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题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    It's a sadness shared by many business start-ups: why did my company fail, while so many others seem to be profiting from the “golden age of entrepreneurship (创业精神)”?

    Some people argue that opportunities and good fortune are the secrets to success. But Innovation Works CEO Kaifu Lee believes that entrepreneurs need to have certain qualities to help them face the difficulties of starting a business. At a recent LinkedIn conference, Lee mentioned some of these qualities.

    “Even though we're now in a golden period for innovation and start-ups, not everyone is meant to be an entrepre- neur. Entrepreneurs share the same qualities — they are confident, communicative and focused. They don't fear losing, and they are good at learning,”he said.

    Lee explained that he often meets young people who are irresolute about setting up a business.“ If that's the case for you then don't do so,” he said at the conference. The bottom line, he said, is that entrepreneurs should be determined and passionate.

    Passion is vital to entrepreneurs since it typically relates to self-motivation, according to Li Jun, 26, founder of Wuhan Lushenglin Plant Wall Co Ltd. “Entrepreneurs often need to work around the clock. It's easier for people to put up with the difficult schedule if they're passionate about what they're doing,” he said.

    Entrepreneurs are also generally thought of as risk-takers. But Yu Xiuhong, general secretary of the Bright China foundation, warns that young entrepreneurs should not take too many risks. “Successful entrepreneurs rarely take risks blindly or jump at opportunities others avoid. Before launching a business, it's advisable to do market research, evaluate yourself and your opponents,” she said.

    Also she advises that young people thoroughly calculate their expenses in advance. Take Li Dongjin as an example, 35-year-old long-term entrepreneur disappeared a week ago after his O2O car washing company failed disastrously. He had gotten an initial investment of 5 million yuan but wasted it all on allowance and publicity.

(1)、Which of the following is not the quality of an entrepreneur according to Kaifu Lee?
A、Confidence. B、Determination. C、Leadership    skill. D、Learning ability.
(2)、What did Li Jun say about entrepreneurs?
A、They can't be motivated without enthusiasm. B、They shouldn't complain about their tight .schedule. C、They should have an urge to improve themselves. D、They may suffer health problems due to heavy work loads.
(3)、What has the closest meaning with the underlined word “irresolute” in Paragraph 4?
A、Delighted. B、Hesitant. C、Anxious. D、Sure.
(4)、What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A、Yu Xiuhong regrets jumping at opportunities before. B、Li Dongjin is a failure for lack of adventurous spirit. C、Li Dongjin shouldn't have started a car washing company. D、Yu Xiuhong believes it a must to think twice before taking risks.

    For many years, scholars have regarded My Mortal Enemy as somewhat of an enigma. Written in only a few months during the early spring of 1925 and published in 1926, Willa Cather's shortest novel was sandwiched in between The Professor's House (1925) and Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927). While the subject matter of these latter two works can be traced to Cather's experience in the desert Southwest, My Mortal Enemy seemingly has nothing to do with these subjects or her Nebraska roots; it appears to have come out of nowhere, puzzling those who have tried to fit this rather irregular work into a logical progression of Cather's artistic development. The question of what caused Cather to write such a novel at this point in her career, for example, has still not been answered definitively. One commonly held hypothesis (假说) was first voiced by Marcus Klein, who in his 1961 introduction to the novel wrote that for Cather, “The story of Myra Henshawe must have been a personal crisis”. Klein, though, acknowledged that he could not prove his theory, “because there is available no record other than the novel”. Emmy Stark Zitter has recently argued that in My Mortal Enemy and Sapphira and the Slave Girl(1940) Cather exercises the autobiographical impulse (冲击) by putting details of her own life into her fiction, but, like Klein, she is unable to name which “details” of her life Cather drew on in writing My Mortal Enemy.

    As hinted (暗示) in the above statements by Klein and Zitter, much of the general uncertainty about the meaning of My Mortal Enemy can be traced to the absence of a persuasive theory as to who the real-life models for the novel's characters were and what Cather's relationship to them was. Cather herself wrote in a 1940 letter that, in James Woodress's paraphrase, “she had known Myra's real-life model very well, and the portrait drawn in the story was much as she remembered her”; Cather also added that the woman had died fifteen years before My Mortal Enemy was published, and that many relatives of this model later wrote to her to say that they recognized the “real” Myra from her description in the novel. Given such hints and Cather's liking for drawing on her experiences in Nebraska for characters, settings, and plots, it is quite understandable that scholars have thus looked to Red Cloud and Lincoln for possible sources of the people and events depicted in My Mortal Enemy.

