
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类: 难易度:普通



Nina felt nervous this morning. She couldn't believe that she decided to tryout for a talent show. She loved to sing but she disliked singing in front of other people. 

Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door of the theater and went inside. 

The room was filled with laughing children. Nina saw Luz, James and others from her class. The bright, sunny room left her no place to hide. A few teachers sat on chairs. They waited for the children to become quiet. 

"Hi, Nina!" Luz called out. "I didn't think you would tryout. You are so timid(胆怯的) in front of people. "

"That's not true, " Nina said. "I'm not shy at all. "

"Yeah, right, " Luz chuckled(轻声地笑) and ran off to find a seat. 

One by one the students got up on the stage(舞台) and did their acts. 

"Nina Martinez!" a voice called out. It was Mrs. Brent, the music teacher. Nina rose from her chair. She felt small as she walked to the huge, empty stage. Her face was hot and her shaking hands were as cold as ice. 

"I-I-" Nina began, and then stopped. "I can't, " she said softly. 

"Close your eyes, " said Mrs. Brent gently. "Forget about everyone else. Just sing. "

Nina felt silly, but she gave it a try. She closed her eyes and raised her voice and sang out. Her hands stopped shaking. 

The song was so nice that everybody enjoyed it. 

Nina heard Mrs. Brent clap (鼓掌) loudly at the end of her song. "That's the first time I have really heard your voice, " she said. "You are in the show!"

Nina let out a big sigh(叹息) and smiled happily. 

(1)、What was the weather like that day?
A、Sunny. B、Rainy. C、Snowy. D、Cloudy.
(2)、Why did Luz laugh as he ran off to his seat? Because____. 
A、he thought Nina looked silly B、he thought Nina was very funny C、he did not believe Nina was telling the truth D、he did not believe Nina had a good music teacher
(3)、When Nina walked to stage, her face was hot and her hands were cold. That's because she was____. 
A、very excited B、badly ill C、too nervous D、so happy
(4)、Mrs. Brent told Nina to just sing for herself. It showed that Mrs. Brent____.
A、wanted Nina to dowell B、thought Nina's voice was too soft C、did not think Nina would be in the show D、did not think Nina would remember the song
(5)、Which word best describes Nina at the end of the story?
A、Silly. B、Lucky. C、Proud. D、Terrible.

When was the last time you gave or received a hug(拥抱)? Do your parents hug you before you go to school? In Western countries, it is quite common to greet close friends or relatives with a hug.

You might hug your teammates after winning a basketball game. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Friends who haven't seen each other for a long time will usually hug each other when meeting.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} After coming to China, I've noticed that the Chinese seem unwilling(不愿意)to hug.

My Chinese friends tell me that hugging is considered to be very intimate (亲密的) in their culture. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Chinese people don't usually hug in public. But people's attitudes towards hugging can also change.

I remember watching a video story about a "hugging party" that was held in shanghai.. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} The Chinese who took part in the party looked uncomfortable. However, after the party, several of them changed their minds. They found that hugging didn't have to be embarrassing and could actually be quite nice.So next time you see your parents, give them a hug and see how it makes you feel.

A. Of course, people in different countries have different opinions when it comes to hugging.

B. If one of your friends is having a bad day, you can hug him or her to cheer him or her up.

C. A local artist held the party, invited strangers and asked them to hug each other.

D. It usually only happens between people who are really close to each other like couples.


①There's nothing quite like falling sound asleep after a full day or work. Like people, animals need to rest after working hard. Some animals sleep in water. Others dig holes under the ground. Some even sleep high in trees or under leaves. But they all find a way to rest.

②Some animals in the sea sleep in strange ways. Fish sleep with their eyes open. They seem to look ahead far into the sea while they rest. Sea otters sometimes sleep in beds of the plants that grow in the sea. This keeps them from moving away. Parrotfish blow something from their mouths when they are ready to sleep. Then a bubble(气泡) will be formed around them. The bubble protects them from harm while they sleep.

③Some animals sleep under the ground. Chipmunks(花栗鼠) sleep curled up in a ball. Their beds are made of grass. In winter, they sleep for two weeks before waking up again. Some desert frogs di g underground holes during the hot, dry season. A frog may stay in its hole for months.

④There are some animals who sleep in the air. Some seabirds can sleep while they fly. These large birds spend most of their lives over the ocean. They are in danger on the water, but they are safe in the air. They glide for many hours without flapping(拍打) their wings.

⑤High above the ground, monkeys find leafy places in trees each evening before they sleep. The tall trees help to keep monkeys safe during the night. Some insects even sleep under the leaf that will be their next meal. A bee may climb down into a flower to rest. When it climbs out the next morning, it is rested and ready for work.

