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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通




    Opera at Music Hall:1243 Elm Street.The season runs June through August,with additional performances in March and September.The Opera honors Enjoy tho Arts membership discounts.Phone:241-2742.http://www.cityopera.com.

    Chamber Orchestra:The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street,which offers several concerts from March through June.Call 723-1182 for more information.http://www.chamberorch.com.

    Symphony Orchestra:At Music Hall and Riverbend.For ticket sales,call 381-3300.Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend.http://www.symphony.org/home.asp.

    College Conservatory of Music (CCM):Performances are on the main campus(校园)of the university,usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater.CCM organizes a variety of events,including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet,CCM's Philharmonic Orchestra,and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. Students with I.D.cards ban attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556-4183.http://www.ccm.uc.edu/events/calendar.

    Riverbend Music Theater:6295 Kellogg Ave.Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (price difference).Big name shows all summer long.Phone:202-6220. http://www.riverbendmusic.com.

(1)、Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?
A、241-2742. B、723-1182. C、381-3300. D、232-6220.
(2)、When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra?
A、February. B、May. C、August D、November.
(3)、Where can students go for free performances with their ID cards?
A、Music Hall. B、Memorial Hall. C、Patricia Cobbett Theater. D、Riverbend Music Theater.
(4)、How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places?
A、It has seats in the open air. B、It gives shows all year round. C、It offers membership discounts. D、It presents famous musical works.

Ireland,Japan,Chinascientists share the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine.WilliamCampbell,Satoshi Omuraand Tu Youyou jointly won the prize for their work against diseases,theaward-giving body said on Monday.

Tu Youyou, a scientist at the China Academy of Chinese MedicalSciences, has no postgraduate degree. She has never studied or done researchabroad. She is neither a member of the Chi­nese Academy of Sciences nor theChinese Academy of Engineering. However, the 81-year-old phar­macologist hasbecome the first scientist on the Chinese mainland to win a Lasker Award, themedical prize of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation.

The Lasker Awards have existed since 1945. Tu was presented the2011 Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award on September 23. She discovered adrug called artemisinin . The drug is now widely used against malaria .

Tu and her colleagues joined a government project to find a newmalaria drug in the late 1960s during the "cultural revolution"(1966-76).  They made 380 herbal extractsfrom 200 potential recipes. The recipes came from traditional Chinese medicalbooks. The team then tested them on malaria-infected mice.  Finally Tu became interested in an extract ofthe plant qinghao, or sweet wormwood .

According to an ancient Chinese medicine book, qinghao was onceused to treat malaria. However, the extract they made in the lab didn't workwell. Maybe, thought Tu, the effective ingredient in qinghao was destroyed byhigh temperatures. Therefore, Tu tried to make the extract with an ether whichhas a much lower boiling point than water.

In 1971, after more than 190 failures, Tu finally got an extractthat was 100 percent effective against the malaria para­sites .The extract wascalled qinghaosu, later renamed artemisinin.

According to a statement on the Lasker Foundation website,during the past four decades, Tu's drug has saved millions of lives. It isespecially important for children in the poorest and least developed parts ofthe world. However, not many people knew of the scientist until she won theLasker Award this month.

Lasker Awards are known as "America's Nobels" for thereason that in the last two decades, 28 Lasker Prize winners have gone on toreceive the Nobel Prize, and 80 since 1945, according to Xinhua News Agency.

" The discovery of artemisinin is a gift to mankind fromtraditional Chinese medicine," Tu said when she received the a-ward."Continuous exploration and development of traditional medicine will,without doubt, bring more medicines to the world.


    Do you want to make a difference in your community? The Verizon App Challenge can get you started. The first step is to think of a problem in your community. The next step is to create an app that can solve the problem.

    Group of five to seven students in middle school or high school, led by a teacher, can enter the contest. First, teams will compete on a local level. Teams that make it to the next round receive $ 5,000 for their schools. Finalists present their app ideas to judges in a live web conference. Next, the judges pick national winners. The top eight teams receive an additional $ 15,000 for their schools, and each team member receives a Samsung tablet. Plus, the winning teams get the chance to bring their app to life.

    A group of six girls from Los Frenos, Texas won the second annual Verizon App Challenge. They came up with the Hello Navi app concept, short for “hello navigation”. The app was designed to help visually impaired (受损的) students navigate (导航) their school. Do you have an app idea that could help solve a local issue? The deadline to register (登记) is November 24. Find more information and register your team at verizonfoundation.org/appchallenge.

Here are some tips from the Verizon Foundation to get you started:

    Get your team together for a brainstorming meeting. Write out all the ideas that conic to mind. Don't ignore challenges. Accept the idea that you can solve a problem that exists in your community. Ask family, friends and people in your community to share their thoughts about problems that they want to see solved.


    China became the first country to clone a monkey using non-reproductive cells, scientists said on Thursday. By December 2017 , the Chinese Academy of Sciences had created two clone macaques(猕猴) named“Zhong Zhong” and “Hua Hua”by nuclear transferring of body cells—any cell in the organism other than reproductive cells. This was the similar technology used to create the famous clone sheep Dolly in 1996.

