
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    “How can I learn English well?” “This is a 1 many students may ask. In my opinion, the most effective(有效的) 2 is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite the text and write it out, you will learn it pretty well. And if you can tell 3 your own words about 4 the lesson says, you are a very successful learner indeed. Your English will be quite perfect. This is a difficult task. However, 5 you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson, you'll find it not so hard as you might have thought.

A、question B、puzzle C、problem D、challenge
A、time B、place C、road D、way
A、by B、with C、of D、in
A、which B、how C、what D、when
A、if B、before C、unless D、until

    English playwright Arthur Wing Pinero said, "Where there's tea, there's hope." Similarly, a Chinese saying goes that "Firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day."

    Tea is, without doubt, welcomed all over the world. According to Statista, a German website for statistics (数据), global tea production reached about 5.8 million tons in 2018. It has become the most consumed beverage (饮品) in the world – after water, of course.

    According to the UN, tea is much more than just a hot drink. It's a big part of many cultures around the world. You probably know that people in China use top-grade tea to show respect when receiving important guests. Meanwhile, the British tradition of afternoon tea is an important part of that country's identity. Making Malaysia's pulled tea has become a sort of art form, where drinkers take pride in its entertainment aspects.

    Apart from its cultural significance (意义), tea is also a medicine, used from ancient times to modern day. "Tea is cold and lowers the fire," Chinese Ming Dynasty herbalist Li Shizhen once said. The health benefits of tea are still being discovered today: preventing heart disease, obesity and cancer have all been linked to drinking green tea, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the US.

    Hot or cold, bagged or loose-leaf, tea is more than a drink – it's a social custom and also a magic medicine, a link to the past and a way of life.


    Beauty sleep is a real thing, researches have shown that people who have enough sleep look more attractive (有魅力的) to others.

    A few bad nights are enough to make a person look especially "more ugly", their sleep experiments show.

    The researchers asked 25 university students to join in their sleep experiment. They were asked to get a good night's sleep for two nights.

    A week later, they were asked to sleep for only four hour every night for two nights in a row. The researchers took make—up free (素颜) photos of the volunteers after both the good and the bad sleep.

    Next, they asked 122 strangers to have a look at the photos and judge (评价) them on attractiveness, health, and sleepiness, as well as asking them: "How much would you like to make friends with this person in the picture?"

    The strangers were good at judging whether the person they were looking at was tired, and if he was sleepy, his attractiveness score would be low.

    The strangers also said they wouldn't want to socialize with the tired students. The researchers say this is natural for people. An unhealthy-looking face makes people run away. In other words, people don't want to hang around with people who might be ill.

    Dr Brewer, an expert at the University of Liverpool said: "Judgment of attractiveness is often unconscious (无意识的), but we all do it, and we are able to judge on even something small like whether someone looks tired or unhealthy. This study is a good reminder of how important sleep is to us."

下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和F)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中一项是多余选项。

What would you do if you see someone hurt badly? The following will help you to learn some important skills to give casualty (伤员) first aid.


The first and most important thing you must do is to make sure the place is not dangerous. Can you see anything that might not be helpful to you? Can you hear anything that could be dangerous?


When you see someone has been hurt, you may feel scared. If you feel yourself starting to be nervous, try to calm yourself down. For example, talk to people you trust about what happened, and you'll be relaxed.


When someone needs first aid, talking to him will help him to stay calm and feel safe. Even if he does not answer you, you should still tell him what you are doing. It will let him know that you are helping him.


Sometimes, the casualty will need more help than you are able to give. The best thing you can do is to phone some people for help. They can give you some useful advice or offer you some help.


There are also many other things to do. Try your best to help the casualty. Asking people around you for help is really better than waiting for doctors. Besides, you can also try to keep in touch with his families and friends.

A. Calling for Help.

B. Being Calm.

C. Shouting for Help.

D. Keeping Talking.

E. Staying Safe.

F. Doing Your Best.

