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题型:阅读选择 题类: 难易度:普通



Fun and Fitness on Bikes

A cyclist dresses up during a 16-kilometer bike ride in Moscow during the spring 2023 Velofest. Velofest is a big cycling activity in Russia. The activity was a celebration in support of bike culture and healthy lifestyles. A number of people took part and many dressed up. It meant that they want an active lifestyle and eco-friendly way of traveling. 

A City for Walking and Cycling

The city of Pontevedra in Spain is great for walking and cycling. People can't drive in the city center. They make 73 percent of journeys in the city on foot or by bike. Only 30 percent of the public space is for cars. Seventy percent is for people. From 2001 to now, there are no deadly road accidents, and the CO2 level went down by 67 percent since the 1990s. 

Travel Squad

Recently, "travel squad" becomes a popular trip style in China. It means travel like a soldier. It's different from the relaxing kind of traveling that we all know. Visitors often go to a lot of places in a short period of time at a low cost, usually on weekends. Most of them are college students. "Such a trip can bring a different color to my stressful life, "said Chen, a 24-year-old university student. "Because it is very energy-consuming ( (耗体力), it is not suitable for everyone", she added. 

(1)、In which section of the newspaper. can we read the news? 
A、History. B、Lifestyle. C、Culture. D、Technology.
(2)、What do we know about the Velofest? 
A、It's a small cycling activity. B、All cyclists have healthy lifestyles C、Velofest was held in winter in Moscow. D、There were many people taking part in it.
(3)、What's the advantage of living in Pontevedra? 

①People can't drive. ②The eco-friendly way of traveling. 

③No deadly road accidents. ④The low cost. 

⑤The CO2 level isn't very high. ⑥Easy to walk and cycle. 

A、③⑤⑥ B、①②⑤ C、②③④ D、①④⑥
(4)、Travel Squad is best translated into ____.
A、环游世界 B、特种兵旅行 C、旅游广场 D、观光旅游
(5)、What do these three pieces of news above have in common? 
A、People above have active lifestyles. B、People above do sports to keep healthy. C、People above should travel more like a soldier. D、People above are interested in walking in the city.
请阅读一则刊登在China Daily 关于国庆的报道,根据短文内容,回答问题。

    The grand military parade (盛大阅兵式) and celebrations were held in Tian'anmen Square, Beijing on Oct. 1 for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

    A grand military parade was held in the morning, showing the great progress made by the Chinese armed forces in recent years. About 15,000 officers and soldiers took part in the 80-minute parade in front of Tian'anmen Square. Then, a mass pageant(群众游行展) showing China's historical achievements and the nation's great rejuvenation(伟大复兴)was held. It was seen as a lesson on Chinese history and how far the nation has progressed. The mass pageant lasted 65 minutes and was divided into five parts, each part showed respect to Chinese leaders in the past and leaders now, from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping. In the evening, a gala(盛会)took place in Tian'anmen Square. The songs, dances and fireworks celebrated the nation and its people.

    President Xi expressed warm National Day congratulations to Chinese people home and abroad. Standing on the Tian'anmen Rostrum in Beijing, where Chairman Mao Zedong announced the founding of the PRC on Oct 1, 1949, Xi recalled Chinese history. He also showed a road map for the country to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. He called for efforts to make a better life and to keep making achievements. The parade and celebrations have set off Chinese people's patriotism (爱国心)and a strong sense of pride.


    As more information comes out about 10-year-old Cindy Smith's death(死亡), worries about amusement park safety(游乐场安全性) grow.

Cindy is not the first child who died on an amusement park ride. 25 years ago, the mother of a 14-year-old girl waited to pick up her daughter outside Worlds of Fun. Laura Barry never saw her daughter Rosie alive again.

"My heart goes out to the Smith family more than they can ever possibly know," said Barry. She is one of the few people who truly know the hurt that family is feeling.

In 1995, Rosie's mom said that something went wrong on the Timber Wolf the night Rosie died. Police found no evidence(证据). Two men told the police that they saw Rosie standing before she fell out of the car.

"I couldn't believe that such a thing could happen still and again," said Barry. She believes Rosie's death should have been a wakeup call for amusement park safety.

She finds that not much has changed in the past years. Amusement parks race to build bigger, taller, faster rides. In her opinion, amusement parks just try to bring in visitors and give them the idea that riding is good, safe and fun. She believes that parks should have put safety first.

There is no exact number of amusement park deaths each year. It is quite low according to some websites. But Barry doesn't accept that. "My daughter was the only person that had ever been killed at Worlds of Fun in all of the years, among all of the thousands and thousands of people that went there. The number doesn't mean anything, you know, because when your child is the one, that's one too many," she said.

