阅读理解 Jehdi and Hassan were businessmen and good friends.
One day they found themselves in a forest. They were tired so they sat down and Jehdi fell asleep.
As Jehdi slept, Hassan saw a wasp (黄蜂) coming from his friend's nose. It flew toward a pine tree (松树), circled it three times, and then returned to Jehdi's nose.
When Jehdi woke he said, “Hassan, What a dream! Imagine a big pine tree, like that one there. A wasp flies around it and its buzz (嗡嗡叫) seems to say,
‘You must dig here.' I dig and I find a big box of gold.”
“Yes, a strange dream,” replied Hassan. “Why don't you dig around that tree and see if it's true?”

“My friend, it was just a dream and anyway it's too hot to dig.”
Hassan said, “If you do not want to dig, I will. Sell your dream to me.”
“How much will you pay?” asked Jehdi.
Hassan agreed to pay 300 coins.
“Never have I made such a business deal. How naïve (天真的) you are, Hassan!”
The two friends then went to the pine tree Jehdi had dreamed about. Jehdi stood there with a smile on his face to see Hassan start digging. But he laughed on the other side of his face when Hassan dug up a huge box of gold.
After this, Hassan had so much gold that he lived a rich life until his death. Jehdi often visited him. He would say, “Well, Hassan, how are you? I have come to see my dream.” They would pat(轻拍) each other on the back and laugh. But each time Jehdi went home sadly. He could never buy back his dream.