
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Every day, Americans throw away 500 million plastic straws, enough to circle the Earth twice. They are almost never recycled, and simply contribute to the great problem of plastic pollution; eight million tons of plastic is dumped into the oceans every year.

    Plastic straws are now the target of a growing movement to reduce their use. Possibly the first of such campaigns, Be Straw Free was started in 2011 by Milo Cress, who was only nine years old at the lime.

"I noticed that whenever I ordered a drink at a restaurant, it would usually come with a straw in it, and I don' I usually need a straw," he said. "This seemed like a huge waste. Straws are made of oil, a precious and finite resource. Is making single - use plastic straws, which will be used for a matter of minutes before being tossed away, really what we want to do with this resource?"

    Cress started asking restaurants in Burlington, Vermont, where he lived at the time, to stop providing straws automatically to customer and make them optional instead. Many agreed and his request made ripples (涟漪) nationwide. The restaurants that make the switch report a reduction in the number of straws they use between 50 and 80%.

    The anti - straw sentiment has crossed borders into the UK, where straws have been included in a government plan to ban ail plastic waste by 2042.

Last year large pub chain Wetherspoons announced that it would replace plastic straws with paper alternatives across 900 outlets. After the announcement, many smaller chains and pubs across the country followed suit. According to Wetherspoons CEO John Hutson, the move will save 70 million plastic straws a year and the reaction from patrons has been "very positive".

Offering alternatives or making plastic straws optional, rather than banning them completely, is a common trait among these campaigns. "There are many other viable alternatives to single - use plastic drinking straws that are less harmful to the environment, wildlife and humans," said Jackie Nunez, founder of The Last Plastic Straw.

(1)、What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A、Plastic straws are too costly to produce. B、All plastic straws are dumped into the sea. C、Plastic straws are too small to be recycled. D、Plastic straws cause great pollution.
(2)、What did Milo Cress ask his local restaurants to do?
A、To make plastic straws optional. B、To stop the use of plastic straws. C、To charge the use of plastic straws. D、To reject the request for plastic straws.
(3)、What is the Wetherspoons' effort to reduce the use of plastic straws?
A、To ban the use of plastic straws. B、To close some of its outlets. C、To offer customers alternatives. D、To seek the government's support.
(4)、What is the Wetherspoons customers' attitude towards the move?
A、Uncaring. B、Favorable. C、Ambiguous. D、Disapproving.

The Winner's Guide to Success

    Do you know what makes people successful? To find out the answers, an American scholar recently visited some of the most successful people in America. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Be responsible for yourself.

    Sometimes you may want to blame others for your failure to get ahead. In fact, when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making success, you are giving away your own power. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Write a plan.

    It is very difficult trying to get what you want without a good plan. It is just like trying to drive through strange roads to a city far away. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Without this “map”, you may waste your time, money and also your energy; while with the “map” you'll enjoy the “trip” and get what you want in the shortest possible time.


    Nothing great is easy to get. So you must be ready to work hard — even harder than you have ever done. If you are not willing to pay the price, you won't get anything valuable.

Never give up.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} When you are doing something, you must tell yourself again and again: Giving up is worse than failure because failure can be the mother of success, but giving up means the death of hope.

A. A good plan is like a map to you.

B. It seems to us that everyone knows this. But it is easier said than done.

C. Some people achieve success much later in life because they didn't work harder earlier.

D. You are saying you have more control over my life than I do.

E. Someone else's opinion of you doesn't have to become your reality.

F. Be willing to pay the price.

G. Here are some keys to success that they give.


    Connecting the best chefs and restaurants in the world with their fans.

    For True Foodies Only puts the world of food in your pocket. It is a global app and social platform where lovers of the art of food and wine come to connect, be inspired and share that love.

    What makes the For True Foodies Only app different?

·It is exclusive (专一的). A “food Facebook” for only the best chefs and restaurants in the world and their fans.

    Users of the app from around the world can find out where to eat when they travel, giving restaurants and chefs free advertising and making sure that your vacation is full of wonderful meals at the restaurants your favorite chefs would eat at.

    New restaurants and chefs can only be chosen by chefs in the app, so together we build a trusted community of the highest quality.

    There is no cost to restaurants to be included or to users –the app is free.

    Buy recipes the way you buy music on the internet –one recipe, a bitebook or a whole cookbook. Restaurants and chefs make more profits by selling digital recipes through the app.

