
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    It's early in the morning and the alarm clock has already rung several times. You have to drag yourself out of bed and rush to school. As a school student, this is probably a common experience for you. But thanks to new rules, many students in Zhejiang and Heilongjiang provinces can now stay in bed longer than before. On Feb 23th, the Zhejiang Department of Education published a new guideline that asks primary schools to start school later. According to the guideline, start times could vary among different grades and seasons, with students in Grade 1 and 2 starting no earlier than 8:30a.m. A similar guideline was announced by the education department in Heilongjiang province on Feb 24th. Since the new term began in March, students from all primary and junior high schools have been required to arrive at school no earlier than 8 a.m. And senior high school students are now required to arrive at school no earlier than 7:30a.m. These changes are aimed at making sure students get adequate sleep and enough time for breakfast.

    According to a 2016 study, only 54.1 percent of students in Grade 4 slept 9 hours or more a night, while the required sleep time for primary students is 10 hours. These changes have received much praise. “I definitely welcome the move, since this will ensure my son has enough time for breakfast, which is important for his health and growth,” a mother from Hangzhou told China Daily. Pushing back school times isn't unique to China. In the United States, schools in at least 21 states began to start school later in 2017. According to a 2015 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, later school start times could help improve students' health and study performance. Just as Mary Carskadon, a sleep expert from Brown University, US, told The Atlantic, “Everybody learns better when they're awake.”

(1)、Which province required students to arrive at school no earlier than 8 o'clock?
A、Heilongjiang B、Hubei C、Zhejiang D、Chongqing
(2)、How long does a primary student need to sleep every day?
A、8 B、9 C、10 D、11
(3)、What does the underlined word “adequate” mean?
A、多余的 B、灵活的 C、充足的 D、困倦的
(4)、Which of the following is not true?
A、Some schools in the United States began to start school later in 2017. B、Later school start times could help improve students' wealth and study performance. C、Starting school later has received much praise. D、Everyone learns better when they're awake.
(5)、What's the main idea of this passage?
A、It's important for students to keep healthy. B、Students should get up early to go to school. C、Students should have enough time to have breakfast. D、It's good for students to start school later.

The Internet has changed the world, people are able to get and share information in seconds. Nowadays, people begin to wonder: Is the Internet good or bad? "It's impossible to answer that question because the Internet means so many things," says psychologist (心理学家) Patricia Greenfield.

Some are truly wonderful. In many ways it makes life easier and simpler. It helps us get things done more quickly. It opens up the world to us. And if a friend lives far away, the Internet makes it easy to stay in touch.

However, the issue (话题)    isn't black and white. Some can become real problems if we don't take care. Spending too much time online is bad to people's health. It may even cause them to be less social with family and friends. Aside from that, some people attack the web or use the Internet to steal others' personal information, even banking information. Most of the young students think the Internet is simply an icon (图标) on the screen(屏幕). Kids won't realize that the Internet is a network of millions of computers until about 10 years old.

The Internet can be a useful tool, but don't let it take up all of your time. Use the Internet properly and carefully and it can make your life more colourful.

