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题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



Think Positive and Feel Positive

    When you're in a stressful situation, are you confident or unsafe? Do you react positively or negatively?

    A study by researchers at the University of Notre Dame found that negative thinking, and depression coming from it, can be catching in certain circumstances.

    For example, the researchers studied 103 freshman college roommates who'd been paired casually.Specifically, the researchers measured the subject's likelihood to see negative events as a reflection of their abilities and disadvantages.

    After only six months, it became clear that thinking patterns and styles can be catching.And students paired with more positive thinking roommates were more likely to become more positive in their thinking and report less depression.

    So they might be particularly accessible to adopting the thought and behavior patterns of people around them — perhaps more so than people in less intense situations at other stages of life.

    But maybe not. Other research has shown that, in general, people are affected by how those around them think.

A. The answer may depend in part on whom you're around.

B. Now college freshman are in a unique, life changing environment.

C. However, think positive and feel positive is quite important for college students.

D. Students paired with a negative-thinking roommate “caught” that style and became more depressed themselves.

E. They measured each roommate's cognitive weakness, or tendency to give in to negative thinking and depression.

F. So surrounding a negative, depressed person with people who think positively could be a powerful form of treatment.

G. But what was to the researchers' embarrassment was that the subjects never talked with each and stayed apart from each other for most of the time.


    People who are confident really seem to be naturally outstanding and just seem to do everything with more styles than others.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} It is a habit that everyone can develop in life. Try these simple tips to drill and build up your confidence:

1)Admit your shortcomings calmly.

    Do not try to flee from them or cover them. Face them bravely.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Fight against them every day until the day when you could break away and conquer them.

2)Dress for self-confidence.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} And therefore pay attention to your dress, display your unique physical advantages and exhibit your best image. In addition, on formal occasions such as a business conference or a wedding ceremony, elegant dressing contributes to building your confidence.


    You should break your routine that deals with the work passively. Concentrate your efforts immediately on overcoming it, because it will make your restless mind at ease and build your self-confidence.

4)Be positive.

    Feel pity neither on yourself nor on others. If you are used to hating and accusing yourself, others would tend to do that and believe it. Instead, you should speak positively about yourself, your progress, and your bright future.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. Don't judge a person by appearance.

B. Build your confident vocabulary.

C. Don't put off what you eventually have to do.

D. Actually, true self-confidence is neither born nor acquired overnight.

E. By doing so, you would encourage your growth in a positive direction.

F. Then talk about them to a reliable mate, a friend or a family member.

G. Your appearance could put you into embarrassment or increase your confidence.


    I have two younger cousins starting their “Third Year of High School.” Though I don't talk to them often, I'm both excited for them and also worried. Are they growing up too fast? Are they eating right? {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    I throw myself into anxiety. But, today, I stepped back for a moment and came to this realization: my cousins are smarter than my 16-year-old self. If I could go back in time, here's what I would say to myself.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} There's a time for everything—don't speed it up. This is especially true for love. Life is much longer than the distance from now until tomorrow.

    Maintain your digital diet. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Being connected has benefits, but please don't become a victim of the internet.

    Study. You're just starting to define who you want to be and what you want to do. Make sure you study, get the grades, light the midnight oil. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Study the other things in life—the people who are transforming your community and the simple stuff that makes our world go round. You will discover that each bit of detail will change how you view life.

    Be an upstander, not a bystander. Your biggest childhood regret is not standing up for that kid. The kid is the one who was accused of not fitting in right; the one whose shirt was always stained and whose eyes were dull. Your biggest regret is walking away. And, it doesn't matter if you turned away from the taunting(嘲弄). It doesn't even matter if you were nice to him when the other kids weren't around. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Take your time.

B. You'll regret not being more sympathetic, more courageous, more of a leader.

C. Are they dating?

D. Don't be afraid of what will happen.

E. But, don't just study what teachers say you should.

F. Are you worried about your life.

G. You don't need to spend every waking moment on a device.


    As is often the case, you are trying hard to keep your eyes open in class after a late night doing piles and piles of homework, "{#blank#}1{#/blank#}" You are probably thinking, " This weekend I'll make up for all the sleep I have lost."

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Most people think the same way-if you stay in bed longer on Saturdays or Sundays, you will recover your missed sleep during the week.

    However, this is not correct.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Actually, researchers have just discovered that sleeping during the weekend will not do you any good, but rather make you feel more tired on Monday morning.

    Our body keeps a clock inside. It tells us when to wake up in the morning and when to feel sleepy at night. But the time on our body clock can be changed once we start taking on different sleeping habits.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} This may mean on Monday morning we sometimes struggle to get out of bed.

