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题型:阅读选择 题类: 难易度:普通



Language Study Fair(展览会)

If you are studying English, the Language Study Fair is just right for you. The fair is going on between 28 June and  30 June at the National Education Center. It can answer your questions about self- study no matter what level your English is at.

The Language Study Fair gives you a very good chance to see and get all kinds of information to help you to improve your English study. Over 350 producers of education materials will be at the fair. Come over to the fair, and you will get the best materials you need. We have got lots of different things for you to see and hear. There will be stands(摊档) showing different kinds of self- study English textbooks and talks by educational speakers on the best ways to study English by yourself. We are sure that you will be interested in the latest computer programs because they make studying English alone much easier. 

Opening Hours:9:30 a. m.- 5:00 p. m. 

Ticket Price:5 yuan for a full- time student 

Ticket Booking Hotline:98477111

(1)、How long will the Language Study Fair last?
A、Two days. B、Three days. C、Four days. D、Five days.
(2)、Who did the author write this passage for?
A、People who want to improve English study. B、People who are good at English study. C、People who want to sell English study materials. D、People who are from foreign countries.
(3)、What makes studying English alone much easier?
A、Out- of- day materials. B、The latest computer programs C、All the education materials. D、Self- study English textbooks.
(4)、How much are the tickets if eight full- time students come to the Language Study Fair?
A、20 yuan. B、30 yuan. C、40 yuan. D、60 yuan.
(5)、What is the passage?
A、A piece of news. B、A conversation. C、A story. D、An advertisement.

    English playwright Arthur Wing Pinero said, "Where there's tea, there's hope." Similarly, a Chinese saying goes that "Firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day."

    Tea is, without doubt, welcomed all over the world. According to Statista, a German website for statistics (数据), global tea production reached about 5.8 million tons in 2018. It has become the most consumed beverage (饮品) in the world – after water, of course.

    According to the UN, tea is much more than just a hot drink. It's a big part of many cultures around the world. You probably know that people in China use top-grade tea to show respect when receiving important guests. Meanwhile, the British tradition of afternoon tea is an important part of that country's identity. Making Malaysia's pulled tea has become a sort of art form, where drinkers take pride in its entertainment aspects.

    Apart from its cultural significance (意义), tea is also a medicine, used from ancient times to modern day. "Tea is cold and lowers the fire," Chinese Ming Dynasty herbalist Li Shizhen once said. The health benefits of tea are still being discovered today: preventing heart disease, obesity and cancer have all been linked to drinking green tea, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the US.

    Hot or cold, bagged or loose-leaf, tea is more than a drink – it's a social custom and also a magic medicine, a link to the past and a way of life.

