
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    A California wind farm will become the first in the U. S. to avoid charges if a limited number of eagles are injured or die when they run into the huge turning blades(桨叶), the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Thursday.

    The Shiloh IV Wind Project LLC, 60 miles east of San Francisco, will receive a special permit allowing up to five golden eagles to be accidentally killed over five years. Previously, such eagle deaths could potentially draw criminal charges and discourage private investment in wind farms.

    Agency Director Daniel Ashe said the permit encourages development of renewable energy while requiring the wind company to take steps to protect eagles from turbines(涡轮机)and power lines. The move will help California reach its goal of producing one-third of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, he said.

    Michael Hutchins of the American Bird Conservancy said he believes the five-year permit for the California wind farm is reasonable, but he said the rapid expansion of wind energy has gotten ahead of the science and regulation to protect all types of birds. Too often, he said, wind farms are built in migratory patterns or near wetlands.

    Birds on the hunt can become dizzy by what's on the ground and fly into the blades, Hutchins said.

    “Is it really green energy if it's going to kill hundreds of thousands of birds or bats each year?” he said. “The whole system needs a much harder look.”

    Shiloh IV Wind Project is a 102-megawatt wind farm operating since 2012 and made up of 50 turbines in Solano County.

    Shiloh is the first to obtain a permit. Marie Strassburger, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service's regional migratory bird chief, said that obtaining one requires a lengthy process, and because this is the first of its kind, officials have carefully made conversation plans with the wind company.

    “It's not a quick, efficient process by any means,” Strassburger said.

    Federal wildlife officials in California, Nevada and Southern Oregon are working on two more applications for five-year eagle permits and one for 30 years, said Scott Flaherty of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Sacramento. Eagles are not listed as endangered, but they are protected under a federal act.

(1)、Shiloh IV will be breaking the law if ___________.
A、its turbines injure any birds in California B、it withdraws its private investment in wind farms C、its equipment kills over five golden eagles in five years D、it builds wind farm in migratory patterns or near wetlands
(2)、Why is California giving Shiloh IV the permit?
A、To encourage green energy B、To protect big turning blades C、To prevent criminal activities D、To support research on eagles
(3)、What was Hutchins's attitude to wind farm's rapid development?
A、Tolerant B、Uncaring C、Surprised D、Critical
(4)、When drafting the five-year permit, officials ________.
A、Showed great caution B、Reached an agreement quickly C、Wanted to list eagles as endangered D、Had already singed tow similar permits
(5)、Who explained to us how eagles are killed on wind farms?
A、Daniel Ashe B、Scott Flaherty C、Michael Hutchins D、Marie

    Disposing(处理) of waste has been a problem since humans started producing it. As more and more people choose to live close together in cities, the waste-disposal problem becomes increasingly difficult.

    During the eighteenth century, it was usual for several neighboring towns to get together to select a faraway spot as a dumpsite. Residents or trash haulers(垃圾托运者) would transport household rubbish, rotted wood, and old possessions to the site. Periodically(定期的) some of the trash was burned and the rest was buried. The unpleasant sights and smells caused no problem because nobody lived close by.

    Factories, mills, and other industrial sites also had waste to be disposed of. Those located on rivers often just dumped the unwanted remains into the water. Others built huge burners with chimneys to deal with the problem.

    Several facts make these choices unacceptable to modern society. The first problem is space. Dumps, which are now called landfills, are most needed in heavily populated areas. Such areas rarely have empty land suitable for this purpose. Property is either too expensive or too close to residential(住宅区的)neighborhoods. Long-distance trash hauling has been a common practice, but once farm areas are refusing to accept rubbish from elsewhere, cheap land within trucking distance of major city areas is almost nonexistent.

    Awareness of pollution dangers has resulted in more strict rules of waste disposal. Pollution of rivers, ground water, land and air is a price people can no longer pay to get rid of waste. The amount of waste, however, continues to grow.

    Recycling efforts have become commonplace, and many towns require their people to take part. Even the most efficient recycling programs, however, can hope to deal with only about 50 percent of a city's reusable waste.


    Smith entered Mr.Watson's office.The boss was a hard man.He fired people who didn't do well without giving them a second chance.

    “Smith,” said Mr.Watson,“this past year your department hasn't earned money.We're going to drop that department.It's finished.I'm sorry,—but you'll have to go.” “But,sir—if I just had a little more time.For the moment I need the job to keep my son at Riverside School.”

    “What's that!” said the boss.“Riverside!I didn't know you had a boy there.That's an expensive school for a man with your salary.”

    “I know,sir.But he likes it there so much!He's a star athlete and the best boxer in the school.The boys call him Champ (冠军)there.”

    The boss sat perfectly still for a long time—a faraway (恍惚的) look in his eyes.Then,suddenly,he said,“We've got to close your department,Smith. But you'll take over a new job in another department.It means longer hours—maybe more pay.Now get out.You're here for life.”

    Smith got out,with surprise on his face.Then the boss took a letter from the top drawer of his desk.It was Herbie's last letter from Riverside School—written a few days before he died.He had read it over and over again with sick pain.The letter read:

    I can't say the boys here are any nicer to me than the others were.I guess it's the same everywhere when you're a cripple (跛脚的人).But don't worry about me,Dad.They've got a good chemistry department here.And there's one boy here who is really great.He's a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry.The boys call him Champ.He made them stop throwing my books around.And he knocked a boy down who hit me.He is the best friend I ever had.Dad,when I grow up,I want to do something for Champ.Something big—that he won't even know about.


