
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    The olive(橄榄)tree probably first grew in southern Asia. And then it spread to Mediterranean(地中海的)countries about 6,000 years ago. Since then, it has been important in Mediterranean people's lives.

    The olive tree grows in rocky places and it doesn't need much water. Its fruit can be made into olive oil. People have used olive oil to cook dishes for centuries. But they haven't only used it for cooking. Some ancient cultures believed that it was useful as medicine. In modern times, people still use olive oil both for its taste and its health advantages.

    Olive oil has also been an important product in the business and culture of Mediterranean countries. In ancient Greece, for example, anyone who cut down an olive tree was heavily punished. Winners at the Olympic Games wore wreaths(花环). They were made of olive branches(树枝). Sometimes winners were also given a prize of olive oil. People from Greece built ships so that they could use olive oil for trade. But it was the Romans who grew the olive tree in the rest of southern Europe and northern Africa.

    Today, olive oil is still a very valuable product, and many different kinds of olive oil are sold in countries all over the world.

(1)、Where did the olive tree probably first grow?
A、In Asia. B、In Africa. C、In Europe. D、In America.
(2)、What can we learn about olive oil?
A、People started to cook with it recently. B、It is made from olive branches. C、People used it to build ships in Greece. D、It can be good for health.
(3)、In ancient Greece, people who cut down an olive tree      .
A、were wreaths B、were heavily punished C、got a prize of olive oil D、were regarded as heroes
(4)、The passage is mainly about      .
A、the method of cooking B、the trade of Greece C、the history of the Olympic Games D、the story of olive oil

Dorothy lived with her uncle Henry and aunt Em who were both farmers.Their house had only four walls,a floor and a small space under the floor to protect them from powerful winds.The house was in the middle of poor land with strong sunlight and few plants.Aunt Em used to be young and cheerful,but the sun and wind had taken away her happiness.Uncle Henry also looked serious and strict.Only Toto,could bring laughter into Dorothy's life.

One day,they heard low sounds of wind from both the north and the south.Uncle Henry realized a strong wind was coming.He rushed to protect the animals while Aunt Em hurried Dorothy to the basement.Suddenly,the house began to rock and rise to the air.In the center,but Dorothy found herself riding safely on the rising house.

Frightened,Toto ran around the room until Dorothy caught him and protected him from falling through the open door.She closed it carefully to avoid further danger.As hours passed,Dorothy slowly got over her fear.She finally fell asleep on her bed with Toto by her side.The wind had set Dorothy's house down gently in a beautiful country.

As she looked around, she saw green grass, fruitful trees, and colourful flowers.Birds with special feathers sang and flew around.As she stood enjoying the beautiful views, a group of strangely dressed people came near. They wore round hats that rose to a small point a foot above their heads. Three men were dressed in blue, and a little woman wore a white dress. They stopped and discussed in a low voice, as if afraid to come farther.


In the year 2070,most of you will be more than 50 years old.The good news is that travel might become smarter by that time.To catch people's eyes and increase the numbers of passengers,European airline (航空公司)(发布)easyJet 2070:The Future Travel Report.Let's take a look at some mind—blowing ideas.


Paper passport will be a thing of the past.You will use"heartbeat passport" instead.According to experts,the machine will count how many times the heart beats in a minute,then it will tell who you are.It doesn't work hard because everyone's heart beats differently.


The seats on the plane are only one size,which can't make passengers satisfied.But in the future,you'll be able to book a seat according to your body type.The seat might even be able to cool or warm you if you want.There will also be no more screens on the back of the seats.A special light from the seat could show the latest movie s straight in front of your eyes.


If you like to visit great places of interest,the AR glasses will help you enjoy the journey.By wearing the AR glasses,you can see what happened at a historic place(战役).You may even be able to sit among the cheering people at the first Olympic Games.

Are you looking forward to having those changes in the year 2070?What other changes do you think about during the flight?

