
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and brushes and painted from morning to evening, and then when it got dark, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.
At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, "No, I don't want money… but give me one of your pictures. What is money? In a week it will all be finished, but your painting will still be here."
The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his pictures. The farmer smiled and answered, "It's not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes home next month, I'll show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think. "

(1)、__________ people are mentioned (提到) in the article.

A、Two B、Three C、One D、Many
(2)、The artist lived with the farmer __________.

A、for about a month B、for a year C、for a holiday D、for the farmer's son
(3)、The farmer asked the artist to give him a picture because __________.

A、he liked his picture B、he didn't want his money C、he wanted to sell his pictures for some money D、he wanted to show it to his son
(4)、The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer because __________.

A、the farmer didn't want him to pay him B、the farmer decided to let his son learn from him C、the farmer's son would be an artist like him D、he thought the farmer praised (表扬) him for his pictures

 Donna Ashlock, a 14-year-old girl from California, was very sick. She had a bad heart. “Donna needs a new heart,” her doctor said, “she must have a new heart, or she will die soon.”

Felipe Carza, 15, was worried about Donna. Felipe was Donna's friend. He liked Donna very much. He liked her freckles, and he liked her smile. Felipe didn't want Donna to die.

 Felipe talked to his mother about Donna. “I am going to die,” Felipe told his mother, “and I am going to give my heat to Donna.”

 Felipe's mother didn't pay much attention to Felipe. “Felipe is just kidding,”she thought, “Felipe is not going to die. He's strong and healthy.”

 But Felipe was not healthy. He had terrible headaches sometimes. “my head hurts,”he often told his friends. Felipe never told his parents about his headaches.

One morning Felipe woke up with a sharp pain in his head. He was dizzy (眩晕的), and he couldn't breathe. His parents rushed Felipe to the hospital. Doctors at the hospital had terrible news for them. “Felipe's brain is dead,”the doctors said, “we can't save him.”

 The parents were very sad. But they remembered Felipe's words. “Felipe wanted to give his heart to Donna,”they told the doctors.

 The doctors did several tests. Then they told the parents, “we can give Felipe's heart to Donna.”

The doctors took out Felipe's heart and rushed the heart to Donna. Other doctors took out Donna's heart and put Felipe's heart in her chest. In a short time the heart began to beat.

The operation was a success. Felipe's heart was beating in Donna's chest, but Donna didn't know it. Her parents and doctors didn't tell her. They waited until she was stronger; then they told her about Felipe. “I feel very sad,”Donna said, “but I am thankful to Felipe.”

 Three months later the operation Donna went back to school. She has to have regular checkups, and she has to take medicine every day. But she is living a normal life.

 Felipe's brother John says, “Every time we see Donna, we think of Felipe. She has Felipe's heart in her. That gives us great peace.”

 B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage:

This winter holiday, I have a wonderful trip in Jilin. We even managed to make a micro film (微电影)there. The experience was so happy that I cannot wait to1 it with you. 

We arrived in Changchun (长春)in the evening. With snow and ice everywhere, we suddenly realized that we had come to a kingdom of snow! It made us all2

However, we came to Jilin not only for sightseeing. We had an important mission—to take a short film! Every one of us needed to be the host or hostess of one part of the film. 

When we visited the Rime Island, It was my turn to be the hostess. At last, I was very nervous when facing the camera. I took a deep breath and looked around. The trees covered with magic rime, white snow and crystal ice, and the happy crowd immediately made me relax. I3 finish my hosting task. 

Have this picture in your mind: you lie down on the soft snow, with the white coated trees around you. Your4 is filled with snow. It is pure and quiet. All your worries and sorrows will be gone. 

Nowadays, the pace of life in modern cities is getting faster and faster. But why not5 down and enjoy the magic of nature?

This trip brought something new to me. I learned how a film is made; I learned how important teamwork is; I6 understood how to enjoy life. 

Travelling is a good thing that can broaden our horizons and improve our abilities. When enjoying the pleasure of travelling, you are also learning something beneficial for your future life. 

