those humid 95-degree days are long gone. And the National Zoo is a different experience because of 500,000 bulbs that illuminate the annual Zoo-lights celebration.

    Eco-friendly twinkly lights will decorate zoo walkways, trees and buildings. Sculptures featuring popular zoo residents, including elephants and giant pandas, light up in time to music.

    If walking and watching isn't enough excitement, head to Lion & Tiger Hill, home to a 150-foot-long snow-less tubing run. Rides on the trackless train and the carousel also will be available.

    Don't forget to visit a few of the zoo's real animals. The Kids' Farm, Reptile Discovery Center, Small Mammal House, Think Tank (orangutans) and Great Cats exhibit will be open in the evening. There's no guarantee, however, that the animals will be as lively as the humans in attendance.

    When: Friday to January 1 (except December 24-25), 5 to 9 p.m.

    Where: 3001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, D.C.

    How much: Admission is free; limited parking is $22. Charges for tubing, train rides and carousel rides.

    For more information: A parent can visit nationalzoo.si.edu/events/zoolights.

    More ZooLights celebrations: For those outside of the D.C. area, here are some links to other zoos with similar events (not all are free):

    Columbus Zoo, Ohio: Through January 1.

    Detroit Zoo, Michigan: Through December 31.

    Denver Zoo, Colorado: December 2-January 1.

    Houston Zoo, Texas: Through January 15.


    March1, 2019

    Dear Residents


    Sheet Pile Wall,Rip Rap Protection(抛石护岸) and Spot Repair on SA SU Road between Church and Jimmy Road, Tsawout First Nation. Our File: CPMS 6849

    Beginning April 1, 2019, our community, Tsawout First Nation, will be beginning work on the Shoreline Erosion(侵蚀)Protection project along SA SU Road between Church and Jimmy Road. Workers employed by Donn Mann Excavating and Tsawout First Nation Public Works Department will be onsite working from 7: 00 am until 5: 00 pm daily Monday to Friday until September 30, 2019.


    Traffic Delays -In order to safely and efficiently complete this construction item, there will be some lane(车道)restrictions. Car drivers must follow the polices orders, slow down the speed, and pass the construction area extremely cautiously. The construction item may cause traffic delays. We will make every effort to minimize any potential inconvenience and provide you with the latest notice when disruptions(中断)must occur. Police and emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times.

Truck Traffic -At times you will notice increased truck traffic in the construction area. Please be aware and use extra caution while driving

    Vibration -You may experience some vibration at home during the construction. The shaky motion happens due to the work being done. We recommend that you remove or secure objects on shelves and walls.

    This construction item is part of the Tsawout First Nation Shoreline Erosion Protection project that will be beginning in April 2019 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2019. Please see upcoming newsletters and notices for further updates.

    Thank you for your patience and cooperation


    Rob Mortin

    Tsawout First Nation


    A new Magic Bench designed by Disney Research lets you interact (互动) with lovely animated (动画的) character—and no special glasses or earphones are required. Instead, the complete environment-the seat, the sitter and the cartoon characters-is mirrored on a screen opposite the bench making it possible for others to watch the scene unfold.

    How does the illusion work? A camera and sensor catch images and gather depth information about physical objects the bench and the person. And then computer translates them into the 3D animations. Meanwhile sensors of touch built into the bench deliver shaking that is happening at the same time and speed to animated actions on the screen, creating the illusion that the animated figures are occupying real-world space next to the user.

    "Our goal for this project was: hear a character coming, see them enter the space, and feel them sit next to you," said Moshe Mahler, principal digital artist at Disney Research. Unlike the traditional mobile technology, one of whose limitations is that only a single user can see its illusion, the Magic Bench allows groups of people to gather in a single environment and collectively participate in an augmented—reality (扩充实境) experience, all at the same time.

    In a video show, a small cartoon donkey runs into view and kicks the bench, causing sharp sound and making the seated person jump in surprise. Another test shows two people on the bench, reacting as they feel an animated rabbit skip up beside them and jump up and down. When a user passes his hand over the rabbit, a shadow moves across its head, as though it were occupying the same physical space as the person next to it.

