
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned twelve, a bunch of white gardenia (栀子花) was delivered to my house. No card or note came with it.1to the flower shops were not helpful at all—it was a cash2.After a while I stopped trying to 3who the sender was and just delighted in the beauty and perfume of the white flowers in soft pink paper.

    But I never4 imagining who the sender might be. Some of my 5moments were spent daydreaming about it. My mother6to these imaginings. She would ask me whether there was someone for whom I had done a(n)7kindness and said that he/ she might be showing 8. Perhaps the neighbor I helped when she was9 a car full of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man10the street whose mail I helped to get during the 11so he wouldn't have to risk down his icy steps. As a young girl12 I tended to guess that it might be a boy who had noticed me a long time 13I didn't know him.

    One month before my high school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from grief to abandonment and fear. He was 14some of the most important events in my life. And I became completely15 in my upcoming dance in my graduation ceremony.

    The day before my father died, my mother and I had gone shopping for a dress. We'd found a splendid one, but it was the wrong size. When my father died, I16about the dress. My mother didn't. The day before the graduation ceremony, I found that beautiful dress, in the right size, on the sofa. I didn't17whether I had a new dress or not, but my mother did. She wanted her children to feel18and lovable, believing that there was a magic in the world and19in the face of hard times. In truth, Mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia—lovely20 and perfect with perhaps a bit of mystery.

    My mother passed away ten days after I was married. I was 22. That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.

A、Calls B、Quarrels C、Messages D、Complaints
A、service B、deal C、bargain D、offer
A、recognize B、imagine C、clarify D、discover
A、tried B、stopped C、succeeded D、enjoyed
A、saddest B、worst C、happiest D、loneliest
A、devoted B、occurred C、assisted D、contributed
A、special B、common C、valuable D、important
A、concern B、attitude C、interest D、appreciation
A、repairing B、washing C、unloading D、starting
A、across B、through C、over D、onto
A、spring B、summer C、autumn D、winter
A、however B、besides C、therefore D、otherwise
A、only if B、even though C、so that D、as if
A、considering B、attending C、missing D、arranging
A、absorbed B、uninterested C、discouraged D、disappointed
A、lost B、hated C、forgot D、expected
A、suspect B、believe C、care D、realize
A、contented B、respected C、supported D、loved
A、trouble B、beauty C、challenge D、struggle
A、strong B、cautious C、splendid D、fortunate

    Mr. West wanted to buy his wife a Christmas present, but he was always very1, so he was never able to find time to go to the shop. At last, when it was the week2 Christmas, and the shops were very crowded, he decided that he could not 3any longer. He worked in an office, and 4had lunch in a restaurant, but one day he bought some sandwiches, ate them 5 and went out to a big shop near his 6 during his lunch hour.

    The shop was full of women, who were also buying 7during their lunch hour. Mr. West stood 8at the edge of the crowd of9 who were pushing forward to try to get to the people who were10 necklaces and earrings. He tried to move forwards slowly, taking his turn with the others, but more and more women were11into the shop the whole time and pushing selfishly(自私地) 12 him. After half an hour, he was just as13from the people who were selling the necklaces as he had been when he came in, and his lunch hour was coming to 14 , so he decided to change his 15 of doing things: he put his head down, gave a sudden loud shout and started to 16his way towards the 17of the crowd as hard as he could.

    The women around him became very 18when they saw what he was doing, and began to scold(责备) him. “Why can't you behave(做事) like a 19 ?” they shouted.

    “Ladies,” he answered them, “I have been behaving like a gentleman for the past half an hour, and it has got me20, so now I am starting to behave like a lady.


    Since my childhood, I always dreamed of becoming a full - time writer. Two years after my graduation, I 1my job and made up my mind to realize my 2.

    No one could tell me 3I would succeed or not. I rented a cold storage room in a building, set up a used desk and4 to write. I had too many things to write and I had to write because the5was full of my heart.

    After a year or so, however, I began to doubt myself. I found it6to earn my living by selling what I wrote. I can't remember how many times my novels were7during that year. But I8to put my dream to the test—even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of9I believed anyone with a dream must learn to struggle for the10 .

    During the most difficult period of my life, one of my classmates came to see me and tried to 11me, “Yun, come to our company, and we will 12you 2,000 yuan a month.” 2,000 yuan was really a big13at that time. It would enable me to live14As the money were dancing in my 15, something cleared my senses. Hadn't I dreamed of being a writer A full - time writer.

    “Thanks, but no,” I said16 , “I'm going to stick to writing.”

    Again and again, I said to myself, “I will be17. People will love my novels.”

    Finally my first novel was 18 in 1991. I had the kind of fame and success that few writers ever 19.

    Twenty years have passed, but the effect it had on my life has lasted. Now I often20the time working in that cold storage room. I will say, “Anyone with a dream, courage and persistence will be successful.”


    The depression(经济大萧条) was coming to an end and Mum had a(n)1 time raising us kids on her own. Christmas was 2, and we received some money for Christmas. Mum said that 3 buying food, she would use the money to pay back rent. Unknown to Mum, I had been doing tough and odd jobs(零工)to earn enough money to buy myself new4.

    The big day came on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. I was very 5, as I hurried up the road to catch the bus. But on the way, I 6 a house with Christmas lights and decorations. It was then that I realized that at our house, we had 7 for Christmas. I felt sad and I was feeling a strange8 of guilt. Here I was going to buy a new pair of boots 9 Mum would be trying to explain to us why there were no presents.

    I went into a grocery store and bought a turkey, ham, oranges and all the Christmas 10. I 11 every penny of my12 money. I asked two boys to 13 them to our house. I 14 for the delivery boys to quietly 15 the groceries on the porch and pile them 16 the door. Once they had done this, I knocked on the door. I could hardly 17 to see my mother's face! When Mum opened the door, some of the groceries18 inside onto the floor, and she just stood there dumbfounded. 19 the tears, I yelled," Merry Christmas Mother!! There really is a Santa Claus!"

    I had a lot of 20 as we unpacked all the food. That day I got enough hugs and kisses from Mum. It was a Merry Christmas for us after all!


Be a Traveler, not a Tourist

    Last summer, I had just enough money saved to buy a golden ticket—a 3-month train pass that would take me to the furthest reaches of Europe. Excited for my journey, I packed all the necessities —except the 1.

    While the convenience of the Internet was definitely a contributing factor to my 2 not to take with me the few expensive kilograms of out-of-date information, this was not the only reason why I decided to fly alone.

    To be honest, my main 3 with the guidebook is that I find it 4 the pleasure of a journey—like bossy aunt who is always telling you what to do, 5 she doesn't always know what is the best.

    Experience has taught me that there is an obvious 6 between a tourist and traveler.

    While waiting in a queue, I met a man who had a checklist. He showed me his list of “Top 20 Things To Do in Italy” and 7 off in a loud American accent that he'd seen everything Italy has to offer in just four days.

    The problem I had with this man's 8 to travelling was that he was too 9 information provided by his guidebook. He was lost in the 10 attractiveness of the “must-sees” and 11 to all the wonders and adventures that might happen during the 12 trip.

    So, 13 any  guidebook,  I  traveled  to  Estonia,  the  tiny  Baltic  country bordering Russia. In the 14 of advance plans as guidebooks would suggest, I had no choice but to turn to some friendly faces for advice. I 15 myself first and then asked them what was happening around the town. When this 16 an invitation to a beautiful Estonian home by a river where I 17 a 110-degree wood-stove sauna(桑拿浴), 18 picked forest-mushrooms and the good 19 of our five newly-found Estonian friends, I was most glad that I had left my “bossy 20” at home.

