
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The Chinese word "Shanzhai" means a small mountain village, but now it becomes an accepted name for fakes (假货), after "Shanzhai Cell-phones" produced by small workshops in southern China became popular in the mainland market over the past two years. Besides (除……之外,还有)"Shanzhai" electronic products, there are "Shanzhai" movies, "Shanzhai" stars and even a "Shanzhai" Spring Festival Gala, a copy of the 25-year-old traditional show presented by CCTV on Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve.

    "Shanzhai" has become a culture of its own, meaning anything that imitates something famous. In Chongqing, "Shanzhai" version "Bird's Nest(鸟巢)" and "Water Cube(水立方)" woven by farmers with bamboo attract(吸引) wide attention from tourists. Both are copies of the famous Olympic buildings in Beijing.

    A literature critic said that taking the "Shanzhai" Gala as an example, when the traditional CCTV program becomes less and less attractive to the audience, the "Shanzhai" version appears timely to attract people. "Although it is often connected with poor techniques and operation, 'Shanzhai' culture meets the psychological needs of common people and could be a comfort to their minds," he said.

    To the mainstream(主流) culture, the rise of "Shanzhai" culture is a challenge and a motivation(推动). People believe different kinds of cultures developing together is a perfect way and it is for the public to choose.

(1)、The Chinese word "Shanzhai" may have started with_______.
A、fake(假的) cell-phones B、electronic products C、Spring Festival Gala D、Olympic buildings
(2)、According to the passage, "Shanzhai" culture means_______.
A、the action that a person imitates famous people B、products with poor techniques and quality C、anything that are copies of something famous D、those similar names to famous brands
(3)、We can infer that the mainstream culture_______.
A、is held back by "Shanzhai" culture B、is the challenge of "Shanzhai" culture C、will be replaced by "Shanzhai" culture D、may develop faster because of the challenge of "Shanzhai" culture
(4)、The underlined word "imitates" is closest in meaning to_______.
A、偷窃 B、仿造 C、做广告 D、欺骗

    A thief entered the bedroom of the 30th President of the United States, who met him and helped him escape punishment.

    The event happened in the early rooming hours in one of the first days when Calvin Coolidge came into power, late in August, 1923. He and his family were living in the same third­floor suite (套房) at the Willard Hotel in Washington that they had occupied several years before. The former President's wife was still living in the White House.

    Coolidge awoke to see a stranger go through his clothes, remove a wallet and a watch chain.

    Coolidge spoke, “I wish you wouldn't take that.”

    The thief, gaining his voice, said, “Why?”

    “I don't mean the watch and chain, only the charm (表坠). Take it near the window and read what is impressed on its back.” the President said.

    The thief read, “Presented to Calvin Coolidge.”

    “Are you President Coolidge?” he asked.

    The President answered, “Yes, and the House of Representatives (众议院) gave me that watch charm. I'm fond of it. It would do you no good. You want money. Let's talk this over.”

    Holding up the wallet, the young man said in a low voice, “I'll take this and leave everything else.”

    Coolidge, knowing there was $80 in it, persuaded the young man to sit down and talk. He told the President he and his college roommate had overspent during their holiday and did not have enough money to pay their hotel bill.

    Coolidge decided to offer the man and his roommate two rail tickets back to the college. Then he counted out $32 and said it was a loan (借款).

    He then told the young man, “There is a guard in the corridor.” The young man nodded and left through the same window as he had entered.


    The UK government has announced plans to tackle sources of air pollution, including popular wood-burning stoves, but its Clean Air Strategy, which was unveiled last week, fails to address the real problem.

    Although pollution from woodburning stoves is a relatively new problem for the UK, it has long been a major one in countries such as Canada and New Zealand. And the take-home message from them as to controlling the release of harmful particulates in the air is simple: ban wood burning.

    "There does not seem to be a limit below which there is no impact on health," says Gary Fuller at King's College London, whose team has shown that wood burning is now the source of a third of particulate pollution in UK cities.

