
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    John likes chocolates(巧克力) very much, but his mother doesn't give him. They're bad for his teeth(牙齿), she thinks. But John has a very nice grandfather. The old man loves his grandson very much and sometimes he buys John some chocolates. Then his mother lets him eat them, because she wants to make the old man happy.

    On Sunday evening, it is John's seventh birthday. He says,” Please, God, make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.” His mother says,” God can't hear you. Don't shout(喊叫).” “I know,” says the clever boy with a smile. “But grandfather is in the next room, and he can.”

(1)、John likes __________very much.
A、reading books B、chocolates C、breakfast
(2)、Sometimes ________ buys him some chocolates.
A、John's mother B、John's father C、John's grandfather
(3)、Does John's mother buy him some chocolates on his birthday?
A、Yes, she does B、Yes, she is C、No, she doesn't
(4)、What day is John's birthday?
A、Monday B、Sunday C、It's fine.
(5)、John is a very _______ boy.
A、clever B、good C、foolish (愚蠢的)

    I have tried to write a ghost(鬼魂) story that won't make you unhappy with yourselves,with each other,with the seasons,or with me.I hope it haunts(飘荡) your houses pleasantly.

    By Charles Dickens One Christmas Eve,old Scrooge and Bob were working busily in his office.It was a cold,foggy day.The fog was so thick that the houses opposite were like ghosts.It was only three o'clock in the afternoon,but it was already quite dark.

    "Merry Christmas,Uncle!"cried a happy voice.It was Scrooge's nephew(侄子).

    "Bah!"said Scrooge,"Humbug(骗人的话)!"

    "Christmas is a humbug?Surely you don't mean that,Uncle."said his nephew.

    "I do,"said Scrooge."Merry Christmas!What reason have you got to be merry?You're poor."

    "OK,then,"replied the nephew cheerfully."What reason have you got to be sad?You are rich.Don't be angry,Uncle!"said his nephew.

    "What else can I be?"answered the uncle,"I live in a world of fools!Merry Christmas!What's Christmas time to you?It's a time for paying bills without money?!It's a time for finding yourself a year older,but not richer.

    Everyone who goes around saying 'Merry Christmas' should have his tongue cut out.Yes,he should!"

    "Uncle!Please don't say that!"said the nephew."I've always thought of Christmas time as a good time,a kind,and a charitable(慈善的)and happy time.And so,Uncle,Christmas has never put any gold or silver in my pocket,but I think it has done me good.And it will do me good.I'm sure."

    Bob,standing in the corner of the room,applauded.He realized his mistake very soon,and went quickly back to his work,but Scrooge had heard him.

    "One more sound from you,Bob Cratchit,"said Scrooge,"and you'll celebrate Christmas by losing your job!"

    "Don't be angry with him,Uncle.Come and have dinner with us tomorrow."said Scrooge's newphew.

    "No."said Scrooge.

I'm sorry you don't want to celebrate Christmas.But I do.So a Merry Christmas,Uncle!"

    "Good afternoon!"said Scrooge.

    "And a Happy New Year!"said his nephew.

    "Good afternoon!"said Scrooge again.

    His nephew left the room.He stopped to wish Bob a Merry Christmas.And Bob replied,"A  Merry Christmas to you,too."


    A man in Pakistan is now working to help children get an education. When he was a child, he did not go to school because he was too poor.

    It is reported that Pakistan has 25 million children who do not go to school. That is the second ­highest number in the world. Only Nigeria has more. Many Pakistani children must work to support their families.

    Mohammad Ayub was once one of those children. He is now a firefighter. He also manages a small school. VOA recently visited the school in the capital Islamabad.

    Ayub started with just one student in 1982. He saw a boy cleaning cars for days. He asked him, "Why don't you go to school?" The boy answered that his parents were dead and he had to work to help support his five brothers and three sisters.

    Ayub was also an orphan and he, too, had to work to help support his five brothers and three sisters. He said, "When my father died, everyone who came to the funeral said they were sorry, but no one helped." He sold newspapers and did other work to earn enough money to pay school fees for his brothers and sisters.

    Ayub wanted to help the young boy who washed cars, but he did not have enough money to pay the boy's school fees.

    Today, Ayub teaches many children at his school in a public park. Some of the children attend other schools in the morning, but come to Ayub in the afternoon to get help with their homework.

    Ayub has helped a large number of poor children since he began teaching. Many of them come from very poor areas near the park.

    Ayub said," I used to argue with kids who worked ' Why are you washing someone's dishes or their clothes? Why don't you study? ' "

    One of the children he advised to attend classes was Farhat Abbas. Ayub found him working with his friends about 12 years ago. "He followed us back home. He told our parents he wanted to teach us and asked them to send us to his school, "Abbas said.

    Today, Abbas is taking classes at a college and is helping Ayub.

    Many children are out of school, and those who do attend classes often get a poor education. Information gathered by an organization shows half of all Pakistani children in the 5th grade do not understand basic mathematics and cannot read a story in their language.

    A group in Islamabad reports Pakistan spends less on education than any other country in South Asia.

