
试题 试卷


题型:阅读表达 题类: 难易度:普通



In a recent game of pickleball, my teammate and I were falling far behind our competitors. It was her turn to throw the ball. We were both standing be-hind the baseline, when she nodded at me and said, "In it to win it!"

"Really?" I looked at her in surprise, I had never seen such catchy expression on her face. Personally, I refused even the tiniest suggestion that we should be trying to win the game.

In my life, I had enjoyed the sports with ro. winners and losers, and had always preferred to be a spectator (看客) rather than a player in the world of sports.

Then pickleball game into my life. I started to learn it in my second year of university. Suddenly, I didn't what to be a spectator any longer. I wanted to be a player myself.

My love for the pickleball is that: it's easy to get started with. The gear(装备) isn't too expensive. It's an easy game to learn, and the players don't need to be especially strong, tall or fast. No wonder that a lot of people can now be seen throwing a green, orange or yellow plastic ball with holes in it across a net.

Pickleball is the first game I've ever wanted to win. The idea comes from the excitement I feel when I score a point. Joining in a sport myself rather than cheering for others provides real proof(证明) that I can still work hard to achieve goals.

So, I've made a decision to continue it. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to socialize while doing something active. In that playful space of the court, I face my fears of winning and losing. Now I wonder what competitions I might be brave enough to enter next.

(1)、How did the writer feel when she saw her teammate's catchy expression?
(2)、What sports had the writer enjoyed in her life before she learned pickleball?
(3)、Where did the writer begin to learn pickleball?
(4)、What color is a pickleball?
(5)、Why does pickleball become the first game that the writer has ever wanted to win?

    Have you ever considered starting a fitness program? Since exercise can reduce the risk of diseases, improve balance, help lose weight, better sleep habits and even make you confident, you should start a fitness program in the following steps.

    Test your fitness level

How many meters can you walk or run in one minute? How much time does it take you to swim 50 meters? What is your heart rate (心率)? The data (数据) of your fitness level can help you know what activities you need.

    Design your fitness program

You may have begun your daily exercise. But a personal plan helps more. First, you should have your fitness goals (目标). For example, what do you want to look like, to be slimmer or quicker? A balanced plan will help you start low, progress slowly, do right activities and even allow you to recover (康复) if you get hurt.

    Prepare things needed for sports

You need something practical, enjoyable and easy to use. It could be a pair of trainers, a volleyball or a bicycle. You can also download fitness apps (应用程序) on your mobile phone to measure distances, calories burned or your heart rate.

    Take action

Now you're ready for action. When you begin, don't always try tough tasks. Listen to your body and reduce exercise time if necessary.

   Monitor your progress

Test your fitness level again six weeks later. If you have achieved your goals, increase exercise time to continue improving.

Starting an exercise program is an important decision. By planning carefully and acting step by step, you can have good health.

B) 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面方框的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文章中,使短文意思通顺,结构完整

You're chatting with a friend and want to suggest a good book. All of a sudden, you can't remember the title! The harder you try to remember, . the more it eludes (使不记得) you. We've all been there, and everyone knows how hard it is to remember all the information in your head. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

● Repeat important information out loud. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} When you repeat something out loud, you aren't technically memorizing it. You're actually creating a pattern (方式) and sound that will make the information easier to remember in the future.

● {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Turn the TV off while you study and put down the phone while you're driving. When you do different activities at the same time, your attention is divided, which will make it hard to process (处理) the information necessary to remember what you're doing.

● Take notes and write things down. Taking notes will help you memorize the information, even if you never look at your notes again! {#blank#}4{#/blank#} So you'd better use pens and paper if you really want to remember your friend's birthday or an important meeting.

● Take a short walk. Studies show that taking a walk will increase your memory. If you're trying to remember something, spend a few minutes walking around your neighborhood to see if it helps. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}At best, you'll remember the name of that life-changing book from primary school!

A. Pay attention to one thing at a time.

B. Remember to find a good neighborhood.

C. Never watch TV or use mobile phone too much.

D. At worst, you'll get some exercise and relax a little.

E. Say that address, phone number, or date over and over again.

F. Luckily, there are some things you can do to improve your memory.

G. Research shows that it's hard to achieve the same result by writing on your phone.