    As New Scientist reported last year, families with wood burners are likely to be exposed to the highest levels of pollution and their neighbours are next in the firing line, given that the particulates produced can easily escape from homes. Despite this, the UK government isn't planning a ban. Instead, it wants "to prohibit the sale of the most polluting fuels", such as wet wood. What's more, lots of people with wood burners don't buy wood from shops. Instead, they scrounge it from wherever they can, with building waste one popular source. This is a disaster in pollution terms as treated or painted wood can release highly toxic chemicals when burned. The plan is also to "ensure that only the cleanest stoves are available for sale by 2022". But even the cleanest stove produces eight times as much pollution as a diesel truck, says Fuller.

    Some cities actually required old wood stoves to be replaced with cleaner new ones. That has helped, but wood burning remains a major source of pollution, says Fuller. In most cases, conventional gas central heating plus properly insulating (使隔热) your home is less harmful in global-warming terms than switching to a wood burner.

    Finally, there are separate but related EU laws that set limits on the maximum allowable concentrations of specific pollutants in the air at individual locations. The UK frequently breaches these: London's Oxford Street often hits its annual limit within the first weeks of each year. As a result, the UK government has lost a series of court cases brought by the environmental organization ClientEarth. Separately, on 17 May, the UK and five other countries were referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union for their repeated failures to keep to these limits. If the government really wants to clean up the UK's air, it has a lot more work to do.


    My friend Jason and I wanted to do something to help other people who are less lucky and help us grow at the same time. After we decided that we would volunteer in Nepal, I did some surveys on the Internet and I found an organization called Volunteer(志愿者) Nepal and felt strongly that it was the right choice for us.

    While making our plans, Jason and I realized that others might like the chance to be a part of our experience. So before leaving for Nepal, we asked the people we know whether they would be interested in donating(捐赠) money or goods to Nepal Orphans Home.

    One friend, whose family owns a shop called Drake Supermarket, told others about it. Many people wanted to donate something. We received donations that filled 29 boxes with sporting goods, toys, coloring books, pencils, children's books, and more, The boxes were later taken to Drake's warehouse(仓库) where I prepared them for shipment. Drake agreed to ship them to Nepal for free .

    The boxes had arrived at the Volunteer House when we arrived there. The next day, Jason and I opened the boxes. The children from the orphanages(孤儿院) stood in a line and were able to choose a gift. This took about an hour, but the looks on their faces and the happiness that we saw in their eyes made it one of the best days of our life.

    We visited the orphanages there in the following days. Being with the children at the orphanages was both sad and wonderful. I'm sure that anyone who has volunteered will understand what I mean by that. My experience as a volunteer was very useful. It has changed me as a person and the way I viewed life in the past.


    In the short time Steve and Zach had been inside their tent packing their tools, wind-blown flame had skipped from the top of one tree to another. The long dry summer had turned the forest into a tinderbox.

    "Let's go! We can make it back to the river we crossed today!" Steve kept Brady on the lead and their heads down against the fire-wind. But Brady barked a sharp warning. Ahead of them lay a thick curtain of smoke across the track. They would never make it through that. The dog was pulling at his lead trying to draw them away from the smoke, and yet Steve was uneasy. It seemed to him that they were moving away from the river.

    Suddenly, Zach cried. "Zach!" Steve shouted. "Are you OK? Where are you?" Then Brady pulled Steve down a sharp slope(坡). At its base, Zach was rubbing his ankle.

    As Steve helped his friend to his feet, Brady lifted his head and snuffed(嗅) the smoke-laden wind. Next moment, the dog bounded away and disappeared. The boys shouted for him, but he didn't come back. Steve couldn't blame Brady for panicking. He himself wanted to run even though he didn't have a clue which way.

