
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    China officially informed the World Trade Organization on Tuesday that it will ban the import of 24 different types of solid waste by the end of this year as part of a campaign to deal with environmental pollution and protect people's health.

    In response to growing public concerns over the potential environmental and health danger caused by the increasing amounts of solid waste imported into the country for recycling and treatment, China passed a special law in 1995 to control imports of waste materials, such as plastics, slag from steelmaking, unsorted scrap paper and discarded textile materials.

    A year later, the country published a list for solid waste imports and began implementing a permit system to control the import volumes and types of waste imported.

    However, due to the lack of effective supervision(监管)and the failure of relevant departments to fulfill their duties, solid waste imports have not been effectively controlled.

    So far, China is the world's largest importer of solid waste. According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, China imported 7.3 million metric tons of plastic waste worth $3.7 billion in 2016, accounting for 56 percent of global imports of solid waste.

    Correct recycling of solid waste materials is an important part of the global economy, and moderate imports of scrap plastic, scrap paper and scrap rubber products, such as vehicle tires, can to some extent, make up for China's shortage of various raw materials.

    However, the lack of supervision has resulted in the country's severe soil and environmental worsening.

    Given that China's continuing efforts to push for industrial transformation and upgrading have resulted in a noticeable decline in the demand for the materials recycled from solid waste imports. It is right for the country to restrict such imports for the sake of the environment and public health, and to better adapt to the changed industrial structure.

(1)、Why will China ban the import of some waste materials?
A、The amount of imported solid waste is increasing. B、The demand for imported solid waste is in decline. C、Some solid waste has damaged the environment and public health. D、People are more concerned about the environment and health now.
(2)、Which phrase has the same meaning as the underlined word?
A、Carrying out. B、Putting off. C、Calling off. D、Fighting against.
(3)、What is the problem when China deals with the imported waste?
A、Some imported waste is difficult to control. B、The environment can't afford the imported waste. C、Some departments haven't shouldered their duties. D、Some useful materials are also among the solid waste.
(4)、What can we learn from the passage?
A、China will not rely on importing solid waste any more. B、Solid waste plays an important part in the global economy. C、People are against importing solid waste from developed countries. D、Some imported waste can release the urgent need for raw materials.

    Science textbooks around the world have become suddenly out of date. Four new chemical elements(元素)have been added to the periodic table. A big decision now lies ahead-elements 113,115,117 and 118 need to be given their official names and symbols.

    New elements can be named after a mythical(神话的) concept, a mineral, a place or country, a property(性质) or a scientist. The names have to be unique and maintain “historical and chemical consistency”. This means a lot of “-iums”.

    “They're Latinising the name,” explains chemist Andrea Sella. “The most recent tradition is to name them after places or people.” The places chosen tend to be where the element was discovered or first produced.

    No one has yet named an element after themselves but many elements are named in honour of important scientists. Albert Einstein was given einsteinium. This can also be a way of righting the wrongs of the past. “Lise Meitner was really the chemist who spotted nuclear fission(核裂变)but she was never really recognised for it because she was Jewish and a woman, ” says Sella. “Giving an element a name that reminds us of her is greatly important. ”

    The naming process isn't quick. The scientists who discovered them will start things off by suggesting a name. But it will be down to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) to approve it. A special division of the US-based group has to accept the suggestion. Then there is a public review period of five months before the IUPAC gets the final approval. Once it's ready, the name is announced in the scientific journal Pure and Applied Chemistry.

    Naming an element is not just about functionality. Names are always important.



    Leaving Hanoi on a fiercely hot summer day,after an hour by air,Luang Prabang gradually appears below our airplane wings.From a few hundred meters above,my first impression of this UNESCO-listed heritage(遗产)is an area of green land and mountains,surrounded by snaking rivers.

    Encircled by mountains,the former royal capital of Luang Prabang is more than just the country's picture-perfect showpiece.

    Travelers will be attracted to Luang Prabang by the city's timeless peacefulness with its shiny Buddhist temples, French colonial architecture and friendly people.

