
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


根据短文内容的理解, 选择正确答案。

    Among all the fast growing science and technology, the research of human genes, or biological engineering as people call it, is drawing more and more attention now. Sometimes it is a hot topic discussed by people.

    The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with, such as cancer and heart disease. Every year, millions of people are murdered by these two killers. And to date, doctors have not found an effective way to cure them. But if the gene technology is applied, not only these two diseases can be cured completely, bringing happiness and more living days to the patients, but also the great amount of money people spend on curing their diseases can be saved, therefore it benefits the economy as well. In addition, human life span (寿命) can be prolonged.

    Gene technology can help people to give birth to more healthy and clever children. Some families, with the English imperial (皇家的) family being a good example, have hereditary diseases. This means their children will for sure have the family disease, which is a great trouble for these families. In the past, doctors could do nothing about hereditary diseases. But gene technology can solve this problem perfectly. The scientist just need to find the wrong gene and correct it, and a healthy child will be born.

    Some people are worrying that the gene research can be used to manufacture human beings in large quantities. In the past few years, scientists have succeeded in cloning a sheep, therefore these people predict that human babies would soon be cloned. But I believe cloned babies will not come out in large quantities, for most couples in the world can have babies in very normal way. Of course, the government must take care to control gene technology.

(1)、What does "them" in the second paragraph refer to?
A、People with cancer or heart disease. B、Millions of people with serious diseases. C、Some diseases doctors can do nothing with. D、The two illnesses of cancer and heart disease
(2)、What can gene technology do according to paragraph three?
A、It can help the English imperial family out. B、It can be used to clone human babies. C、It can help people to give birth of a baby. D、It is likely to treat hereditary diseases.
(3)、What are people worried about according to the passage?
A、Human babies may be cloned in a large scale. B、Healthy human babies will soon be cloned. C、Scientists may well find the wrong genes. D、The government may not control gene techs.
(4)、This passage is mainly written to _________________.
A、show gene technology will benefit people B、show gene technology will do harm as well C、tell that gene technology is a hot topic D、tell that gene technology is growing fast

    Physical education plays a vital role in the students' development and growth. According to recent medical studies, physical well-being of a student is directly related to his or her performance whether in class or in the office. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

It's a link to good health.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It's only in physical educational classrooms that students learn the value of taking care of themselves through proper grooming, healthy eating and regular exercise.


    Many doctors today agree that obesity is a serious health risk. Without any form of diet management and control with the numerous processed food students intake every day, a student's health can easily be at risk to many diseases. Physical education in school is a preventive measure to teach students the value of regular exercise.

It promotes academic learning.

    Physical health allows students to function better in classrooms. A good cardiovascular system developed from regular exercise promotes excellent blood and oxygen circulation. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} This circulation produces longer attention span during classes allowing longer concentration and absorption.

It builds self-trust.

    Students who are active in physical activities are more confident with themselves according to most social school studies. It's probably because of the self-discipline and dedication to excel in a sport that brings out the best in students. In school, the physical education program introduces these sport activities to students. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

It promotes a physically active lifestyle.

    The purpose of physical education is to instill in students, at an early age, the value of self-preservation and choosing a lifestyle that is good for both the mind and body.

A.The article will give you reasons to agree.

B.It is the best way to cure your illnesses.

C.The value of physical fitness can never be overstated.

D.It's a preventive measure against disease.

E.They can make choices about which sport they get involved in.

F.Some students prefer to abandon such activities.

G.  This means more nutrients circulate throughout the body.


    People around the world are superstitious about numbers; even those ancient Greeks believed that all numbers and their multiples had some mystical significance.

    Those numbers between 1 and 13 were in particular to have a powerful influence over the affairs of men.

    For example, it is commonly said that luck, good or bad, comes in threes; if an accident happens, two more of the same kind may be expected soon afterwards. The arrival of a letter will be followed by two others within a certain period.

    Another belief involving the number three has it that it is unlucky to light three cigarettes from the one match. If this happens, the bad luck that goes with the deed falls upon the person whose cigarette was the last to be lit. The ill-men linked to the lighting of three things from one match or candle goes back to at least the 17th century and probably earlier. It was believed that three candles alight at the same time would be sure to bring bad luck; one, two, or four, were permissible, but never just three.

    Seven was another significant number, usually regarded as a bringer of good luck. The ancient astrologers believed that the universe was governed by seven planets; students of Shakespeare will recall that the life of man was divided into seven ages. Seven horseshoes nailed to a house will protect it from all evil.

    Nine is usually thought of as a lucky number because it is the product of three times three. It was much used by the Anglo Saxons in their charms for healing.

    Another belief was that great changes occurred every 7th and 9th of a man's life. Consequently, the age of 63 (the product of nine and seven) was thought to be a very perilous time for him. If he survived his 63rd year he might hope to live to a ripe old age.

    Thirteen, as we well know, is regarded with great awe and fear. The common belief is that this derives from the fact that there were 13 people at Christ's Last Supper. This being the eve of his betrayal, it is not difficult to understand the significance given to the number by the early Christians.

    In more modern times 13 is an especially unlucky number of a dinner party, for example. Hotels will avoid numbering a floor the 13th; the progression is from 12 to 14, and no room is given the number 13. Many home owners will use 12 1/2 instead of 13 as their house number.

    Yet oddly enough, to be born on the 13th of the month is not regarded with any fear at all, which just shows how irrational we are in our superstitious beliefs.