    In light of the evidence presented in this article, though, I believe that Cather intended her comments about the model for Myra Henshawe to serve as red herrings (转移注意力的言语) that would protect her relationship with the couple who were the prototypes (原型) for the Henshawes, both of whom were still alive in 1925. Mark Madigan has recently confirmed how Cather in 1905 had to hold off publishing “The Profile (传略)” because of fears that the main character might recognize herself and commit suicide, and twenty years later Cather would have been well aware of how her description of the Henshawes might have affected both the real-life wife (who died in 1929) and husband (who died in 1949) if they had recognized themselves. It is my argument that the Henshawes were modeled after people Cather knew not in Nebraska but rather in New York: S. S. and Hattie McClure. Myra's uncle, John Driscoll, was modeled after Hattie's father, Professor Albert Hurd.

    Possibly most important, identifying the Henshawes as the McClures allows us to more conclusively identify Cather herself with Nellie Birdseye. Nellie and Cather, both Midwestern onlookers and recorders, experienced four distinct stages in their relationships with the Henshawes and the McClures (especially with S. S.) My Mortal Enemy, I believe, was an extended attempt by Cather to deal with certain aspects of her own past and to move on in a world stripped of romantic illusion.


    Fort Scott High School English teacher Emily Rountree has been working this semester to raise money for Charity Water, a nonprofit organization that uses 100 percent public donations to help fund water projects in places without access to clean drinking water. Her goal was to motivate her students to use their writing in class to make a real-world difference. Twelve students got top grades for the project, and their articles will be published both in The Tribune and online. Here is one example:

    Did you know that there are many countries around the world that dont have access to safe drinking water? Just think: that could be you, or someone in your family. My name is Tanner Johnson, and I attend Fort Scott High School. In my English classes, we are trying to raise money for Charity Water. Charity Water is an organization that helps people get water in countries where there is no safe drinking water.

    In developing countries, 780 million people dont have access to clean drinking water. In Africa alone, people spend 40 billion hours every year just walking to get water. Women and children are the ones that mainly do the walking. They could be attacked or get hurt while they travel to get water. When they do get home, the water that they have brought is unsafe water from swamps, ponds, or rivers. If they had safe drinking water, they wouldnt have to worry about these problems, and they wouldnt be wasting hours of their day. Unsafe drinking water causes many different kinds of diseases that could lead to death.

    You could help save someones life, by donating $20 so we can help get them some safe drinking water. You can easily donate online at mycharitywater.org/fshsenglish, or you can send a check to Emily Rountree, payable to Fort Scott High School. If we dont help these people, then who will?


    On a cloudless summer day, 13-year-old Charlie Finlayson was ready for a long hike with his father, David.

    Around noon, David was inching his way across a cliff 800 feet above the valley, searching for a line of cracks that would lead them to the top. Charlie stood on a rock a dozen yards to the right as he fed rope to his dad. Reaching up, David missed his step. In the next moment, he heard a sharp crack from above as something larger broke loose.

    When Charlie saw his father sailing through the air alongside the huge rocks that had struck him, he pulled the rope fiercely.

    “Tell me it's OK,” Charlie begged, struggling to control his fear.

    “I think I broke my leg,” David told him. “And we must get off this mountain.” He proposed a plan: Charlie would lower David half a rope length at a time, then lower himself to the same level, and at a new place, begin again.

    As hours passed, they came to the base of the cliff, and David was shaking with cold and exhaustion.

    Worried that David would die if he fell asleep, Charlie kept the conversation going; they talked about past travels. Eventually Charlie allowed himself to catnap, checking on his father each time he awoke. When the sun rose on their camp, Charlie was relieved to see that his father was awake.

    Just after dawn, Charlie headed off on the trail toward the volunteers' cabin 12 miles away, bringing back a helicopter that would carry his father to safety.

    “Charlie's as strong as anyone I know,” says his father, “I'm so proud of him.”


    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (儿科学) just released its updated guidelines for children's media use.

    The recommendations reflect what all parents know: children need less screen time, which indicates that they desperately need more free time to develop their imagination, a sense of wonder and discover their passion and purpose.

    Our children are over-stimulated, over-scheduled and under pressure to perform academically and beyond school. This weakens their ability to build creative thinking skills essential to self-discovery. Creativity occurs when kids have time for curiosity and exploration. With children spending up to eight hours a day on media devices and additional hours engaging in scheduled activities, opportunities for growth disappear.

