
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通




Elizabeth Ⅱ

◆She is 86 years old.

◆She lives in England.

◆Her birthday is in April, but she celebrates (庆祝) it in June.

Prince Philip

◆He is from Greece.

◆He got married (结婚) in 1947.

◆He lives in Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫) with his wife, Elizabeth Ⅱ.

Prince Charles

◆He got married twice.

◆He has two sons.

◆He is famous for his charity (慈善) work.

Lady Diana

◆She married Charles in 1981.

◆She died in a car accident(事故).

◆She won theNobel Peace Prize(诺贝尔和平奖)in 1997.

Prince William

◆He was born in 1982. He is thirty-four years old this year.

◆His little brother is Harry.

◆His mother died in France.

◆He married Kate in April 2011.

Prince Harry

◆He is two years younger than his Brother, Prince William.

◆He enjoys playing sports. 

◆He is good at flying a plane.

(1)、Elizabeth Ⅱ was born in ________.
A、March B、April C、May D、June
(2)、Prince Philip lives with his wife in ________.
A、England B、Greece C、Japan D、Canada
(3)、________ is kind because of his charity work.
A、Prince Harry B、Prince William C、Prince Charles D、Prince Philip
(4)、Lady Diana died from ________.
A、a subway accident B、a train accident C、a plane accident D、a car accident
(5)、William is ________ years old and Harry is ________ years old.
A、twenty-four; twenty-two B、thirty-four; thirty-six C、thirty-four; thirty-two D、twenty-four; twenty-six

    The Sixth Time I Went to the Principal's Office

    When I was in the seventh grade, I had problems behaving. My heart was in the right place, but I couldn't always follow the rules. I played many tricks on my schoolmates. Once, I even pulled a girl's hair on the school bus to get her attention. As a result, I was repeatedly sent to the office of the principal(校长).

    Although I hated going there, I did not hate the principal, Mr. Ratcliff. Mr. Ratcliff was a kind, elderly man. When he spanked( 打屁股) me for putting some ants into a classmate's pencil box, it didn't hurt at all, but it did hurt my feelings. I thought so much of him and moments like that seemed to prove I was hopelessly bad.

    When I got called to Mr. Ratcliff's office for the sixth time, I had no idea what I had done. I felt disappointed as I walked down there. I went into his office, sat down, and looked at the floor. Then he said the last thing I expected to hear:” Kevin, I've heard you've been behaving really well lately. I want you to know how proud I am of you, and I just called you down to my office to give you a peppermint.”

    “Really?” I was surprised.

    “Yes. Now you can take that peppermint and go back to class.”

    I carried the peppermint with me as if it was a gold coin. When I got into my classroom, I bragged ( 吹嘘) to my classmates about my turnaround, excitedly. I wasn't so bad after all.

    Mr. Ratcliff was really kind. He made me realize that I was just a kid who had problems with behavior. He bought some peppermints and took the time to notice me when I got something—anything—right. Mr. Ratcliff gave me some hope by giving me some love. I will just remember him for the rest of my life.

