
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

新目标英语2017-2018学年八年级上册Unit 3同步评估(音频暂未更新)


Do you know this girl?

    I went to the park with my older sister, Cathy, on Friday. My sister left her jacket on a bench (长椅) when we played games. When we went back to the bench, a little girl in a red T-shirt was sitting there. She looked like she was 8 or 9 and had long blonde hair. She had some money in her hand. When she saw us, she got up and walked away.

    I asked my sister, "Did you have any money in your jacket?"

    "Yes, Anna, I did."

    I said, "Have a quick look in your jacket."

    Cathy looked in her jacket, but her money was not there.

    "That girl stole (偷) it!" I said, and we ran after her. We caught (抓住) her soon.

    My sister was very angry and she said, "Give me the money!" The girl gave the money to Cathy and ran away. Then we went home. But before we could tell our parents, my mother said to Cathy, "You left your money at home. It's on the table in the kitchen." So the girl in the red T-shirt was not a thief (小偷)! Maybe she thought we were bad girls.

We felt      

    Please call us if you know this girl. We would like to say sorry to her and give the money back to her. Our number is 512667. Thank you very much.

                                                               Anna and Cathy

(1)、Cathy went to the park      
A、with her classmate B、in a red T-shirt C、on the weekend D、in a jacket
(2)、Why did Anna and Cathy run after the girl?
A、Because they were having a race. B、Because they wanted to ask her a question. C、Because they wanted to take the girl's money. D、Because they thought she stole Cathy's money.
(3)、The best word for"       " is          .
A、relaxed B、free C、terrible D、bored
(4)、The writer writes this passage to______.
A、find a girl B、ask a girl for help C、say thanks to a girl D、share a story about a girl
(5)、You may find this passage in a        
A、storybook B、newspaper C、park map D、museum guide


    Some people like to collect stamps. Others prefer posters or coins. But Pinky Bhutia is different. She collects children. In her mountain village, in Sikkim, she is known as the wonderful young woman who adopts(领养) all the children she can.

    Pinky was 14 when she adopted her first child, a Nepali baby girl, whose patents passed away. Pinky's parents did not mind. Pinky left school and started working full time because she had a baby to feed. Today, she has twelve adopted children, and two sons from her marriage.

    Pinky is about 30 years old and she comes from a common family. If you passed her on the street, you wouldn't give her a second look. She lives in a brown mud-washed(泥刷的) house. There is a vegetable garden outside. Red hens with noisy chicks run all over the garden looking for food.

    If you ask her why she provides a home to so many kids, she smiles shyly. But her eyes are serious. “I know what it is to be poor and hungry.” As a child, her only dream was to eat a full meal, and her favorite amusement was watching people with shoes and imagining what it felt like. By adopting poor and homeless children she is making sure that they never feel that hopeless.

    Pinky feels very proud when she sees her children happy and bright, Her oldest baby, Aarita Rai, is now 20 years old, Then, there is  19-year-old Nimbe who came to Pinky because her mother was unable to look after her. She started to work in a government office two years ago. Ten-year-old Bhim and 14-year-old Kumar came to Pinky five years ago, after their father's death. They started living on a patch of land given by Pinky and grew vegetables for sale.

    “I like children. It's not one more mouth to feed but one more soul saved,” Pinky says.