    What we are not so sure about is how to get our kids to want the free, screenless time which we know will benefit them. It may sound counter-intuitive (违背直觉的) but today's kids need coaching to experience and discover the benefits of free time.

What came to parents easily a few decades ago has become a challenge for our generation. It's not that yesterday's parents knew more about child development; they simply had fewer choices. Boredom and relaxation were an inescapable part of daily life. Today, they mean, "I'm a bad parent and not doing enough to get my kid ahead."

    Recently, I had an eye-opening revelation while watching my 11-year-old daughter play in a softball game. I have six children and have attended dozens of such game. I know the drill—or thought I did. Families settled in for the day with lawn chairs, cold drinks and cousins. These brothers and sisters would gradually chat with each other. Games of catch and hide-and-seek began, and friendships were formed then. At crucial moments, the newfound friends turned their attention to the field to cheer on their teams.

    But that wasn't happening. Though there were at least 15 children by the sidelines (球场边线), I didn't hear any of them. They sat in silence using their individual tablets (平板电脑). Even with the score tied in the final inning (垒球比赛的一局), not a single child watched the game or spoke to each other. The situation was strange and revealing: Kids have more planned activities and passive entertainment at their fingertips than ever before, but less free time to dream, imagine and focus on what they truly love.

I understand that making time for "nothing" is difficult in a world where we are constantly worried our kids will fall behind if they aren't good at academics. But I refuse to sit back and watch this loss of childhood. We are taking back childhood. Imagination needs time and space to blossom.

If your kids are like mine, asking them to imagine will at the beginning be difficult. That's because they haven't developed the skills and muscle memory to make it second nature. I hope the AAP guidelines prompt all of us to set needed screen time limits for our children. Personally, I am practicing strategies to "develop imagination" in my children. Imagination, like a sport, requires practice, training, motivational speeches, rewards and extreme patience.


    It is a popular Internet thing to focus on the upside of being in your 30s, and it is nice to know how to do basic modern-human-being things like paying your taxes and cooking a simple meal. But it can be a less-encouraging story at work: People in their late 20s to early 40s tend to report lower levels of job satisfaction and higher levels of emotional exhaustion than other age groups, according to new research.

    There's an obvious reason: These tend to be the ages when people have young children at home, and the researchers did find that this group reported feeling increasingly crunched for time. But adding to that pressure, coworker support also tends to decline at this age. Some researchers interpret the findings:

    Support from co-workers probably decreases in midlife as peers compete for limited resources(promotion bottlenecks are often encountered during this career stage. Also, whereas younger co-workers are often hungry to make up new social networks, and older workers seek identity-affirming work experiences in their remaining tenure(任期), mid lifers find it demanding enough just to maintain existing social networks. Meanwhile, time pressure likely increases as colleagues are all trying to enrich their own knowledge and experience.

    But the good news is that after about a decade of struggle, things start to pick back up again. Occupational psychologists say that happiness at work recovers when people reach their 40s, and that people in their 50s are more satisfied with their jobs than any other age group. Hang in there, 30-somethings-soon you will be older, but at least work will meet less frustration(挫折)!


    I have an interest in photography and follow many photography Instagram accounts. Just like me, a friend of mine has a similar interest. The only difference is that he is a traveller and has taken hundreds of beautiful photos. He is really talented.

    Having returned from one trip, he shared some of his latest photos. Blown away by the images, I asked him why he hadn't started his own Instagram account of shots.

    “It's hard to start when there are already so many other websites devoted to travel photography with thousands of followers”, he explained. “What if I don't get any followers or what if people don't like my shots?”

    “Yet how will you ever know if you don't try?” I asked.

    He just shrugged and quickly changed the subject. I knew this feeling well. The feeling of self-doubt.

    That was when I was ten years old. I participated in a guitar competition. My grandfather helped me write a short speech to address the crowd and judges. But as the competition began, doubt consumed me and questions flooded my head. I thought to myself, “If I do say the speech, will the other girls laugh at me? Will the judges think I'm being silly for doing my own talk?”

    Then with a shake in my voice I said, “My name is Heidi Ceci. I live in St. Catharines and I play the guitar.” Nothing more... and nothing less.

    But the next girl walked up to the microphone and actually said a speech. I just stared at her in complete disbelief. No one seemed to be judging her for doing something different. In fact, they applauded louder for her than any other girl.

    From then on, I never let fear and doubt rule my decisions. Whatever happens, I always take chances and have a try.

