
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类: 难易度:困难



Sara walked slowly home from school kicking stones along the sidewalk and thinking about the assignment(作业). Mrs. Peters, her teacher, gave the 1 in class right before school finished so that students could think about the assignment over the weekend. "This assignment will be a 2 one!" she said. "Each of you will find something that you are good at and write a report for the class. I'm sure you'll be happy to do it!"

As she had expected, students immediately began to talk about all the ideas that they had for the report 3 in class. Sara's best friend, Betsy, loved to play the piano and was already a skilled pianist. Tom was the captain of the school team and would write his report about basketball. Everyone seemed to have an idea for the project except Sara.

"It's impossible for me to choose 4 ," thought Sara, as she walked in through her front door—remembering her basketball for the wrong team and her strong dislike of running! She loved to sing and dance, but she did it only for fun with her friends. As for art, she believed that her paintings were about the same quality as her little sister who was five. Sara 5 what in the world she would write her paper about.

The minute Sara walked through the door, her sister came running towards her to give Sara her daily after-school hug! Suddenly, Sara 6 the happy moments with her sister. Every day, Sara tried to think of something special that they were going to do together. Sometimes, they went out for a walk or played in the backyard. Other days, they stayed inside the house to read or watch their favorite show on TV. Today, Sara was planning to help her sister make a castle out of pillows, chairs and blankets. With a smile, Sara considered how much she 7 being a big sister.

As Sara gathered blankets, pillows and snacks to eat in their castle, her sister shouted happily. Then an 8 came to Sara—she was an expert at something! Sara smiled as she knew that she also had a wonderful report. She believed she would hand in an excellent assignment next week.

A、support B、courage C、speech D、instruction
A、classic B、pleasant C、curious D、strange
A、patiently B、politely C、excitedly D、secretly
A、art B、science C、languages D、sports
A、wondered B、shared C、examined D、proved
A、described B、collected C、pictured D、recorded
A、missed B、enjoyed C、minded D、imagined
A、idea B、object C、example D、order

Justin was so good at basketball that he could beat any of the older guys at the court, and the younger guys didn't have any chances. But one day everything changed. When Justin was shooting around at the local court, some guys from another neighborhood appeared before him. The biggest one said that he had heard that Justin was the best and he wanted to see if it was true. Justin didn't want to play. But his cousin begged," Come on, Justin, beat this guy!" Justin decided to do what his cousin wanted.

Just as Justin was going to win, the big guy knocked him down hard. Justin broke his right leg. The doctor said he might never play basketball again.

During the first six weeks, Justin just lay in bed with his leg in a long cast. He watched TV all day and ate one bag of potato chips after another. Justinblew up like a balloon as he watched his future fade away as a basketball player.

Then Justin's sister Kiki came home from the university, bringing exciting stories of a far away land called college During those days, they talked and studied together, and Justin felt much better. Because of that, he realized he shouldn't give himself up. Basketball used to be his favorite thing, and he was good at it. But now there was only school, so he had to get good at that.

Justin worked so hard. By the time he got to senior year in high school, his GPA was high. The last thing that Justin had to do to get into college was score well on the ACT. Well wouldn't you know it?

Using the study skills he had learned from his sister, Justin made a score of 24 on the ACT.

Every university that Justin applied to accepted him. When the fall came, Justin had his choice in colleges.


Mother Tongue (语言)

    My name is Jiniku but everyone calls me Joey, including my parents. My father is American but my mother is not. My mother grew up in a country whose name I cannot pronounce correctly. She was educated in French and Latin, Spanish and German.

    My mother wrote all day, but never showed anyone what she wrote. She had notebooks she would write in, and a typewriter to straighten out (整理) the final copy.

    When she had typed (打字) pages, she put them in a box. This box was deep under the bed that she and my father shared.

    There were only two words that she ever said in the real voice, with her real accent (口音), real tongue. I heard her say them only three times in her life. She taught them to me one night as I lay on her legs, sweating (出汗) with fever.

    "Jiniku," she said in a low voice. "Jiniku." I focused (集 中) on her voice through my fever, realizing that something had changed. She was speaking from a part of her that she had not opened for a long time. She took my hand, and placed my palm (掌心) over her heart. "Juriszu." She stared out the window. There was a long silence. I could feel her heartbeat, which was calmer and slower than my own. "My name," she said at last, speaking once more in English, "means „dark ocean (海洋).‟ And you, Jiniku, my baby, yours means „life.‟" She looked out the window again. "„Ji‟ is the word for a happy birth. One where everyone lives and there is little pain. „Ni‟ is a tree that had its roots (根) spread far and whose branches (树枝) shelter (庇护) all. „Ku‟ is spirit. You have this all-encompassing (包罗万象的) life." She placed her hand on my heart. "The first and last letters of our names are the same," she said. "Don‟t forget that, Jiniku."


Daisy forgot to set the alarm clock (闹钟) so she had to run to catch the bus. This made her feel tired and rushed when she started her science test. After she handed in her test paper, she was certain that the test had not gone well. With a heavy heart, she left the classroom.

That afternoon, Daisy left school to work part-time at Beckman's. After she finished her work, Mrs. Beckman called her into the office. "Daisy," she said, "you have been a great worker. But business has been slow; we have to let you go."

Feeling down, Daisy left the office. As she walked slowly towards her aunt's house, she tried to think about the new hairstyle her aunt had promised her. When she arrived, Daisy showed her aunt a picture of the style she wanted.

"Well, you're done. What do you think?" Her aunt asked about an hour later.

What Daisy saw in the mirror left her speechless. It was nothing like the picture! How could she possibly go to school again?

The next morning, putting her things in her locker, she ran into Ms. Wilson, her science teacher.

"I know, Ms. Wilson, I did very poorly on the test. It's just that I forgot…"

"What are you talking about? Daisy, you did a great job!" Ms. Wilson said. "What I wanted to ask you is if you would be interested in working a few days a week after school as a lab assistant (助手). I need some help organizing all the materials." Daisy happily accepted.

"Daisy!" she heard as the rest of the students began to enter the building. "Where did you get your hair done?" She was so excited about her test and new job that she had completely forgotten about her hair.

"Wow! That is so cool!" she was told. She couldn't believe her ears. Everyone loved her hair.

What a couple of days it had been! Walking home, she smiled as the radio of a passing car played the song "What a Difference a Day Makes".

