
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    [1] Fishing is probably the world's most popular sport. People spend many dollars each year on items like boats and four-wheel-drive vehicles. In addition, they spend money on fishing equipment, bait, fuel and boat repairs. And you can see that fishing can be an expensive pastime. Fishing lovers believe that their hobby is worth it. Others say that fishing is spoiling the environment and that it is a cruel hobby.

    [2] Supporters of fishing say that it is a nice hobby. Firstly, of the millions of people who fish for fun, most only catch enough fish to feed their families. They catch fish that are found in large numbers, so there is little danger to the species (种类).

    [3] Secondly, recreational fishermen contribute to the economy. They spend money on equipment and other items, and they also spend it indirectly by paying taxes on their equipment and fuel. Those who travel to fishing spots pay for accommodation (食宿) and airfares. This money keeps people in work and provides new jobs each year.

[4] Thirdly, fishing is relaxing and fun so it lessens stress. Instead of turning to drugs or alcohol, it is far better to go fishing. People who are relaxed are generally healthier and much nicer to be near —-- except for the smell of the bait!

    [5] Those who _________________ say that there are too many fish thoughtlessly taken from rivers, lakes, streams and oceans. This could lead to the dying out of some species. Modern cars and boats mean that people can fish in remote areas of the world, so no place is safe from greedy fishermen who take both males and females, leaving few fish to produce young.

    [6] Those against fishing also say that it is a blood sport, which means that an animal must die so that a human can have fun. Many of the fish caught for sport are not suitable for eating, so they are thrown away. Once hooked, fish have no chance of escape.

(1)、What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 4 words)

(2)、According to Paragraph 2, why does fishing cause little danger to the species? (no more than 8 words)

(3)、List 4 items on which people spend their money for fishing. (no more than 7 words)

(4)、Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.

Those who say that there are too many fish thoughtlessly taken from rivers, lakes, streams and oceans.

(5)、What does the word “which” (Line 1, Paragraph6) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)


Machines work well at a constant speed —and the faster the better.Whether they are spinning cotton {#blank#}1{#/blank#}dealing with numbers,regular,repetitive actions are what they excel at.

Increasingly,our world is being designed by machines and for machines.We adapt to machines and hold ourselves to their standards:People {#blank#}2{#/blank#}(judge)by the speed at which they respond, not the quality of their response."Always on"becomes something to take pride {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.When I ask people {#blank#}4{#/blank#} they are doing,they almost always answer "busy".Ticking things off the "to do"list becomes{#blank#}5{#/blank#}means of defining ourselves. {#blank#}6{#/blank#} (occupy)if not with work then with family or our social networks,most of us feel exhausted.

A few years ago,I became very interested in what it meant {#blank#}7{#/blank#}(pause).I started to notice where pauses show up in my own work and life.For example,I realized when I was writing,a short walk was a(n) {#blank#}8{#/blank#}(effective)way to focus than concentrating harder.The small walk acted as a pause, {#blank#}9{#/blank#}(enable)me to rest,reflect or refresh,appreciate and break a block in my {#blank#}10{#/blank#}(creative).I realized that pause is not nothing!

A minute eating ice-cream is not the same as a minute doing push-ups.Even time itself isn't a uniform raw material —as the physics of Einstein shows.


New discoveries and technological breakthroughs are made every year. Yet, as the information industry moves forward, many people in society are looking back to their roots in terms of the way they eat. A "locavore" movement has emerged in the United States. The movement supports eating foods grown locally and sustainably, rather than prepackaged foods shipped from other parts of the world.

Experts hold that eating local has many merits, and is expected to become a trend featuring sustainability. Erin Barnett is the director of Local Harvest, a company that aims to help connect people to farms in their area. By eating local, she argues, people have a better and more personal understanding of the impact their food consumption has on the rest of the world. "There is a way of connecting the point, where eating locally is an act that raises our awareness of sustainable living," Barnett says.

The United States' agricultural output is one of the highest in the world, says Timothy Beach, a professor of geography and geoscience at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas. "There's just no other place on Earth where the amount of input is so productive," Beach says of American agriculture. "Nobody can cut off the food we need."

However, the US food system is not sustainable because of its dependency on fossil (化石) fuels, says Beach. Equipment used on "extremely productive" farms is quickly consuming Earth's natural resources, particularly oil. Additionally, the production of agricultural supplements (补充剂),such as fertilizer, uses large amounts of energy.

The world has used close to half of the global oil supply, Beach says, and the second half will be consumed at an even faster rate because of the growing population and economic development. Although many businesses are experimenting with wind, solar, and biofuel, Beach says there's nothing that we see on the horizon that can replace it. "There is no way on Earth we are using fossil fuels sustainably. Then we have to reconsider the impact of eating local," he says.

