
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通




        Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-fiStarring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Michelle Monaghan

        Plot: When aliens(外星人) misunderstand video information of classic games as a declaration of war, they attack the Earth in the from of the video games.

        Showing: Friday--Thursday: 12:40 PM, 2:40 PM, 4:40 PM, 6:40 PM, 8:40 PM

Fantastic Four

        Genre: Action, Crime, Drama

        Starring: Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jorden, Jaime Bell

       Plot: Four young outsiders teleport(远距离传送) to a dangerous universe which changes their physical from in shocking ways. The four must learn their new abilities and work together to save the Earth from a former friend turned enemy.

      Showing: Friday--Saturday: 12:50 PM, 2:55 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:10 PM, 7:10 PM, 8:25 PM, 9:15 PM, 10:25 PM

Tempting Fate

      Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller

     Starring: Trinitee Stokes, Ramsey Nouah, Nicholas Alexander

     Plot: Edu and Ugo are brothers of the same blood with different interests. One is gentle and talented while the other is quite the opposite. Ugo is trapped in a life of crime in which death may be the only way out.

     Showing: Friday--Thursday: 2:00 PM, 6:00 PM, 8:00 PM


      Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller

     Starring: Paddy Wallace, Parker Sawyers, Bashar Rahal

     Plot: A Foreign Service Officer in London tries to prevent a terrorist attack set to hit New York, but is forced to go on the sun when she is framed for crimes she did not commit.

     Showing: Friday--Thursday: 2:40 PM, 7:00 PM, 9:00 PM

(1)、Why do aliens in Pixels attack the Earth?
A、Because they want to control the Earth through video games B、Because they have found humans teleporting to their world C、Because they think the Earth declares war on them D、Because they want to start a terrorist attack
(2)、What can we learn about the four young people in Fantastic Four?
A、They fight together against an enemy who was once their friend. B、They are forced to run away for crimes they didn't commit C、They themselves change their physical from to survive D、They are brothers from one family with different interests
(3)、If you want to go to the cinema at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, you can choose to watch      .
A、Fantastic Four B、Survivor C、Pixels D、Tempting Fate

    Young people frequently say that they want to exercise, but they just can't find the time.

    The solution just might be in-office interval training.

    Recent studies show that very short but intense exercise rapidly builds and maintains fitness and health, even when the workout is only a few minutes long.

    Work the stairs

    You can complete an excellent, effective — and very brief — workout in an office stairwell, says Martin Gibala, a professor of kinesiology at McMaster University in Canada and an expert on interval training.

    For a study that he and his colleagues presented earlier this year, they asked 12 out-of-shape women in their 20s to warm up for two minutes by slowly walking up and down stairs in a campus office building.

    They completed three of these abbreviated stair workouts per week for six weeks.

    By the end, their aerobic fitness had improved substantially, the researchers reported, by about as much as if they had been running or cycling each week for hours.

    Fidget your way to fitness.

    Parents and teachers may once have urged you to sit still, but wiggling, tapping your toes, standing briefly, and otherwise fidgeting as much as possible at your desk is in fact good for your body.

    In one recent study, college students showed healthier blood flow in their lower legs if they fidgeted than if they did not.

    Even better, a 2008 study found that among office workers, those who frequently fidgeted burned as many as 300 calories more each day than those who resolutely stayed still.


    The Things Successful People Do Differently

    Why have you been so successful in reaching some of your goals, but not others? If you aren't sure, you are far from alone in your confusion. It turns out that even brilliant, highly accomplished people are pretty lousy when it comes to understanding why they succeed or fail. The intuitive(直觉的) answer--that you are born with certain talents and lacking in others--is really just one small piece of the puzzle. In fact, decades of research on achievement suggests that successful people reach their goals not simply because of who they are, but more often because of what they do.

    1)Get specific.

    When you set yourself a goal, try to be as specific as possible. “Lose 5 pounds” is a better goal than “lose some weight,” because it gives you a clear idea of what success looks like. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve keeps you motivated until you get there. Also, think about the specific actions that need to be taken to reach your goal. Just promising you'll “eat less” or “sleep more” is too vague--be clear and precise. “I'll be in bed by 10pm on weeknights” leaves no room for doubt about what you need to do, and whether or not you've actually done it.

    2)Seize the moment to act on your goals.

    To seize the moment, decide in advance when and where you will take each action you want to take. Again, be as specific as possible (e.g., “If it's Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, I'll work out for 30 minutes before work.”) Studies show that this kind of planning will help your brain to detect and seize the opportunity when it arises, increasing your chances of success by roughly 300%.