    Telra, a monkey born in 1999 , is the world's first ever-cloned monkey, but it was done using a simpler method called embryo splitting(胚胎分裂),and cannot be genetically modified to suit experimental needs, said Pu Muming, a leading researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Cloning a monkey using body cells has been a world-class challenge because it is a primate(灵长类)that shares its genetic makeup, therefore all of its complexity, with humans, he said.

    For drug and other lab tests, scientists have to purchase monkeys from all over the world, which is costly, bad for the environment and produces inaccurate results because each monkey might have different genes, Pu said.

    By cloning monkey using body cells, we can mass reproduce a large number of genetically identical monkeys in a short amount of time, and we can even change their genes to suit our needs, he added. “This can save time, cut down experiment costs, and produce more accurate results, leading to more effective medicine.”

    Sun Qiang, director of the non-human primate research facility at the institute, said most of the drug trials are currently done on lab mice. However, drugs that work on mice might not work or even have severe side effects on humans because the two species are so different.

    Monkeys and humans are both primates, so they are much closely related and testing on monkeys is supposed to be as effective as testing on humans. This achievement will help China lead the world research in an international science project related to study of primate brains.


    When was the last time you used plastic plates? Next time, why not try some edible ones? You'll help the environment and your guests won't go hungry. "I used to work in school catering and saw a lot of money being thrown away. I thought that was criminal, so I decided to do something about it," said Italian school chef Tiziano Vicentini.

    Now, Vicentini has an amazing range of edible plates for schools. The plates are made out of bread dough, so you can eat them afterwards. "These dishes cost a few pennies each and are either eaten by the kids, or go into recycling bins for animal food," explained Vicentini, 50, of Milan. But now other companies are developing edible plates, too. The Edible-Plate Company offers edible plates, bowls, trays and cups. Their products are environmentally-friendly, 100% biodegradable and can be used for all types of catering and home use. And they're made from a natural plant. After use, they can be fed to animals or left to degrade naturally.

    They also have a range of cutlery(餐具) made from corn and potato starch(淀粉). These plates will also help reduce the amount of plastic; we create. Waste from plastic causes a lot of damage to the environment, as well as costing governments millions m waste management. Plastic bags often end up in landfill sites or on the street. And the burning of plastic waste causes toxic gases that pollute the air. In response to this, governments around the world are introducing tough recycling regulations. And many shops are offering biodegradable plastic bags and eco-safe packaging on their products. To help matters, the International Organization for Standardization (the ISO) has also developed a system to evaluate the biodegradability of products, with a certification and logo scheme, Meanwhile, how about a nice plate for lunch?


    About 5,000 children die each day due to preventable diseases such as cholera and dysentery (痢疾) , which spread when people use unclean water for drinking or cooking. A lack of water for personal health leads to the spread of totally preventable diseases like trachoma, which has blinded some six million people.

    Water troubles also trap many low-income families in a cycle of poverty and poor education and the poorest suffer most from lack of access to water. People who spend much of their time on ill health, caring for sick children, or collecting water at distances averaging 3.75 miles a day don't have educational and economic opportunities to better their lives.

    Agriculture is called the lion's share of freshwater worldwide, using some 70 percent, and industrial uses consume another 22 percent. Water areas have no political borders and nations don't always work together to share common resources, so water can be a frequent source of international conflict as well.

    Day-by-day demand keeps growing, further needing water sources, from great rivers to groundwater. “We're going deeper into debt on our groundwater use,” Postel said, “and that has very significant impacts on global water security. The rate of groundwater consumption has doubled since 1960.”

    Some of Earth's groundwater is fossil water created when Earth's climate was far different. Today such water is as limited as petrol. “But we're pumping much of them out faster than ever,” Postel explained. “Humanity's growing thirst also causes a major problem about water and our ecosystems. And that also creates a cost to us, to our sons and to our grandsons, not just to nature.”


    The best-known example of external( 外部的)influence causing language change is the "Americanization" of world culture, which has caused English words to appear in city streets all over the world. The effect is most noticeable in pop music. Foreign groups often record in English, and the words are picked up and repeated in the same language everywhere, even by children who otherwise have little or no command of the language. I once met a Brazilian child of about ten who could count 'one, two, three', but only by adding the words 'o'clock, four o'clock rock 'at the end.

Some people are often strongly critical of the influence of English on their language — especially when an English word replaces a traditional word. In 1977, France passed a law banning the use of English words in official situations if an equivalent( 意义相同的)French expression existed — but the law seemed to be honored more in the breaking than in the observing. Some other countries have considered introducing a similar law despite the evidence that such laws have very little effect, and that the arrival of loan words( 外来词) can greatly enrich a language (as indeed in the case of English itself, which has a long history of welcoming foreign words).

    However, not everyone is critical. In particular, commercial firms and advertisers are well aware of the potential selling power that the use of English vocabulary can bring. In Japan, English is even used in television commercials, despite the fact that the majority of viewers would not understand exactly what was being said: the excellence implied by the mere use of English is apparently enough to command the strategy to the advertisers.

    Most of the influence of English is upon the vocabulary of foreign languages, but surveys are slowly bringing to light several cases where word order or word structure has been affected. Sentences of the type “The book sells well”, using an active construction for a passive meaning, have begun to appear in Danish (Bogen soelger godt). Several languages keep the English plural ending when they make use of a loan word, and do not translate it into the native form, e.g. drinks. There are many other such cases.