    Everyone knows about New York City's most popular attractions, but here are some activities you might not think about doing on your NYC( New York City) vacation. Surprise yourself with some great things to do in New York City.

    Looking for something thrilling to do while you visit New York City? For over ten years, Trapeze school New York has been teaching people how to fly on the trapeze. Their beginner classes last two hours and cost $50-70, plus one-time $22 registration fee. From April to October, their outdoor location on the Hudson River offers a spectacular setting for the experience, but they also have an indoor location that is open year-round.

    Learn to Surf

    Rockaway Beach is a popular destination for East Coast surfers, but even if you've never surfed, there are plenty of folks happy to teach you at Rockaway Beach. Locals Surf School offers two-hour group lessons starting at $80, including all the vehicles you need. Frank from Rockaway Beach also offers surfing lessons.

    Get Kissed by a Sea Lion

    Sign up for a Sea Lion Encounter at the New York Aquarium, and you'll have the chance to get to get up close and personal with the Sea Lions after the show. After a short orientation, participants will each get a chance to pose for a photo and get a kiss from a sea lion. Sea Lion Encounters cost $20 and are offered after Sea Lion Celebration shows. Participants must be at least 5 years old, and those who're 5-7 years old must be held by their parents/caregivers during any animal interaction (互动).

    Experience Fall Leaves

    Although New York City doesn't have as many colorful leaves as New England, there are still some great ways to enjoy the changing leaves during a fall visit to New York City, both in the city and beyond. Whether you want to walk around one of New York City's great parks or take a fall leaves sightseeing cruise up the Hudson River, you can get a taste of the beautiful fall colors when you visit New York City.

    Know where to go!

    Sign up for our daily tips to make your best vacation.





*We have classes for dancers of all abilities.

*Previous experience is not essential.

*All you need to bring is a pair of soft shoes and enthusiasm.

*Classes are held in a number of places and at different times.

*We guarantee you a warm welcome.


New singers are invited to join our choir, formed in 1993,to perform a wide variety of music in Cambridge. We meet every Wednesday evening from 7. 30—9. 30pm, and this term we are rehearsing for a special concert with audience participation on Saturday 1st December.

An ability to sight-read and previous experience in choral singing is desirable, although not essential.


An intensive workshop for beginners.

Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th October

This unusual workshop offers instruction in effective ways to draw in colour. Activities will include study of light and shade and ways to express mood and emotion in colour. The small class(12 students) assures maximum attention for each student. Professional quality materials are included in the fee of£95.


Brazilian Street Percussion(打击乐)


Samba percussion workshop. Lift your spirits with the taste of carnival! It doesn't matter whether you're experienced musician or a complete beginner, you'll be creating complex amazing rhythms in no time.

African Storytelling


The magical African story-telling tradition of narration, poetry and proverbs(mainly from Ghana and Nigeria). An event for all the family.


    When I was small, my mother and I would walk to our local library in Franklin Square. As we didn't always have access to a reliable car, walking hand in hand was the most convenient way to get anywhere. It was at story time for children that both my mother and I made lasting friendships.

    Today, I am fortunate to live around the corner from the Cold Coast Public Library in Glen Head and a short walk to the Sea Cliff Children's Library. My 18-imonth-old son, Colin, and I find ourselves in Sea Cliff several times a week, meeting and making friends. Well, that is what many people don't understand-a library is more than books; it's a community.

    Sure, the library in Franklin Square was the place where I was introduced to Judy Blume novels. But it was also the place where I got my first email address in 1997. At the library, friends and I learned how to research colleges and search for scholarships on the Internet. The library was the place where we sometimes giggled(咯咯笑)too loudly, and where the librarians knew us by name. Their knowing our names wasn't a bad thing. When I came home from my first term at Binghamton University, Mary LaRosa, the librarian at the Franklin Square library, offered me my first teaching job.

    I now teach reading at Nassau Community College. My students are often amazed that they can check out books via their smartphones and virtually(虚拟地)visit a variety of Long Island libraries. The app used by Nassau and Suffolk county public libraries, as well as the college library, makes their homework easier by helping them find resources. Even though they can't always easily visit their local libraries, the library is always with them.


    Being deaf in a hearing world can lead to painful feelings of isolation (孤独).

    Waitress Kelsey recently shared an experience on a social media sharing site that quickly zoomed (陡直上升) to the top of the" front page of the Internet". In her brief post, Kelsey explained that she waits tables at a bar during the evenings, and one night she noticed a deaf man sitting alone in her section (区域).

    When Kelsey isn't working at the bar she makes a good hourly pay doing sign language interpretation (翻译), so she sensed an opportunity to use her skill to make this customer feel a little less alone in the world. She approached his table and began chatting with him in sign language.

    When the table next to his noticed their silent conversation they asked Kelsey how long she'd been signing. They had a brief conversation about her goal of becoming certified (合格的) to interpret sign language in a medical or mental health setting. She didn't think much about the whole exchange until the customers had left the restaurant and she was tidying up the tables. There, on the table of the customers who'd seen her American sign language conversation with the deaf man, was a handwritten note on the receipt.

    "Thank you for what you do; it absolutely matters!" the note said. "Good luck with finishing your degree!" Not only that, but they'd left her a $100 tip.

    Kelsey was moved by the kind note, especially because she wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. To her, she was just conversing with someone in a language that only they understood. Yet to the deaf man and the people seated next to him she'd bridged a gap and helped someone who probably feels lonely a lot of the time.

    Kelsey shared the note on the Internet to spread more love and light in the world.

