
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Hello! I'm an America girl. My first name is Lucy. My last name is White. I'm in No.3 Middle School. My father and mother are in No.3 Middle School, too. They are English teacher. My brother is in NanKai University(大学). His name is Tony. I have a Chinese teacher. Her name is Wang Yan. She can speak(说) very good English. She is a good teacher.

(1)、I am an America ___________.
A、boy B、teacher C、girl D、student
(2)、My name is___________ .
A、White Lucy B、Lucy White C、Wang Yan D、Tony White
(3)、Tony is_____________.
A、my father B、my mother C、my Chinese teacher D、my brother
(4)、There are(有)  __________ people in my family.
A、two B、three C、four D、five
(5)、Wang Yan is _______________.
A、a Chinese teacher B、my aunt C、an English teacher D、a student
   My name is Lin Hui. I like to tell stories about people who work together. What is even better is when countries help each other and build a good friendship. An excellent example of this happened when Britain and China worked together to bring the Milu deer back to China.
Milu deer, a kind of animal with large horns(角), used to be common in China long ago. Like other deer they lived together and ate grass and the soft parts of trees. Milu deer were often killed for food or sport. The Ming and Qing dynasties(朝代) did not protect them and many were killed. That is how the Milu deer disappeared from China.
   Luckily before all of them were killed, some were taken to Britain to improve the environment of the beautiful park which belonged to the Duke of Bedford. He liked them so much that he took them from China to Britain. Milu deer liked the cool, wet weather in England and their number increased year by year. As a result, when in 1985 the government of China wanted to bring back the Milu deer, the Duke of Bedford was able to help. The first deer came back to China to the Nanhaizi Milu Park 20 kilometers south of Beijing and the centre in Dafeng, Jiangsu province.
   The deer certainly seem happy to be back in China because their number has grown quickly. There are now so many of them that a new park has been opened for them in Hubei Province. At the moment the Milu deer live in centres where they are being well protected and cared for. It is hoped that one day there will be enough animals to let them live in the wild again.           

    My name is Liu Fang. For a long time, I dreamed of doing something in Western China and last year after I left my college, I became a volunteer (志愿者) teacher. It has changed my life completely!
    I traveled a long way from Yangkang Railway Station to a small village by bus in the noth part of Qinghai province. On my way there, I thought about the village, the school, the first day and  the children there. However, my heart sank (沉下) when I arrived there. It wasn't what I thought of. It didn't look like a school at all! How small it was! The school had only three rooms, one for Grades 1, 2 and 3, and the other for Grades 4, 5 and 6. There was a third classroom for me.   
    The children welcomed me warmly on my first day. They asked me a lot of questions and I told them stories about myself and my life in Shanghai. The next day, I gave them a test to find out their level (水平). To my surprise, over half of the students didn't pass the test, but they all wanted to learn new things. 
    I spent many nights getting ready for the lessons, reading test papers and marking homework. I enjoyed teaching these lovely and hardworking children, and I could see that they were making progress (进步) with my help. I have also learned a lot from them. I understand their lives better, and I realized that they really needed me a lot.
    I have worked in the village for a year now. I'm very happy and the experience has been very useful for me. Now I know how to look after myself. I love the children. In fact, I would like to go on working here.

Fill in the blanks according to the passage .Only one word for each blank.

    Once upon a time, there was a millionaire who loved money more than the other things in the world. He didn't know exactly how much he had, so he took on a little girl to count all his money for him.

    It took the little girl six days to count all the money. When she told the millionaire that he had forty-two million dollars, he was wild with joy and asked, “How much money do you want?” He thought she was only a child and he could give her less money.

    The girl said, “Well, I worked for six days, so I think you should pay me for six days. Give me two pennies for the first day. Each day after that, just give me the amount you give me the day before, multiplied(乘) by itself.”

    The millionaire thought that in this way he would only have to give her a few dollars. What a foolish girl!

    On the first day the millionaire paid her two pennies, and on the second day, two pennies times two pennies, or four pennies.

    Each day after that, he gave her the number of pennies he had given her the day before, multiplied by itself. And by the sixth day the foolish millionaire had to give the clever girl all his money.

    Long long ago, a millionaire loved money than anything {#blank#}1{#/blank#} in the world. One day he took on a girl to count his money. The girl spent six days in {#blank#}2{#/blank#} his money. The millionaire asked the girl how much money he should {#blank#}3{#/blank#} for what she did. The girl answered he should give her the amount he gave her the day before, multiplied by itself.

    The millionaire {#blank#}4{#/blank#} with the girl. He thought the girl was a {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. In fact, the girl was so clever. The millionaire had to give the clever girl all his money.

