
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    “Pulling your leg ”

A: Fred, is it true that I didn't pass the math test this time?

B:I don't know, Joe! It was a joke!  I was pulling your leg,that's all.

A:Oh,dear. You mean you are kidding.

B:Yes,pardon me.

Good Boy

    Little Robert asked his mother for two cents,“What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?”

    “I gave it to a poor old woman.”He answered.

    “ You are a good boy. ”Said the mother proudly.

    “Here are two more,but why are you so interested in the old woman?”

    “She is the one who sells the candy!”

    New Teacher

    George came back from school on the first of September,“ George,how did you like your new teacher”,asked his mother.“I didn't like her,because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six ,too...”

    A Good Box of Matches

    Mother sent Tommy to the store across the street to buy a good box of matches, when Tommy came back,mother asked him,“Did you buy a good box of matches?”“Yes,mom.”Tommy replied,“I have tried them all..”

(1)、George didn't like his teacher because he thought___________.
A、his teacher wasn't beautiful. B、his teacher's class wasn't interesting. C、His teacher made mistakes often. D、His teacher didn't like him.
(2)、Tommy tried all the matches in order to _________.
A、make his mother happy. B、have fun . C、make sure if they are all good. D、make himself warm.
(3)、According to” Good Boy”,we learned ______________.
A、Little Robert asked his mother for two cents to help the old woman. B、Little Robert liked eating candy. C、Little Robert's mother was very happy at last when she heard his son's words. D、we should help others.
(4)、All of the above are jokes EXCEPT_____.
A、Pulling Your Leg B、Good Boy C、New Teacher D、A Good Box of Matches
(5)、Which of the following is TURE ?
A、Joe didn't pass the math test. B、Little Robert was very kind to the old woman. C、“I was pulling your leg” means “ I was just kidding.” D、Tommy bought a good box of matches for his mother .
 Passage D·

"Military-style" travel has become the latest fashion among Chinese college students, who spend as little money as possible to travel to as many places as they can during the weekend, hardly taking a break or even sleeping.

To save money, they usually catch a normal-speed train on a Friday night, arrive at the destination city on Saturday morning, travel around in the city, sleep at a 24-hour restaurant for a few hours on Saturday, then repeat the same busy schedule on Sunday before returning to their university in time for classes on Monday morning. These young travelersare less concerned with in-depth(深入详尽的) experiences and more focused on checking off popular tourist destinations on their schedule. 

Hu Die, a student at Inne r Mongolia University of Technology, is one such traveler. She put together a 10-day holiday during the recent May Day holiday period and traveled to six cities. 

On April 26, she took a high-speed train to Beijing and then from Beijing to Tai'an, Shandon g Province, to climb Mount Tai. To save money, she spent 4 hours climbing up to the mountaintop rather than using a cable car. After watching the sunrise from it on April 27, she visited Dai Temple at the foot of the mountain. She then went to Jinan in the afternoon, visited Daming Lake and Quancheng Square in the evening, and on the morning of April 28 went to Baotu Spring and Heihu Spring. She traveled to Zibo to enjoy the famous barbecue in the city, went to Yantai and Weihai before May 4, when she arrived in Luoyang, Henan Province. There, she visited the Longmen Grottoes and then returned to her school on May 5.

Most people can hardly imagine how she traveled extensively in only 10days. "We do not think we are doing something ‘crazy' or ‘amazing'. We are young and energetic enough to experience such a tight travel schedule, "she said. "Moreover, when you travel with your friends, you are happy and you do not feel tired. "

Videos of them taking such trips have been posted on social media platforms, such as TikTok, Red, with much praise for their energetic spirit and high ability to achieve their plans. Others, however, question whether such a busy schedule is healthy. 

