
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:容易



A.make dumplings

B.stand in line

C.click the mouse

D.silk dress

E.take photos

F.ice cream

G.go to bed

H.a box of chocolates

I.get off the bus

J.lie in the sun

任务阅读 (10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。
How do you feel when you have to make a speech(演讲) in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get really shy?
Shyness means feeling nervous or frightened when you're around other people. Experts (专家) have found that more than 80 percent of middle school students feel afraid to be the centre of attention. Some kids are born shy. Some become shy later because of their life experiences.
It's OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people. In fact, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It's just a case of how much.
Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they won't go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to order and pay the bill (账单). Some are afraid of meeting new people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.
If shyness doesn't stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isn't a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are quieter and cleverer because they think more and talk less. Shy people are also good at working with others because they think more for other people. Some great people in history were shy, too.
You see, being shy isn't all bad. But remember not to let good chances pass by just because of it! If you have to sing a song at a birthday party or practise your spoken English in front of others, just do it! There's nothing to be afraid of.

Meaning●To feel {#blank#}1{#/blank#}  or frightened
Causes●To be the{#blank#}2{#/blank#}  of attention
●To be born shy
●To have{#blank#}3{#/blank#}  experiences
Effects{#blank#}4{#/blank#}  effects●To have red {#blank#}5{#/blank#}  
●To talk in {#blank#}6{#/blank#}  sentences
●To be{#blank#}7{#/blank#}  of meeting new people
Good effects●To be quieter and {#blank#}8{#/blank#} 
●To be good at {#blank#}9{#/blank#}  with others
Advice●To take hold of (抓住) good {#blank#}10{#/blank#} 


    On June 2, 1886, a German captain threw a message in a bottle into the water while his ship crossed the Indian Ocean. Around 132 years later in January, the bottle was found on the Australian coast{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    The bottle was thrown into the water to track ocean currents (洋流). Between 1864 and 1933, German sailors threw thousands of bottles into the sea.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    But throwing messages in bottles into the ocean is not just for scientists. People send out such messages for many reasons. Some people write information about themselves in the hopes of finding a pen pal{#blank#}3{#/blank#} And still other people just write down some jokes, song lyrics or anything else they think might be fun.

    There are even online messages in bottles. People can send the messages through WeChat or QQ.

    The reasons and ways might be different, but the goal is always the same: to reach out and try to connect with someone{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In 1988, the British band The Police wrote a song called Message in A Bottle that describes this feeling.

    As the song's lyrics say, we are “a hundred billion castaways(被抛弃者) looking for a home”. When will you feel relieved (释然的) ? “A hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Others write down secrets, hoping that the waves will wash them away.

B. This kind of shared feeling might be why this tradition has remained popular for so long.

C. making it the oldest-known message in a bottle in the world.

D. Seems I'm not alone at being alone.

E. Some 663 of those messages were found later.


    History is still a compulsory (必修的) subject at lower levels and pupils still choose to study it at higher levels. However, there is an outgoing discussion about whether schools should continue to teach history. This passage will deal with the arguments that oppose and support teaching history in school, concluding that we should teach history, because the value of the subject goes beyond the classroom.

    First of all, many pupils suggest that history is one of the less interesting school subjects and that governments should spend the time and money on subjects that are more useful. Some people argue that math and English are should spend the money on more important so we can have a society with a good basic education. Other people say that teaching science, as this can move a country forward and benefit the economy. However, when we teach history, we are just looking back at the past. The economic benefits of this area are less obvious.

    On the other hand, there are several reasons why it is a good idea to teach history. Teaching history is important because students should be able to understand the background to current issues in the news. This will create better-informed citizens. Another reason is that it helps pupils to understand the culture and background of the society they live in. In addition to learning about the past, history teaching can help students to think for themselves. Finally, it also improves pupils' reading and writing skills, which can help them become better students.

    In conclusion, though there are clearly arguments on both sides, it seems to me that we should of the classes. I would say the teaching of history helps to create well-educated generation.

Title: {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Why people oppose history teaching

Why people support history teaching

History isn't that interesting and it brings less obvious economic benefits. Attention should be paid to {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

Math and English are important and good for basic education.

Science {#blank#}3{#/blank#} and benefits the economy.

It helps create better-informed citizens.

It helps pupils {#blank#}4{#/blank#} of the society they live in.

It helps pupils think for themselves.

It helps pupils {#blank#}5{#/blank#}in their writing and reading skills.

Conclusion: We should teach children about the past.


A. It's not a big deal even if you lose.

B. Start the things you want to do right now.

C. It always takes time to be a winner.

D. You can always learn something when trying.

E. Don't worry! It'll probably never happen.

F. Don't compare yourself with others.

    I'm forty now. I left school twenty-two years ago. Here's my list of five things I hope to share with you teenagers at school.


    I always wanted to be the best, and one way of feeling good about myself was to see how much better I was than others. There was only one problem with this. When I saw they were better than me, I felt terrible. Now I compare me with myself. I ask myself if I do things as well as I could.


    How much time do you spend worrying about the future? I used to worry a lot. Now I know most things you fear will usually never happen. They're just monsters in your own mind. Even if they happen, they will often not be as bad as you expected. In six months, you probably won't remember most of the things you worry about now.


    When I was young, I often failed to start things I expected to do because I thought they'd taken too long to finish. I always wanted to write a book, for example. But when I thought it might take me more than a year, I lost my enthusiasm(热情). It seemed such a long time. Now I know a year is nothing, if I'd started that book when I was 16, I might have written 10 more by now. I'm upset with myself for not even trying.


    As a young child you try many new things. If you fail, you try again and again until you learn. But at school you are usually encouraged to do things right. Then you stop trying new things in case you get them wrong. You are losing chances to challenge yourselves. I always remind myself: I had fallen off the bike many times before I learned to ride it.


    I hated losing when I was younger. Of course, it's nice to win sometimes and to be the best at something. But we can't all be winners all the time. Learning to lose is one of life's most important lessons. If you try your hardest, then you should never be angry with yourself.

