
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    We've all heard about the power of our attitude, and it's our attitude that determines how much we succeed in life.

    All the things that you have been through, all the people you have met and interacted with can have an impact on your attitude. If you think that all these factors have molded you into a person with a poor attitude towards life, there is no need to worry.

1).Identify and understand what you want to change.

    The first step towards change is clearly understanding what needs to be changed.When it comes to changing your attitude, you need to do an honest and in-depth self-evaluation so you could point out exactly which of your traits need to be improved or totally changed.


    Find someone who has the kind of attitude that you want to have, and let his or her life give you inspiration and encouragement to move beyond your temporary failures in your journey towards becoming a better person.

3). Choose the right company.

    As they say, “Bad company corrupts good character.” You don't expect yourself to be able to change if you go on surrounding yourself with people who possess all the negative traits that you want to change. Consider befriending new people, especially those who are optimistic and have a healthy attitude towards life.

4). Believe that you are able to change.

     If you don't believe in yourself or believe that you or your life can change, it just won't happen—you will either never start, or give up quickly that you won't have even given yourself the opportunity to succeed.

A. Your effort to change will be easier with these people as friends.

B. Setting clear goals is the key to success in any endeavor.

C. The greatest obstacle is our inability to trust in what we can do.

D. Look for a role model.

E. Think about how your attitude change will affect your life.

F. There is always an opportunity for change.

G. Fix your mind on the things that would come as a result of your attitude change.


    Getting your children to study can be a little like getting them to eat their vegetables.

    One of the best ways to form good study habits for your kids is to design(设计、制定) a schedule that they keep to. Make a study time and have it at the same time every day. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} And it will also give them a sense of control over how they spend their time.

    Allow them to study in blocks(一段) of time. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Ideal study times are usually after dinner or right after school before dinner.

    Never allow your children to study in front of the television, as that will encourage passive(被动的) activity. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    You'll also need to help your kids find the right place to study. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} After you've set up a good study time for little learners, set up a good place where they can get those creative juices flowing.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} This includes helping them out with their homework sometimes and being there for them with the answers to any questions. The input(投入) you give your children during study periods will help form a bond(纽带、关系) and make studying enjoyable.

A. For example, they may want to study for half an hour with a five-minute break in the middle.

B. Instead, use TV as a treat or a reward when the homework is completed.

C. Keep the atmosphere light and offer lots of encouragement, too.

D. Finally, spend time with your kids when they're studying.

E. Try to stop this bad habit by offering some sort of reward.

F. This will help your kids to learn to schedule(制定学习时间表) their day.

G. Pick a place where your children can study properly.


    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Ohio did the study. It was published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. The study found a sixty-three percent increase in the number of people treated for rock climbing injuries in American hospitals.

    The study said forty thousand people were treated in emergency rooms. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} The ankle was the most common body part to be injured.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The average age was twenty-six. Fifty-six percent of the injuries were to people twenty to thirty-nine years old. Women made up twenty-nine percent of the injured population. That is more than that in past rock climbing studies.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} But many people think it is worth it. John Bachar said rock climbing felt like being on another planet. Dean Fidelman says it is a continual challenge and a beautiful form of movement. And, for Sarah Bowman, she has just started her way up the rocks.

    Dean Fidelman said that he believes a climber's ego(自我价值感) can be his worst enemy on a rock. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Like many other sports, rock climbing can be dangerous.

B. Climbers in the study were from ages two to seventy-four.

C. The most common injuries were broken bones and sprains in legs and feet.

D. They try to move as silently up the wall as they can.

E. A recent study shows a sharp increase in rock climbing injuries between 1990 and 2007.

F. There's no other sport where you're really going up and down.

G. He said rock climbing is a high risk sport in which many people overestimate their abilities and underestimate the rock.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to improve your vocabulary

    Vocabulary is a key part of learning a new language. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}  Maybe you can't learn a hundred new words a day, but you can learn one or two a day, totaling thousands of new words over the years. Here are some tips for building up your vocabulary.

    Make a plan to learn new words. If you want to improve your vocabulary more quickly, you have to make at least a small promise. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Make you vocabulary practical(实用的). {#blank#}3{#/blank#} For example, learn more of your trade language—- the words that are commonly used in your business or hobby or vocation(职业). Find better, fresher, clearer words to express what your friends are talking about.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} As you read, if you come across a new word that you don't understand. Don't miss it. Take the time to look it up in a dictionary. Write it down and use it later.

    When you learn a word, use it immediately and frequently. Put your new word into conversation with as many different people as you can. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Use it in sentences. Write it on a card and practice it while waiting for red lights.

