
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Two student loggers (伐木者) each held an end of a saw (锯子). They set the 1of the blade (刀片) on top of an 8-by 8-inch square piece of timber (木材) and began to 2it back and forth.

    They began slowly and3 worked to a faster pace.4the piece of wood fell to the ground, the students passed the saw to the second half of their relay team, who then began to saw.

    When Nate Letarte, Julian Baldinelli, Allan Theriault and David Merrill from School of Applied Technology in Mexico, Maine, US finished the relay, people 5 applause.

    It was like that with each event at the 38th Annual Loggers Meet early this month at a field across from the Mt Blue Campus.

    About 50 students from nearby areas in forestry programs took part in the event. The programs 6 students to the many aspects of forestry-related 7, from cutting wood to using heavy equipment to managing a small business and 8wood products.

    At the annual competition, students had a chance to show their9 at using axes, operating logging equipment such as a forwarder (传送装置) and knowing 10 trees, among other things. They can also share their 11of chainsaws (链锯).

    Kyle Holman, a senior, said the event lets students see what they are 12in the forestry field.

     “Some of us didn't know how to run a forwarder and other kids did,” he said.

    During the 13event, students used a forwarder to pick up wood and move it.

    The event 14out the strengths in student loggers, and shows them the qualities and15they have, junior Matt Given said.

     “We're all one big community with the same 16” senior Christopher Cook said. “This event just gives us a chance to show what we have 17at school.”

    Marshal Elwell, a senior, said he and his friends travelled over three hours 18 the event.

     “I think I'm going to 19 in the woods for a while,” Elwell said, talking about his post-graduation plan. “I enjoy 20 equipment. I like being in the woods.”

A、teeth B、brush C、handle D、belt
A、pass B、repair C、move D、polish
A、gradually B、anxiously C、beneficially D、calmly
A、Unless B、Though C、Once D、Until
A、resulted from B、called for C、turned off D、broke into
A、limit B、describe C、consult D、introduce
A、appointment B、employment C、insurance D、expense
A、receiving B、marketing C、separating D、obtaining
A、skills B、applications C、demands D、energies
A、green B、tall C、different D、young
A、invention B、knowledge C、discovery D、security
A、strict with B、good at C、curious about D、free from
A、loading B、trading C、sporting D、touring
A、leaves B、pulls C、hands D、carries
A、reports B、choices C、relations D、weaknesses
A、interests B、analyses C、contradictions D、measures
A、predicted B、remembered C、learned D、treasured
A、within B、around C、for D、by
A、ride B、play C、compromise D、work
A、identifying B、promoting C、supplying D、running

    You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the place 1you socialize and learn to get along with people. But this is  2easy. What can you do 3you just don't like one of your classmates?

    If you discover that you have problems 4your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance. Tolerance is the 5to recognize and respect the 6in others. We cannot change the way that other people act , 7it is important to learn to live happily with them.

    Practicing tolerance will allow everyone to form better 8with each other. Getting to know someone may help you 9 why they do things 10from you. It is important to remember that just because something is different does not mean that it is bad. 11 teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind.

    One thing to  12is the old saying, "Treat others how you want  13". You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, so it is  14to treat them with equal kindness. If you tolerate 15 it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to 16who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you will be 17of the differences in others and not try to make them change.

    It is important to 18tolerance because it will make everyone's lives easier. Learn to 19people for their different abilities and interests. The world is a very  20place, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference.


    “A bird with a broken wing will never fly as high.” I'm sure that John would agree with this saying1he felt this way almost every day in school.

    By high school, John was the most famous2in his town. He was always absent, didn't answer questions and got into 3He had failed almost every exam by the time he entered his senior year, yet was 4each year to a higher grade level. Teachers didn't want to 5 him again the following year. John was moving on, but definitely not moving 6

    I met John for the first time at a weekend leadership training program since John was one of 405 students who7At the start of the training, John was just standing 8the circle of students, against the back wall. He didn't 9 join the discussion groups. But slowly, the interactive games 10 him in.

    The ice really melted (融化) when the groups started building a list of 11and negative things that had occurred at school that year. John12 some constructive ideas on those situations. The other students in John's group 13 his comments. All of a sudden John felt like a 14 of the group, and before long he was 15 like a leader. By the end of the training, he had joined the Homeless Project team. The other students on the team were 16 with his passionate concern and ideas. They17 elected John co-chairman of the team.

    John started18at school every day and answered questions from teachers for the first time. He led a second project19300 blankets and 1,000 pairs of shoes for the homeless shelter.

A bird with a broken wing only needs20. Once healed, it can fly higher than the rest.


    I always long for romantic moments, like a little girl longing for candies.However, my husband is my complete1His inability to bring romantic moments into our life has made me get tired of our2One day, I finally told him that I wanted a divorce.

    "Why?" he asked,3.

    "I am tired; there are no4for everything in the world!" I answered.

    He kept5, seeming to be in deep thought, with a lighted cigarette in his hands. Finally he asked," What can I do to change your6?"

    Looking deep into his eyes I slowly answered," Let's say, I want a flower on a mountain cliff and picking the flower will cause your7Will you do it for me?"

    He answered," I will give you my answer tomorrow."

    I8the next morning, finding a piece of paper on the dining table, which read:" My dear, I would not pick that flower for you, but please allow me to9."

    My feeling of disappointment only10, but I continued reading:

    "You always leave the11keys behind, so I have to save my legs to12home to open the door for you. You always like to stay indoors and I13that you will feel too lonely, so I have to save my mouth to tell you jokes and stories. You always stare14the computer and that will do nothing15for your eyes, so I have to save my eyes so that when we grow16, I can help to clip your nails. Thus, my dear,17I am sure that there is someone who loves you more than I do, I could not pick that flower yet, and die."

    My tears fell on the18and I continued reading:

    "Now that you have finished reading my answer, if you are19, please open the front door for I am standing outside20your favorite bread and fresh milk."

    Love, not words, wins arguments.


    I grew up in a West Virginia mining town in Fayette County. A man named John moved into our town from New Orleans. He was a(n) 1 man, who was at least 6 feet tall and weighed 245 pounds. He had 2 shoulders and truly fitted the V body type. He was really a man with 3and patience.

    John worked for some days, when there were no 4 and John was absolutely an admirable miner. However, when I was ten, the 5 day came. A terrible disaster 6. Timber crossbars(木材横木) were often used in mines to 7 the top. That day my father was working 8 John in the mine. A timber cracked somewhere and the loud cry of a man was 9. Hearing this, my dad and John rushed to the site of the 10. There some miners were trapped. They felt 11 and they sat depressed, either in shock or in prayer(祈祷).

    That's when John did it. He held the timber and applied all his 12 to it. Surprisingly, the blocking moved. Then John raised the timber while all the miners13, but in doing so, the wood was becoming further weakened and John himself was 14 below instead. My father and the other miners 15 started to work with their tools, desperately trying to 16 John, but the top fell and there was no 17 of reaching him. John was buried there forever.

    18 John, a small marble monument(纪念碑) was 19 in front of the entrance to the mine. The 20 had given up his life so that others could live. The monument is still there to this day.

