
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类: 难易度:普通



Just outside a village, there was a pretty but small Fir tree. He lived in a very beautiful forest with a lot of sunshine and fresh air. However, he didn't care about that, and always wished for something more interesting instead of enjoying the simple things in his life. 

One day, the largest trees were cut down. They would be made into masts. The Fir tree thought happily, "I want to be a mast. It seems so cool. "

The air and the sunshine heard the tree and said, "Don't wish for another life. Be happy now. You have warm sunlight. You have a health y trunk. "But the tree did not understand them.

This year, some young trees were cut down. They would live in a warm room and were decorated(装饰) with so many colors and lights. The Fir tree was very interested in this and really wanted to be like that. 

Again, the sunlight and the air said to the tree, "Do not be so silly. Your life in the forest is the best. Be happy with that. "But the tree didn't listen to them.

Finally, the woodcutters came to cut down the Fir tree and put him into a large room. 

On Christmas Day, many servants came in. They decorated the tree. On its top, there was a large golden star. Later, all people came in and sang Christmas carols together. The tree enjoyed watching all of this. 

"This is all for me!"thought the tree, "I will live my life in this warm room. The sunlight and the air were all wrong. "He felt very good about his future.

However, the next morning, some servants came into the room. They put him into a dark room. He was forgotten. 

As many lonely nights passed, the door to that dark room finally opened. Two servants came in and took the tree outside. 

"This is wonderful. "thought the tree. "My new life is beginning. "He relaxed in the sunlight. Just then, he discovered something terrible. His branches were all yellow. They were weak.

At that time. Some children were running around the garden They cned, "Look! The Christmas true is old and ugly. But it still has the yellow star on top of it. "One of the children took the star from the tree. Now, there was nothing beautiful about the tree anymore.

Soon, a gardener came with an axe. He chopped the poor Fir tree into pieces. Then, he placed each piece into a fire. The poor tree burned in the flames. As he burned, he could see the children playing. They were playing with his golden star. But it was too late for regrets now. 

"This really is the end, "thought the tree.

(1)、What does the underlined word"that"refer to in Paragraph 5?
A、Life in a small village. B、Life in a big city. C、Life in a beautiful forest. D、Life in a warm room.
(2)、What bappened to the Fir tree after Christmas Day?
A、Children sang Christmas songs around him. B、He lived in a dark room for many lonely nights. C、People decorated him with a large golden star. D、A kind gardener helped him return to the forest.
(3)、How did the Fir tree's feeling change from the beginning to the end?
A、Hopeless-lonely-happy-hopeful B、Lonely-hopeless-hopeful-happy C、Hopeful-happy-lonely-hopeless D、Happy-lonely-hopeful-hopeless
(4)、What's the best title for the story?
A、Enjoy the Present B、Never too Old to Learn C、Easier Said than Done D、Light Tomorrow with Today

    Emilyand Alex were happy when their family moved to a house with a very big garden. Theycould climb up trees, grow flowers and even play badminton. They liked to watchthe birds flying among the trees in the garden. They even started to put food outto attract(吸引)more birds.

    Everythingwas fine for a few days until one afternoon there was a strange bumping noise ona window. Emily went outside and found a small bird dead on the grass. Its neckseemed to be broken.

    "Itmust have flown into the window," Alex said when his sister Emily called himto have a look. "Ah, yes, look here. You can see the mark where it hit thewindow. There are a couple of tiny feathers stuck(粘贴) on the window."

    "Poorthing!" Emily said.

    Duringthe next month, another five birds died in the same way. "Why would they flyto the windows?" they wondered. Finally they found out the truth. When thebirds were flying, they couldn't see into the rooms. All they saw was the reflection(反射) of the garden. They thought that they were flying into trees becausethey saw trees reflected by the window.

    "Somethinghas to be done to save the birds." the parents decided.

    At first,he family tried keeping curtains(窗帘)across the windows, but thismade the room dark. Then they bought some strong black paper and cut out the shapeof ahawk. They made six hawks—one for each window. They stuck the hawks to the windows. They lookedpretty and did not keep out much light. When the birds saw the hawks, they wouldfly away.

    Afterthat, there were no more dead birds. The family were much happier.


Try Something New

One day, I tried out for the school volleyball team, but I failed. It made me {#blank#}1{#/blank#} (充满) of sadness. After getting home, my mother tried to cheer me up but I still sat {#blank#}2{#/blank#}(寂静) in my room. 

In the next day, my mother invited uncle Gerry to our house. Because it was my{#blank#}3{#/blank#} (十二) birthday. The bell{#blank#}4{#/blank#}(发出铃声) and I opened the door. Uncle Gerry said "Still sad?"I guessed my mother had told him all about the{#blank#}5{#/blank#}(真相). I didn't want to say yes, but I felt better.

Later on. he gave me some advice. He said, "Tommy, I am so proud of you. You know what I do?{#blank#}6{#/blank#}(无论什么) difficulties I meet, I will find some new ways to solve them. Every year, I make a promise to try one new thing,{#blank#}7{#/blank#}(包括) a new sport, a new book or a new hobby. So perhaps you{#blank#}8{#/blank#}(推测) to try new things. It helps you grow as a better person. "

It sounded great. I decided to try new things on my way home that day. 

One day, while I was walking by a school, I saw some kids playing baseball. I thought about what my uncle had said, so I went to the kid. It took some {#blank#}9{#/blank#} (勇气), but soon I had fun playing with them. 

A year later, I became a player on our school baseball team. Now I'm still having fun playing baseball with my friends every week. In {#blank#}10{#/blank#}(整体), I found this happiness because I tried something new. 