A. Repeat it to yourself.

B. They're highly reusable

C. Start learning where you are.

D. Decide to learn one new word every day or two.

E. When you're writing something, use a dictionary frequently

F. Start by learning the words that can express what's most important to you.

G. The more you read, the more words you'll see, and the more you'll understand.


    Over time, habits of negative thinking about ourselves can lower self-esteem (自尊). So if you want to feel better about yourself, try some of these things:

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Are you so used to focusing on your problems that they're all you see? Next time you find yourself trapped in problems or disappointment with yourself or your day, find something positive to deal with it. Each day, write down three good things about yourself, or three things that went smoothly that day because of your action or effort.

    Aim for effort rather than perfection. Some people get held back by their own pressure to be perfect. They lose out because they don't try. Usually, you may think, “I won't audition (试镜) for the play because I probably won't get the lead.”{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Remind yourself that everyone is good at different things.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Thinking more like this: “She's a great basketball player — but the truth is, I'm a better musician than athlete. Still, I'll keep playing because I enjoy it.” It helps you accept yourself and make the best of the situation.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Don't be afraid to voice them. If someone disagrees, it's not a judgment on your worth or your intelligence. That person just sees things differently from you.

    Set goals.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Then make a plan for how to do it. Stick with your plan, and keep track of your progress.

A. Focus on what goes well for you.

B. Take pride in your opinions and ideas.

C. Think about what you'd like to achieve.

D. It's certain that the role will go to someone else.

E. Recognize what you can change and what you can't.

F. Train your inner voice to remind you of what you are accomplishing.

G. Cheer on others for their success and keep in mind what you do well.


    Studies have shown that drinking water on empty stomach can help increase metabolic (新陈代谢的)rate up by 30%.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. You know what that means right? -- Quicker weight loss!{#blank#}2{#/blank#}, then you will be able to digest food faster and maintain a slim figure despite eating those extra calories. However, this doesn't guarantee you to bite down on all that junk food. Furthermore, you will need to add in around four litres of water into your daily routine for best results.

    Constipation(便秘)is one of the most painful conditions which also results in remains of poisonous substances inside the body. But did you know that one of the other benefits of drinking water is that it helps to clear out your bowels? The colon(结肠),which is in part responsible for bowel movements, require water to function properly.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    Drinking water on empty stomach especially if it's hot, can improve the health of our nervous system. Early morning, the stomach is most receptive. At this moment, if you love coffee, which makes central nervous system excited, your nervous system will be affected from the get-go. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, it can properly supply water to your nervous system, which will help it function properly.

    Again, if you are likely to suffer migraine attacks, then water can help fight it off.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} So just by increasing your water intake, you are basically preventing your chances from suffering another headache attack. This is especially so when you are drinking water on empty stomach, as your body didn't get any liquid when you were asleep.

A. If your metabolic rate is higher

B.H you just have a glass of warm water instead

C. When your skin is properly containing combined water inside

D. This means that the rate at which calories are burned increases by nearly one third

E. So just drink down a glass of water and sit on your toilet for a clean colon

F. Your doctor might have already told you that headaches happen due to lack of water

G. Besides, we all know that having a healthy appetite is good for overall health


A. All colleges require an SAT or an ACT test.

B. And lastly, but definitely not the least, is tuition.

C. Look for a college now if you plan on attending one.

D. You need to find out many basics about possible colleges.

E. If you will be a senior in the near future, this article is for you.

F. I plan to major in business management and minor in computer applications.

G. If you have a college counselor at your school, this would be a good time to ask for advice.

Helpful tips for college-bound seniors

    Researching a college is one of the most time-consuming tasks that you'll encounter. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} For example, what classes and facilities the college has to offer, and what sports it offers. After narrowing your choices to a group of colleges, you'll have to start to research these in depth. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} He or she may be able to help you find things about the colleges that you could not get yourself.

    Knowing what you want to study is another key to looking for a college. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} By knowing what I want to do, I can then look at colleges that I've been thinking about applying to and narrow my choices down. If a college doesn't have the courses I need, then it's definitely out of the picture.

    Another key thing to look for is the college's testing requirements. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Some colleges also require an SAT II test in certain areas, for example English or Math. Remember to look at a college's GPA requirements, too. You may find a college where there's everything you want, but your GPA isn't high enough to be considered. In this case you may need to attend a junior college for one or two years.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} At this point you may want to have a long discussion with your parents, and find out how much they're willing and able to spend on college. If it isn't enough to cover your full tuition, then you may want to apply for financial aid or a scholarship. And your final option maybe looking for a college that doesn't cost as much.