    Many businesses today use conferences as a means of discussing new plans of the company. As people are paying more attention to the environment and green problems, more businesses are looking for ways to reduce their negative effect on the environment. Many businesses do this by using Web conferencing.

    Web conferencing is a technology that allows people to communicate more effectively over the Internet. It's an easy way of hosting and attending conferences without having to leave the office. Each of the people involved in a web conference will be posted an invitation to the conference with the time and date of the Web conference on it. When the conference is ready to begin, all participants must sit at their computers and they will be connected over the Internet.

    With Web conferencing all participants attend conference from the comfort of their own desks. Obviously, in doing this no fuel is used in traveling to and from a conference, and less work is taken up in attending a conference.

    Any material to be used during Web conference is simply e-mailed to all the participants before the conference. Participants can then either choose to print material or read it on screen.

This not only saves paper but also greatly reduces mailing costs for the business.

    As a conference hall or business center isn't being used, it means that the only power that is used is the power that is used by the participants' personal computers. Similarly, conference organizers don't have to arrange for food or overnight accommodation. All this means that less energy is used.

    Often in business some companies actively choose to do business with other companies that do many things to reduce their negative impact on the environment. And Web conferencing helps you show other businesses that you are willing to work hard for the green cause.

    So Web conferencing is much cheaper and greener and more people are willing to host and attend a web conference.


    Some places in the world have strange laws. It's important for you to know about them before going there.

    Whoever likes to chew gum (口香糖) may have to leave Singapore. The government really wants to keep the city clean and will fine you for chewing gum.

    Before you leave for the United Arab Emirates you'd better make sure you aren't visiting during Ramadan (斋月). During that time you aren't allowed to eat or drink in public. Tourists have been fined up to $275 for drinking in public.

Lovers spend so much time kissing each other goodbye at train stations that trains often start late. This law—no kissing your lover goodbye at train stations—is rather old, and isn't in use today in France.

In Thailand it's against the law to drive a car or motorcycle without a shirt on, no matter how hot it is. Punishments are different in different areas and can include warnings and tickets costing about $10. No joke —the local police will stop you.

    Studies in Denmark have shown that cars with their headlights on are more noticeable by other drivers than those with their headlights off. Drivers there are required to leave their headlights on even during the day, or they may face a fine up to $100.

    Do you often buy things using coins? Don't do it in Canada. The Currency Law of 1985 doesn't allow using only coins to buy things. Even the use of the dollar-coin is limited (受限制的). The shop owner has the right to choose whether to take your coins or not.

    Make sure you know about these laws before your next trip. Better safe than sorry.


    Imagine a brand-new, magical pill which can measurably improve your memory, overall cognitive (认知的) performance, ability to learn new information, mood, ability to handle problems and more. Would you buy it?

    Yeah, yeah, you saw this coming: That pill exists, but not in pill form. You can have all of those benefits for free, and all it takes is going to bed a little bit earlier. So what are we to do to get a better night's sleep?

    First, learn how much sleep you need. Generally, if you're waking up tired, you're not getting enough. However, the gold standard of eight hours per night might not be right for you. A study from 2015 brought into question whether we need that magical number, so following your body is the best way to figure out the right rhythm. The only real guideline is to get as much sleep as you need to feel refreshed and energized the next day.

    Next, figure out your body's natural rhythm. Maybe after years of trying, you need to acknowledge that you're just not a morning person. And that's perfectly fine! Click the link and take the quiz to find out what kind of sleeper you are, and don't fight your body's natural sleep tendencies.

    Last, keep a consistent sleep schedule. This can be the most important part of your overall sleep quality We're all equipped with circadian clock (生物钟), which s that internal 24-hour timer that naturally tells us when to sleep, and the best way to getting rest and feeling rested is to keep this consistent. Fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day, and try to build as much regularity into your schedule as possible. And don't forget to keep your bedroom cool.


    On a recent spring morning. Susan Alexander, a retired government intelligence analyst, left her Maryland home, climbed into her Volkswagen Passat and drove about three miles to pick up two strangers. She battled rush-hour traffic on the Capital Beltway and George Washington Memorial Parkway before dropping them off at Reagan National Airport. She didn't earn a cent for her trouble, and that was the point.

    Alexander is a member of the Silver Spring Time Bank-one of more than 100 such exchanges around the world trying to build community by exchanging time credits for services instead of dollars and cents. "I have time," she said. "I like giving the gift of time to other people."

    In Alexander's case, passengers Mary and Al Liepold were grateful for the ride, but it wasn't charity. Mary, a retired writer and editor for nonprofit organizations, used time credits she banked for editing work and baking. Senior citizens who don't drive, the Liepolds cashed in their credits to catch a flight to Montreal for a five-day vacation.

    Without money changing hands or shifting between virtual accounts, the airport drop-off was more like a coffee party than a taxi ride. Driver and passengers chatted about projects they've completed for the time bank, and no one raised an eyebrow when Mary said she likes "to avoid the conventional economy."

    "The beauty of this is that you make friends," Mary Liepold said. "You don't just get services."

    The Silver Spring Time Bank formed in 2015 and has about 300 members, said co-founder Mary Murphy. Last year, she said, l,000 hours were exchanged for basic home repairs, dog walking, cooking and tailoring, among other services, without the exchange of money. "You get to save that money that you would have spent," she said. "You get to meet somebody else in your community and get to know that person. That's a bonus that's part of an exchange."

    A deal performed partly to make friends would seem to go against classical economics and one of Benjamin Franklin's most memorable sayings: "Time is money." To those at the forefront of modem time-banking, that is the appeal.