    Tourists visiting Luang Prabang shouldn't miss the chance to see one of the most sacred(神圣的)Lao traditions, tak bat,or the Buddhist almsgiving ritual(仪式),which dates back to the 14th century.

    As the sun rises in Luang Prabang,hundreds of Buddhist monks depart from their temples to gather their daily offerings,which most commonly are rice,fresh fruit and traditional sweet snacks.The daily alms gathering begins on the main street before spreading to all the side streets.

    Our group of six got out of our comfy beds at 5 am to join other local residents and tourists to offer alms to the monks.We kneeled by the roadside in front of the 3 Nagas Hotel on the main street with big baskets of steamed sticky rice,waiting quietly until monks of all ages passed by to accept our gifts.

    The daily ritual gives you a wonderful opportunity to experience an ancient Lao tradition.However,there are some strict rules if you wish to join the event.

    Firstly,shoulders,chests and legs must be covered in modest clothing as a mark of respect.You should also remain a suitable distance from the monks.Photographs may be taken,but from a distance and never use a camera flash.The ritual has to be performed in silence.Talking to or touching the monks at any time,even when making an offering,is not allowed.

    Another must-do morning activity is to visit the local market,where you can see the generosity that Mother Nature offers this dreamy land.While walking through the morning market,located within a long and narrow hamlet,I was excited to see all kinds of products from the nearby river and jungle: some ill-fated squirrels lying next to fresh bamboo shoots,different kinds of wild mushrooms and vegetables displayed on banana leaves and giant river catfish in baskets.

    Although Luang Prabang is small,there are many things to see here.Active travelers can get up close and personal with Laos' gentle giants at the elephant conservation camp or take in some scenes of riverside life with a cruise or kayak excursion on the rivers.Two waterfalls that are perfect for picnicking in the foothills nearby,and classes are available in traditional crafts.


    It's Friday night. You're looking through your Instagram (a photo-sharing app) feed when you see it: a photo of your friends hanging out without you.

    Why didn't anyone invite you? What are they doing later? Should you text them? What if no one responds (回应)?

    Sounds like a typical case of FOMO.

    FOMO, or "fear of missing out", is a form of anxiety that causes people to feel like they're missing out on something. The word was added to The Oxford English Dictionary last year. But just how serious is FOMO?

    According to a study by a US research organization, JWTIntelligence, 47 percent of teen millennials (those who are 13-17 years old now) feel upset or nervous when they learn that their friends are doing something they're not. And 41 percent said they spread themselves too thin, trying to do too many things at one time to avoid FOMO.

    Today's technology is a big cause of FOMO, according to Jonathan Pochyly, an adolescent psychiatrist (青少年精神病学专家) at Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago.

    "Technology is one of the things that makes life special for adolescents these days," he explained.  

    "There's a lot of focus on what everyone else is doing. It became a trend, so there's pressure to keep up with it."

    As social media (社交媒体) feeds are always updating us with our friends' activities, it's easier than ever to feel left out. So what can we do?

    To fight against FOMO, Jones freshman Emmy Brewer just calls people and talks to them.

    "I'd be upset for a bit, but then I'd realize that I should be reaching out to them," she said.

    Oak Park and River Forest High School senior James Cullinane said he fights off FOMO by living in the now.

    "If I'm hanging out with my friends, or just sitting at home on my couch, I think it's best to stay off social media and focus on what I'm doing in the moment," Cullinane said.

    While FOMO will continue to affect (影响) teenagers in the future, Pochyly said that he believes these feelings are just side effects of growing up.

    "These types of interactions (交往) with people are … a function (功能) of kids being more independent, looking for connections with other people, moving away from just being a child in a home, and moving toward adulthood," he said.


    Slowly, so slowly that we never even noticed how it happened, our family stopped talking to each other. Our own worlds opened up to us through the computer or the cell phone or the CD player.

    Family Night was born when Mom called us for dinner. Jessica and I came and sat down. Dad loaded his plate and started to rise from the table.

    “Where are you going?” Mom questioned.

    “To the living room. I have some work,” Dad replied as he hurried away. Mom's face got tight, but she said nothing. About two minutes later, my cell phone buzzed. Jessica kept her earphones on during most of the meal. Mom was clearly upset.

