
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类: 难易度:普通

【精彩练习】外研版英语七年级下册AB本专题训练 专题三

Passage H完形填空

Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Rose. She loved1 but she didn't have paintbrushes(画笔) or paper. She always painted pictures in the sand2 tree branches(树枝). One day, an old lady saw Rose and said, "Hi! Here's a paintbrush and some3 for you."

"Thank you!"Rose said. She felt so4 ."Hmm, what will I paint?" she thought. She5 and saw a duck in the river. "I know! I can paint a6 !" So she did. Suddenly, the duck flew off the paper and into the river."Wow!"she said."A magic paintbrush!"

Rose was a very 7 girl and she painted pictures for the people in her village. She painted cows for the 8 , pencils for the students and toys for all the children.

The king9 about the magic paintbrush and he sent a soldier(士兵) to find Rose. "Come with10 ," said the soldier."The king wants you to paint some money for him."

"But he's so11 ," said Rose. "I only paint to help poor people."But the soldier still took Rose to the king. "Paint me a tree with lots of12 on it," the greedy(贪婪的) king shouted.

Rose was brave and said, "No!"13 the king sent her to prison(监狱). But Rose painted a key to the door and a horse to help her run away. The king14 her with his soldiers.

She took out her paintbrush and 15 a big hole, and splat(啪嗒声)! The king and the soldiers fell into the hole.

Rose only used her magic paintbrush to help those people who truly needed her help.

A、 singing B、 dancing C、 painting D、 swimming
A、 for B、 on C、 in D、 with
A、 sand B、 paper C、 crayons D、 erasers
A、 angry B、 worried C、 happy D、 relaxed
A、 got up B、 ran away C、 fell down D、 looked around
A、 duck B、 fish C、 boat D、 river
A、 tall B、 kind C、 careful D、 healthy
A、 farmers B、 doctors C、 managers D、 police
A、 wrote B、 talked C、 heard D、 thought
A、 me B、 you C、 him D、 her
A、 busy B、 rich C、 funny D、 famous
A、 birds B、 apples C、 leaves D、 money
A、 So B、 Or C、 But D、 Because
A、 waited for B、 ran after C、 pointed at D、 listened to
A、 found B、 entered C、 painted D、 touched
