
试题 试卷


题型:阅读判断 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

仁爱科普版初中英语八年级下册Unit 6 Enjoying cycling 单元检测


At the age of 16,Julia left school and worked at a restaurant. For many years, she was only interested in making money. Then one day she had a serious car accident which changed her life.“I had a terrible car accident in August 1996.It took me 10 months to recover (康复) from the accident. During that time,I realized I wanted to find a more meaningful reason for being here in this world,”said Julia.

    As soon as she recovered,Julia gave up working at the restaurant and traveled to California. One day she found a big company wanted to cut down part of a forest. In the forest there were lots of redwood trees. One of the trees was more than 1,000 years old.

Then Julia learned a group called Our Earth was trying to save the redwood forest from the company. They decided to find someone to live in a redwood tree and hoped this would stop the company from cutting the trees down. Julia volunteered.

    Julia lived in the tree for over two years without ever going down. It was cold and wet in a redwood tree. There were even very serious winter storms while Julia was in the tree.

Finally the company decided to protect the tree Julia lived in. They agreed never to cut down the big redwood tree or the trees around it. When Julia put her feet on the earth,she began to cry. But she continued to do other things to protect the environment.

(1)、Making money was the only thing Julia took an interest in when she worked at a restaurant.
(2)、After Julia recovered,she went to protect the environment at once.
(3)、Julia's living in the redwood tree stopped the company from cutting the trees down.
(4)、The life in the tree for Julia was comfortable and enjoyable.
(5)、Julia understood there were more meaningful things to do from her experiences.

    The book I would like to talk about is The Merchant of Venice. The book is a dramatic work by Shakespear, an English famous writer in the 16th century. It talks about something happening between merchants in Venice. The main characters are Bassanio, Portia, Shylock and Antonio.

    The drama begins with Antonio, who helps Bassanio borrow money from Shylock, and then brings out other stories. Bassanio is a poor merchant. He needs money to follow his dream to marry Portia—a very beautiful and rich lady. He first wants to borrow money from his friend Antonio, also a merchant in Venice. Antonio borrows the money from a Jewish rich merchant Shylock. Antonio does much harm to Shylock before because Antonio really hates Jewish. Shylock is a little mean and loves money very much. He always gets interest from the people who borrow money from him. Antonio promises he will pay the money back in three months, or Shylock will be allowed to cut out 1 pound of flesh out of Antonio's body.

    Bassanio successfully wins the love of Portia but soon realizes his friend can not pay the money back to Shylock on time. Bassanio returns to Venice as fast as he can and attends a trial(审讯).The reason why Antonio isn't able to pay is because his ships are caught in storm. Portia, dressing up as a young lawyer, claims (声称) that the words " 1 pound of flesh" not "1 pound of flesh and blood". She says that Shylock is only allowed to remove flesh, but not any blood, which is impossible. Thus, she helps make Antonio safe and make Shylock fail. At the same time, Shylock loses most of his money. At the end,          .

