
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    It was a dark and cold night.The taxi driver didn't have even one passenger all day.When he went by the railway station,he saw a young man coming out with two bags in his hands.So he quickly opened the door of the car and asked,“Where do you want to go,sir?” “To Star Hotel,”the young man answered.When the taxi driver heard this,he didn't feel happy any more.He knew the young man could give him only three dollars because the hotel was not far from the railway station.But suddenly,he had an idea.He took the passenger through many streets of the big city.

    After a long time,the car arrived at the hotel at last.“You should pay me fifteen dollars,”the driver said to the young man.“What? Fifteen dollars! Do you think I'm a fool? Only last week,I took a taxi from the railway station to this same hotel and I only gave the driver thirteen dollars.I know how much I have to pay for the trip.I won't pay you one dollar more than I paid to the other taxi driver last week.”

(1)、How did the taxi driver feel when he knew where the young man wanted to go?

(2)、Did the first taxi driver cheat the young man?

(3)、How much did the young man want to pay?

(4)、What do you think of the two taxi drivers?



⑴If the person has stopped breathing, you must try to start his/her breathing at once.  {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

⑵If the person is bleeding badly, you must try to stop the bleeding.  {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

⑶If you are bitten by an animal, you must do something to stop it. The cold running water is the best.  {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

⑷If you are burnt (hurt by fire of something very hot), deal with the burnt part at once. The cool water is better.  {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

⑸If there is a fire in a building, stairs are safe and lift is dangerous.  {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Don't use lift. The lift may get trapped between floors. Use the stairs and leave the building at once.

B. Use hot water. Use hot water to clean the cut. Then go to see a doctor.

C. Wash the cut. Wash the cut under cold running water. Cover the broken part, if there is any, with a piece of clean cloth. Then see a doctor as soon as possible.

D. Press hard. You should press on the bleeding point with a piece of cloth and hold up the part to the body which is bleeding.

E. Mouth to mouth. You should lay the person on his / her back and

F. Use the lift. Lift is convenient. Take the lift to the first floor and you can go to see the doctor quickly.

G. Cool the burnt. Run cool( not cold) water over the burn until it is less painful. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burnt part.