    Family Night started the next week. Mom established three rules: no phones, no music, and no leaving the table. Everyone would eat together and play a game together “like a real family.”

    All seemed to be going according to Mom's plan until the first buzz of a cell phone. After dinner, we had been playing the board game for only ten minutes when another cell phone let out a shrill scream. This time the phone belonged to my father.

    “Work's calling. I have to answer,” he whispered as he hurried out of the room.

    Mom sighed, but she forced a smile and encouraged us to continue with the game. We kept playing through every interruption afterwards: the beeping of Jessica's phone, the buzz of another text message from Darnell, the soothing voice announcing the arrival of an e-mail on Dad's computer. When the game was over, Mom released us to our rooms.

    That first Family Night was not a success, but Mom soldiered on. Every Monday evening we silenced our electronics and gathered around the table; and each time, setting aside our technological toys became a little easier. The next two months my father would be taking business trips. We wouldn't be able to have Family Night every Monday.

    To my surprise I realized that I would miss those few hours each week when the house was filled with my family's laughter and conversation. I was also glad to know that when we really wanted to, we could silence the electronic buzz and just be a family again.


    March1, 2019

    Dear Residents


    Sheet Pile Wall,Rip Rap Protection(抛石护岸) and Spot Repair on SA SU Road between Church and Jimmy Road, Tsawout First Nation. Our File: CPMS 6849

    Beginning April 1, 2019, our community, Tsawout First Nation, will be beginning work on the Shoreline Erosion(侵蚀)Protection project along SA SU Road between Church and Jimmy Road. Workers employed by Donn Mann Excavating and Tsawout First Nation Public Works Department will be onsite working from 7: 00 am until 5: 00 pm daily Monday to Friday until September 30, 2019.


    Traffic Delays -In order to safely and efficiently complete this construction item, there will be some lane(车道)restrictions. Car drivers must follow the polices orders, slow down the speed, and pass the construction area extremely cautiously. The construction item may cause traffic delays. We will make every effort to minimize any potential inconvenience and provide you with the latest notice when disruptions(中断)must occur. Police and emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times.

Truck Traffic -At times you will notice increased truck traffic in the construction area. Please be aware and use extra caution while driving

    Vibration -You may experience some vibration at home during the construction. The shaky motion happens due to the work being done. We recommend that you remove or secure objects on shelves and walls.

    This construction item is part of the Tsawout First Nation Shoreline Erosion Protection project that will be beginning in April 2019 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2019. Please see upcoming newsletters and notices for further updates.

    Thank you for your patience and cooperation


    Rob Mortin

    Tsawout First Nation


    In a world full of Kates and Sarahs, you might think it'd be nice to have a unique name to help me stand out in a crowd. Being named Stacia (pronounced stay-sha) is not so lucky to me. I'll get the occasional "Your name is so pretty" after introducing myself, but eventually my name causes me more frustration than happiness. For example, Microsoft Word always tries to tell me my name isn't a real word. I couldn't even pronounce my own name correctly until I was five.

    I once had a professor who pronounced my name differently each class. After a while I stopped correcting him, and that's been my reaction to strangers ever since. In other cases, I'd rather tell the seller my name is Staci and save both of us, as well as the people standing behind me in line, valuable time.

    Meeting new people gives me anxiety, and I've realized it's easier just to lie about my name altogether in certain cases. Actually I did—so many times that Brittany is now my chosen "going out" name. It may have caused some confusion for my friends at first, who would let out a small laugh or have a confused look, but I've trained them to keep a straight face whenever I whip out this fake (假的) name. Now going out on weekends means I get to have a shift of identity.

    Frustrations aside, being the owner of a unique name has made me appreciate the little things in life. Someone pronouncing or spelling my name correctly on the first try brings me more joy than it probably should. I also love it when I meet another Stacia and we get to bond over our shared struggles.

    To any other Stacias reading this—I feel you, girl. P. S. I apologize to any real Brittanys out there. Thanks for letting me borrow your name.