    3)Know exactly how far you have left to go.

     Achieving any goal also requires honest and regular monitoring of your progress--if not by others, then by you yourself. If you don't know how well you are doing, you can't adjust your behavior or your strategies accordingly. Check your progress frequently--weekly, or even daily, depending on the goal.


    Pacific Science Center Guide

    Visit Pacific Science Center's Store

    Don't forget to stop by Pacific Science Center's Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or souvenir to remember your visit. The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laser Dome.


    Our exhibits will feed your mind, but what about your body? Our café offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The café is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes.

    Rental Information

    Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required.

    Support Pacific Science Center

    Since 1962, Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology. Today, Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. It's an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. Visit pacificsciencecenter.org to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.


    China's college graduates are leaving first-tier cities(一线城市)for second-tier ones, according to the annual College Graduates' Employment Report issued on Monday.

    The report said that 22.3 percent of college graduates last year chose to work in first-tier cities—Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen—down 1.3 percentage points from 2016 and 5.9 percentage points from 2013. In 2017, 21.7 percent of college graduates chose to leave first-tier cities after working there for three years, up 2.5 percentage points from 2016 and 8 percentage points from 2015.

    The report also found that leading second-tier cities are attracting more recent graduates. Around 35.6 percent of college graduates who chose to work in the top 10 second-tier cities such as Hangzhou, Chengdu and Wuhan, were from other regions in 2017, up 3.6 percentage points from the previous year.

    The report was based on a survey of 306,000 graduates from 30 provinces and regions. It was released by MyCOS, an education consulting and research institute in Beijing.

    Wang Boqing, founder of MyCOS, said large populations, traffic jam, smog, increasing property prices and great difficulty in obtaining permanent residence(居住), or hukou in Chinese, have brought high pressure to life in first-tier cities for college graduates, which gives second-tier cities an opportunity to attract talented workers.

    Second-tier cities have rolled out a series of policies to attract university graduates, which include favorable treatment to obtain hukou, as well as housing and government subsidies(津贴), he said. Wuhan, Hubei Province, has planned to build affordable housing for university graduates, and allow graduates to buy or rent apartments at a discount of at least 20 percent of the market price.

    Chu Zhaohui, a senior researcher at the National Institute of Education Sciences, however, said that the governments of such cities should notice that welfare(福利), housing and money can attract people in a short time. “Professionals aim mainly at prospects(前景)for career development rather than just benefits,” Chu said, adding that those cities should maintain their advantages, such as low cost of living and nicer environments, to keep their appeal. The cities should provide more opportunities for employment that are similar to those in first-tier cities, he said.


    Feeling blue about the world? “Cheer up.” says science writer Matt Ridley. “The world has never been a better place to live in, and it will keep on getting better both for humans and for nature.”

    Ridley calls himself a rational optimist—rational, because he's carefully weighed the evidence; optimistic, because that evidence shows human progress to be both unavoidable and good. And this is what he's set out to prove from a unique point of view in his most recent book, The Rational Optimist. He views mankind as a grand enterprise that, on the whole, has done little but progress for 100,000 years. He backs his findings with hard facts gathered through years of research.

    Here's how he explains his views.

    1) Shopping fuels invention

    It is reported that there are more than ten billion different products for sale in London alone. Even allowing for the many people who still live in poverty, our own generation has access to more nutritious food, more convenient transport, bigger houses, better cars, and, of course, more pounds and dollars than any who lived before us. This will continue as long as we use these things to make other things. The more we specialize and exchange, the better off we'll be.

    2)Brilliant advances

    One reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer­lived and freer than ever before is that the four most basic human needs—food, clothing, fuel and shelter—have grown  a lot cheaper. Take one example. In 1800 a candle providing one hour's light cost six hours' work.  In the 1880s the same light from an oil lamp took 15 minutes' work to pay for.  In 1950 it was eight seconds. Today it's half second.

    3) Let's not kill ourselves for climate change

    Mitigating (减轻) climate change could prove just as damaging to human welfare as climate change itself.  A child that dies from indoor smoke in a village, where the use of fossil­fuel (化石燃料) electricity is forbidden by well­meaning members of green political movements trying to save the world, is just as great a tragedy as a child that dies in a flood caused by climate change. If climate change proves to be mild, but cutting carbon causes real pain, we may well find that we have stopped a nose­bleed by putting a tourniquet (止血带) around our necks.