    Steve and Zach hadn't gone far when there was a familiar bark, and Brady came bounding, stopped directly in front of Steve and hit him with his head, pushing him back toward the slope they'd just climbed. But Steve didn't get it. Then Brady grabbed the boy's jeans and started pulling. The message was clear, but Steve hesitated. Of course he remembered Brady saving his uncle's life when the dog was much younger. Was he still sharp enough to get them through this?

    Nearby, a pine went up in a whoosh of smoke. Brady pulled again, urgently. "OK, big guy," Steve gritted(咬紧牙关). Brady led them back down the slope and into the trees. Not far from them fire was touching underbrush. Several times the big dog stopped. Often he changed directions. Steve was so tired that he just wanted to rest, but Brady wouldn't have it. The dog bullied both boys to go on. How long they'd walked Steve had no idea. He was almost numb when he heard it—the wonderful sound of rushing water!


    It was a comfortable sunny Sunday. I was going to meet an old university friend I hadn't seen for years, and was really excited.

    My train was running a little late, but that was no big problem - I could text him to say I would be delayed. He would understand. But… where was my mobile phone? I had that familiar sinking feeling. Yes, I'd left it at home.

    No mobile phone. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling anxious, on edge and worried when I don't have my phone with me. In fact, I know I'm not alone: two-thirds of us experience 'nomophobia' (无手机恐惧症), the fear of being out of mobile phone contact.

    That's according to a study from 2012 which surveyed 1,000 people in the UK about their relationship with mobile phones.

    It says we check our mobile phones 34 times a day, and that 18-24 year-olds, especially girls, are the most likely to suffer fear of being without their mobiles: 77% of them say they are unable to be apart from their phones for more than a few minutes.

    Do you have nomophobia?

    • You never turn your phone off

    • You frequently(频繁地) check for texts, missed calls and emails

    • You always take your phone to the bathroom with you

    • You never let the battery run out

    It's funny to think that around 20 years ago the only people with mobile phones would be businessmen carrying their large, plastic 'bricks'. Of course, these days, mobile phones are everywhere. A UN study from this year said there would be more mobile phones than people across the world by the end of 2020.

    And when there are more phones than people in the world, maybe it's time to ask who really is in charge(主管)? Are you in control of your phone, or does your phone control you?

    So, what happened with my university friend? When I arrived a few minutes late he just laughed and said: "You haven't changed at all – still always late!" And we had a great afternoon catching up, full of jokes and stories, with no desire(欲望) to check my phone.

    Not having it with me felt strangely free. Maybe I'll leave it at home on purpose next time.


Welcome to the online Macmillan Dictionary of the BUZZWORD of the month.

Word entry-JOMO

JOMO is an acronym (首字母缩略词) standing for the expression              , and is simply refers to the gratifying feeling you get when you break away from the(real or virtual)activities of your social group and spend time doing exactly what you most want to do.

JOMO is often described as a resist against the hyper-connected society we live in, where technology pushes both social and professional activity constantly in our faces, so that it's virtually impossible to be happily unaware of what everyone else is doing. This often forces us into spending time in ways which we wouldn't necessarily have chosen. JOMO then, is about stepping off the social fashion and reconnecting with what really makes us happy.


The concept of JOMO first appeared in 2012, its early use often credited to blogger Anil Dash who, having to withdraw from both on-and offline activity for a period after the birth of his son. realized that he'd enjoyed himself greatly and didn't feel he'd missed out on anything at all.

JOMO is a play on the earlier acronym FOMO, meaning "fear of missing out", which is used to describe the feeling of anxiety that people experience when they discover, often via social media, that they've let go on a social event or other positive experience.

The existence of expressions like JOMO suggest that, although we're unlikely to resist technology completely, the more deeply we immerse(沉浸)in it, the more we're beginning to evaluate its hold on us. Other newly created combined words reflecting this zeitgeist include ringxiety. the constant need to check your phone or mistakenly thinking it's ringing. nhubbing, the related condition of being impolite in social situations by checking your phone, tablet, etc., and infobesity, continuous addiction to digital information in which affects your ability to concentrate.

