
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

新目标英语2017-2018学年八年级上册Unit 4同步评估(音频暂未更新)


    A few years ago, my young sons, Sam, Jerry and Alex, joined a bike competition in a town far from our home. As their father was busy, I drove them to the competition.

    We were quite new to the town and didn't know anyone there. But soon after arriving, one woman gave me a chair. In the afternoon, we talked happily. Her name was Bev and she was there with her sons Jim and Carl.

    Unluckily, in one of the last races, my youngest son, Alex, had an accident (事故). He cried and cried, so I ran to meet him. He badly broke his arm.

    Just before I decided to take Alex to hospital, I saw a familiar (熟悉的) face. It was Bev.

    Although I hardly still knew her, she could see I was scared by the accident and the worry of having two other children to care in an unfamiliar town.

    "You go with him to the hospital," Bev said. "I'll take the other two home with my boys. Here is my phone number. I live not far from the town hospital."

    Bev was an angel (天使). I will never forget her kindness in taking two children off my hands so I could give my injured (受伤的) child the best care.

    A friendship started that day; and is still growing now.

(1)、How did the writer and her sons go to the bike competition?
A、By bus. B、By train. C、By car. D、By bike.
(2)、In the race, Alex injured his
A、leg B、arm C、hand D、head
(3)、What do the underlined words "two other children" in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A、Sam and Jim. B、Jim and Carl. C、Jerry and Carl. D、Sam and Jerry.
(4)、From the passage, we can know that Bev is
A、kind B、shy C、serious D、creative
(5)、The writer writes this passage to
A、ask Bev for help B、say sorry to Alex C、tell a story about a bike competition D、show how she and Bev became friends

    This was the first real task I received in my new school. It seemed simple: go on the Internet and find information about a man named George Washington. As I searched the name, I found that there were two famous people having the same name who looked completely different! One invented hundreds of uses for peanuts(花生), while the other led some sort of army across America. I stared at the screen, wondering which one my teacher meant. I called my grandfather for a golden piece of advice: let the coin decide. I flipped(掷) a coin and Ah! Tails (背面)! My report would be about the great man who invented peanut butter, George Washington Carver.

    Weeks later, I stood in front of the classroom and proudly read my homework. But things started to get strange. I looked around the room, only to find my classmates with big smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes and my stone-faced teacher. I was completely lost. “What could be causing everyone to act this way?”

    Oh well, I dropped the paper and sat down at my desk, burning to find out what I had done wrong. As a classmate began his report, it all became clear, “My report is on George Washington, the man who started the American War of Independence.” The whole world became quiet! How could I know that my teacher meant that George Washington?

    Of course, my subject result was awful. Sad but fearless, I decided to turn this around. I talked to the headmaster Miss Lancelot, but she said firmly(坚决地): No re-dos; no new score. I felt that it was not fair, and I believed I should have a second chance. So I threw myself heartily into my work for the rest of the school year. Ten months later, I sat in the headmaster's office again, but this time a completely different conversation. I smiled and flashed back to the terrible moment at the beginning of the year when the headmaster told me I was good enough to skip(跳过) the 6th grade and started the 7th grade next term.