    The story behind the app

    Cordon Bleu Chef Ted and his foodie partner Joanne love eating in great restaurants around the world. But they spent a lot of time researching where to go, in guidebooks, online and from friends, and looking for news about what their favorite chefs were creating. They wished they could easily see where their favorite chefs and foodie loved to eat, and find the latest about the best chefs and restaurants all in one place.

    And so the idea was born. They wanted to build a trusted community of those who love the art of food and wine, with chefs and true foodies at its heart.

    Ted and Joanne spent the next two years using all their experience—Ted as a chef in Michelin star restaurants, and Joanne as an international food marketer—to build a truly amazing app that included only the top restaurants and chefs. Fortunately, their work also included a lot of fine dining, which made it all worthwhile.


    The first person in the world to receive two facial transplants says he is feeling well, three months after his latest groundbreaking operation.

    Jerame Hamon had his first transplanted face removed last year after signs of rejection following a treatment with an antibiotic (抗生素) during a cold.

    The 43 year old remained in a hospital in Paris without a face for two months while a compatible donor was sought.

    He said: “The first face I accepted immediately. This time it's the same.”

    Mr. Hamon suffers from neurofibromatosis (多发性神经纤维瘤), a genetic condition that spoiled his face severely.

    His first transplant, in 2010, was a success, but he caught a common cold in 2015 and was given antibiotics. The drug was incompatible with the immunosuppressive (免疫制疫的) treatment he was having to prevent a rejection of the transplanted material.

    The first signs of rejection came in 2016 and last November, the face, suffering from the death of most of cells, had to be removed.

    Mr. Hamon lived without a face in a room at Georges-Pompidou hospital in Paris without being able to see, speak or hear until January, when a face donor was found and the second transplant carried out.

    To avoid further rejection, Mr. Hamon—dubbed “the man with three faces” by French media ―had special treatment to clean the blood prior to the transplant.

    His new face remains smooth and motionless, and his skull, skin and features are yet to be fully matched. But he is positive about his recovery.

    “If I hadn't accepted this new face it would have been terrible. It's a question of identity… But here we are, it's good, it's me,” he told AFP news agency from the hospital, where he is still recovering.

    The hours-long operation was led by Prof Laurent Lantieri, a specialist in hand and face transplants who carried out Mr. Hamon's initial surgery eight years ago.

    “Today, we know that a double transplant is practicable, it's no longer in the field of research,” he told Le Parisien newspaper.

    Anaesthetist Bernard Cholley said: “Anyone who loses their face and then has to wait for a possible and imagined transplant for an unknown length of time—that's something that nobody has ever had to go through here.”

    “I'm amazed by the courage of a patient who has been able to get through such a different experience.”

    The first face transplant was carried out in 2005 in northern France. Since then, some 40 operations have been performed around the world.


    It's common for children to grow up being told to minimize daydreaming, and instead to focus on lessons and class work. Historically, daydreaming students who go off on their own thoughts, rather than focusing on the teachers, the blackboard, or their class work, are often encouraged to stop allowing their attention to wander and to bring themselves back into the present moment. They're described as uninterested in school work and their future. Traditionally, daydreaming is seen as a practice that results in bad consequences.

    But recent studies are beginning to renounce those common beliefs by pointing out the potential benefits that daydreaming may provide. PsychCentral reports that Mary Smith, a psychological scientist and researcher, recently examined scientific writings and studies to gain a better understanding of the role of a reflective brain. These studies have shown that the brain has a network that is active when a person is daydreaming and that brain network can help memory and learning.

    Though paying attention in school is important, these results suggest that there should be time for students to daydream, too. Giving them the chance to reflect and daydream can help improve learning and development. Research also indicates that when students are permitted to daydream, they experience less anxiety and become more motivated. On the other hand, if students are warned against daydreaming, their knowledge of themselves and the world around them may suffer.

    As a result, educators are encouraged to promote a balance between outward and inward attention. A little bit of daydreaming to break up the hard focus on school activities can be beneficial, and it may help students become better, active learners.

    As for students, the lesson here is not to be afraid of doing some daydreaming. Sure, you want to pay attention to the vital information conveyed to you during your classes, but don't get discouraged if your mind wanders. A little bit of daydreaming is healthy.

