
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    For me personally, I could write for days about many different situations where adversity (逆境)1my life. Now let me tell you one experience where I almost let adversity2.

    We had a glass studio, which was located 50 feet from our home. A couple of years ago we experienced an 3winter; we had a lot of snow and ice. The4of the ice and snow5the roof on our studio, taking with it one of our sources of income.6it did fall down, we got on the roof and tried to 7the snow and ice, but when you have 5 feet of ice and temperatures of minus 20 Celsius, it was pretty8to do.

    We had a partner come in to help us try to9the roof by supporting. In the end, there was 10that could be done. The roof came down. We had moved a lot of our goods and tools from the studio11 we lost a lot also: glass, kilns, work benches, to name only a few of the items. It was a 12experience.

    Here we were in the middle of winter with our studio collapsed. We couldn't work as we had almost 13all the material in a building we were not using. We could have done one of two things: we could simply say that we can no longer 14 our glass business. Let me tell you that this was certainly a thought that15our mind. Or we could find a way to get our studio back up and running.

    We picked the16option. We had a large barn that we were not using. So we renovated (翻新) the barn17our working area and today we have a nicer studio than we 18 had. If the adversity we were19had not happened, we probably would20be working in the old studio—a studio that was less efficient.

A、promoted B、influenced C、destroyed D、prevented
A、suffer B、win C、escape D、work
A、awful B、awesome C、agreeable D、awkward
A、size B、height C、temperature D、weight
A、pressed B、limited C、collapsed D、struck
A、Unless B、Before C、Although D、When
A、replace B、reduce C、recycle D、remove
A、worthwhile B、rewarding C、tough D、annoying
A、examine B、test C、restore D、secure
A、nothing B、enough C、all D、something
A、for B、but C、or D、so
A、disastrous B、valid C、vain D、treasured
A、displayed B、arranged C、piled D、presented
A、predict B、quit C、instruct D、conduct
A、approached B、crossed C、cleared D、comforted
A、former B、latter C、easier D、further
A、redesigned B、evaluated C、organized D、reserved
A、desperately B、hopefully C、eventually D、previously
A、cautious about B、concerned about C、faced with D、aware of
A、ever B、already C、still D、even

    Frederick Albert is not a name you will find in a history book. It is,1, the name of a German farmer who was such a hero in Reynoldsburg, Ohio during the Great Depression that people there2 him a lot. He was also my great-grandfather.

    Although my great-grandfather died before I was born, he has had a 3 influence on my life. I always hear stories about his4. My favorite one that my mother has often told me brings 5 to my eyes as I'm so moved.

In 1935, my great-grandfather planted watermelons for extra money. To cut6, he always saved the seeds for the next season. While 7 supplies at the feed store(饲料店) one fall morning, my great-grandfather learned of a young girl who was ill with kidney(肾) disease. Her mother had 8 from a local amateur doctor that watermelon seeds could be crushed(压碎) into tea to help 9 her daughter, she 10 my great-grandfather and asked if she could have some of his watermelon seeds. Without hesitation, my great-grandfather gave all his watermelon seeds to the mother — he was such a(n)11 man.

    Unfortunately, all the watermelon tea in the world could not 12 the child and with winter's first snowfall, she died. The girl's mother remained 13 to my great-grandfather and his family. News of the child's death spread, and so did the story of my great-grandfather's 14 and kindness. Many local farmers 15 him with free watermelon seeds.

    In my eyes, my great-grandfather is a real hero 16 he followed his heart and did what was best for others. Although he was a poor man monetarily(在金钱上), he was17 in the love he gave to others and the 18 he received.

    Whenever I find myself in19 or confusing situations, I will remember his story. I smile with 20 when I follow his wisdom.

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    As a banker, Chip Paillex had never planted so much until he moved to rural Pittstown, New Jersey, seven years ago. 1by farms, he quickly became interested in growing and rented a 30-by-30-foot land. One weekend, he 2tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant—enough to feed his family for the summer.

He ended up with so much 3that he couldn't give it away. Thus he founded a local food 4, and by the time he delivered his last5, he had 6120 pounds of fresh vegetables.

    The following year, with a handful of 7from his church and a memorable name “America's Grow-a-Row”, Paillex planted,8,and harvested 2,500 pounds of vegetables, all of which he donated to food banks. Later he had more volunteers, rented more land and donated more vegetables.

    Paillex also 9 local school kids. On a 10Friday morning in May, 40 third and fifth graders trooped onto a freshly plowed field, each 11with a spade. Squatting or kneeling in teams of two, they loosened the dirt, then carefully12the plants .Several rows later, they eagerly lined up to seed corn under a hot mid-morning sun. Nobody 13.

    “The 14makes kids know there are people 15, says Paillex, “and it plants the seed for giving back. When they become tomorrow's 16, it will be much more possible for them to 17 their coworkers and employees to get 18 in something like this.

    “Paillex makes people want to 19,” says Colleen Duerr, a mother of two who has signed on as an 20“Grow-a-Row” member. “And families love this. Pallex has given us a way to raise our kids with a giving heart.”