    If we decide to get up only 20 minutes or half an hour later, it won't matter. This is because our body clock can accommodate(顺应) a delay of up to an hour, which means that a short lie-in at weekends is unlikely to have any big effect, we needn't worry about it at all.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

    So, what should we do to balance and make up for all the sleep we've missed? Scientists say that simply eight hours of sleep would do the trick, not any longer.

A. You are not alone.

B. I need more sleep!

C. Sleep is important for everyone.

D. Sleeping is nothing like paying back money.

E. However, if we sleep longer our sleep becomes less efficient.

F. But delays of up to two hours or more can throw our body out of order.

G. This is why staying in bed for longer than usual might confuse our body clock.


    Exploring somewhere new can bring us adventurous experiences. With the proper technology, we can make full use of our time on the road. Google Maps is just this kind that helps make trips easier. People most commonly use Google Maps for directions from one place to another. It offers many other kinds of travel tools. And, how do Google Maps work? {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Project and share a road trip route.

    When we are traveling on a road trip, we do not have to plan each part of the trip separately with Google Maps.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Besides, we can share our journey with others. After we have planned our route, click share or open the menu and click” share or insert map “to share our route with others.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    When we are traveling, we may not always have access to the Internet, or we may not want to pay international charges for using our phone in other countries. The good news is that we can still use Google Maps even without the Internet. We can download a map from Google Maps to our phone.

    Find the best places in town.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}We can ask Google Maps for recommendations. After we search for a city in Google Maps, click” Nearby” to find the top- rated restaurants, hotels, pubs, coffee shops, and more.

Share our current position with friends.

    Thanks to a recent Google Maps update, we can now share our position with our friends. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}For example, using Google Maps for a lonely place, we can share our route with friends so that they can locate a general position where we stay and join us.

A. Is there any place to explore?

B. Want to know the best local places?

C. Here are 4 top tips for using Google Maps.

D. Save our maps for off-line use.

E. Google Maps can offer us all kinds of conveniences.

F. We can search for the whole trip in order to plan our route more efficiently.

G. During exploring a totally strange area, there is no need to worry about losing way.


    Scholarships are at the very heart of Eton College. Henry I created the school for his 70 King's Scholars in 1440 and they still exist nearly six hundred years later.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Scholarships differ from bursaries,which are given to help support families who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford some,or all of the school fees. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}, it is still possible to apply for a bursary for the remainder of the fees,but the awarding of a scholarship does not guarantee that a bursary application will be successful.


    King's Scholarships,based on academic ability for boys entering the school at age 13.Around 14 are awarded each year.

    New Foundation Scholarships,awarded to boys at UK state schools joining Eton at age 13.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.These are usually for entry at 13,but a few are for Sixth Form school pupils.

    Sixth Form Scholarships,usually awarded to boys who have been attending a UK state school for at least the last three years.

    The Michael Meredith Award,given to a boy joining the school who will make a significant contribution to drama,either on stage,as a crew technician,playwright or director.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}, regardless of their family's financial background. For further information,please contact the School Fees and Bursaries Accountant.

A. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters,we offer a broad range of scholarships

B. When a boy is awarded a scholarship

C. Because there is a wide range of scholarships

D. Scholarships secure a fee decrease of 10%

E. We try to ensure that any boy offered a scholarship can join us

F. Today there are around 140 scholarship boys here at any one time

G. Music Awards,designed to recognize and support talented musicians


Helping people is the backbone (支柱) of a healthy society. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} This statement is true and the following are some of the major benefits of assisting other people.

 {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Researchers have done lots of work to prove that helping others does have a great effect on a person's happiness. Even though we usually feel the urge to compete with other people, taking time to assist others can be very beneficial to us. The key to internal joy and happiness is simply helping those in need.

Build trust. When people see that you have genuine intentions of assisting them, it is likely they are going to be very grateful. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Helping people is also a good way to create and develop trusty relationship, particularly if you never expect anything to be given to you in return.

Improve the community. The mentality of helping people is increasing in popularity since more people have realized that we do not need to fight for survival. A rising number of individuals now assist others without asking for anything back. This has resulted in the change in attitude and people are now more giving, more willing and also much readier to offer assistance.


Helping other people is important as it helps to connect many people together.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} The end result is an inspired community in general.

A. Increase happiness.

B. Improve mental health.

C. This improves the whole community and changes the atmosphere.

D. It is believed that helping others is basically helping yourself.

E. As a result, they see you as a caring person and begin to trust you.

F. If you often help others, you will become a more responsible person.

G. Those who offer help and get help come together and inspire one another.

