
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


     Whether we are going to school or going to work, we are all sad to leave the weekend behind and go back to our Monday morning blues. But with the tips, you can get over those blues and face Monday mornings with a smile.
     Do what gives you feelings of comfort, while remembering your responsibilities for the day. This will help you cheer yourself up for the day ahead. If the clock rings and you still feel sleepy, stay in for five minutes. However, don't stay past five minutes, as it will only make you feel even lazier for your day. When you get up, make a cup of coffee and put on some music. This will help you feel energetic.
    Try to give yourself a little something extra. Rewarding yourself for Monday would be a treat you wouldn't have the rest of the week. On Fridays, plan a night out for films or dinner. This will give you a little break from the rest of the week. This way, you will know that even if you're working hard, you will have something good waiting for you at the end of the week.
    On Sunday night, go to bed early. Your mind will react (反应) quickly on Monday morning. If you wake up early, you will have more time to get ready for the day. Being stressed during Monday mornings is only going to add to your blues.
    Follow these simple tips and you will be able to beat those Monday morning blues soon.

Some tips on how to beat Monday morning blues

Love what you do.

Love your  and you will look forward to the week ahead.

Try to be positive when you are at work.

Do what gives you comfort.

Stay in bed for 5 minutes extra makes you feel  on Monday morning.

Make coffee and put on music when you get up, which will make you feel energetic.

Reward yourself.

To help you go through Mondays, yourself to what you usually don't have.

Take a break on Fridays by going out for a film or dinner.

Go to bed early on Sunday night.

If you do this, you will get enough sleep and your mind will react quickly.

Wake up early on Monday morning, and you will have more time to get ready for the day and stay away from.

Be organized on Friday evening.

Take care of  you need to before you leave your workplace on Friday.

任务型阅读  根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一个单词。

                                                                Classic Is Never Gone

    Every year hundreds of films areproduced, yet how many are forgotten after six months? Movies come and go, as throw away as popcorn bags left on the floor of a cinema. But of those few films that people do remember, there is one that is truly “evergreen”(常青).

Whether you are young or old, or where you are in the world, the 1939 classic Gone with the Wind never seems to become unpopular. Last year the film celebrated its 75th birthday.

    The movie comes from a best-selling book of the same name by US writer Margaret Mitchell. Hollywood was soon interested in turning the novel into a movie.

    The story is set in the periods before, during and after the American Civil War (1861-1865). It is about relationships between members of high-class families living in the south of America.

    The Civil War period piece highly rewarded the time and effort of the film makers who worked on it. Over twenty years, nostudio went beyond it in making the most money of any film ever made. It's the kind of movie that every studio dreams of making.

Topic: the film Gone With the Wind

Basic information

It celebrated its 75th birthday last year.

It is{#blank#}1{#/blank#}on a best-selling book of the same name by US writer Margaret Mitchell

Main idea :

It is set in the period before, during and after the American Civil War.

It is about the relationship between members of



It is evergreen and always stays in people's {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

It seems to be {#blank#}4{#/blank#}among people all around the world, young or old.

For over twenty years, it held the {#blank#}5{#/blank#}for making the most money of any film ever made.

Every studio dreams of making a film like it.


    Is there a connection between music and language? According to recent studies, the answer is yes: {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Here, we look at two examples

    A recent study by researcher Kraus shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a person's hearing ability.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training. The musicians were able to hear the talking person more clearly.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Think about violinists in an orchestra (管弦乐团). When the violinists play with the group, they hear their own instrument and many others, too. But the violinists must listen closely to what they are playing, and pay no attention to the other sounds. In this way, musicians are able to focus on certain sounds, even in a room with lots of noise.

    Schlaug, a doctor at Harvard Medical School, works with stroke (中风) patients. Because of their illness, these people cannot say their names, addresses, or other information normally. However, they can still sing.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Why does this work? Schlaug isn't sure. Music seems to make different parts of the brain work, including the damaged (损坏的) parts. This might help patients to use that part of the brain again.

    Music improves concentration (注意力), memory, listening skills, and our overall language abilities.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Playing an instrument or singing can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp (敏锐的) as we get older. Music is not only enjoyable, it's also good for us in many other ways.

A. It can even help sick people get better.

B Music helps people solve some hearing problems.

C. Music improves certain language abilities in the brain.

D. The violinists develop their memories by playing the violin.

E Musicians hear better because they learn to pay attention to certain sounds.

F. Schlaug was surprised to find that singing words helped his patients to speak.

G. In his study two groups of people listened to a person talking in a noisy room.


    As is known to all of us, Beijing Opera is one of the most important opera styles in China. It is an art on the stage which has about 200 years' history. It is not only a treasure of the Chinese nation but also a cultural symbol of China. Similar to western operas, Beijing Opera is a combination of singing, dancing, martial arts, music and literature, so it is also called the "Oriental (东方的) Opera" by western people.

    Beijing Opera uses special imagery in creating the characters. All roles are divided according to sex, personality, age and profession and social status. Hangdang is the general term for role in Beijing Opera. There are four types of roles in Beijing Opera today. They are sheng, dan, jing and chou. The sheng is the male protagonist (主角), the dan the female protagonist, the jing (painted face) a male supporting role with a different characteristics, and chou (clown) a comic or negative figure. Each kind of role has their own face-painting and dressing to indicate their identities.

    The Opera's performance requires not only the gentle voice but also the proficiency (熟练) of martial actions. A successful opera actor must suffer from the tough practicing period. In the old time, the children of poor families were sent to the opera group in order to earn a living. While now, the real opera artists are well respected by opera lovers.

    Mei Lanfang, one of the most remarkable performing artists in Beijing Opera, was born in Beijing into a poor family. His life was bitter and he had no opportunity to go to school, so he went to the troupe (戏班子) when he was 8 years old to learn Beijing Opera. Mr. Mei was on the stage when he was 11 years old to perform the plays of Beijing Opera. He has been an opera actor for more than 50 years, performing hundreds of traditional plays and over 30 modern plays. He portrayed many bright and lifelike female figures on the stage and became the model in Chinese Beijing Opera and even within the entire artistic circle.


    For most of us, the days are divided into day and night. But for two months each winter in Northern Norway (挪威), it's dark for 20 hours a day. There is no sunrise or sunset because the sun never gets above the horizon (地平线) .

    Would you like to live in darkness for this long? It may seem difficult, but many people in Norway love the beautiful colors of these months.

    To the south are the red and gold colors of the horizon. To the north, the sky is a special blue. Even the moon and the stars look blue. In the towns, the lights in the streets shine like little yellow diamonds.

    People do need light to be healthy and happy. Since they don't have much daylight during this time of the year, they exercise and eat foods with vitamins (维生素) A and D, people usually get energy from being in the sun.

    And darkness doesn't stop people there from having a good time. Each winter, some people are skiing on hills and skating on ponds that are lit up. Others are going to film and music festivals And other people are spending time with friends in cafes and restaurants. Of course, not everyone is so active in the dark months. Many people are just going to sleep a little earlier until the sun returns in spring.

Northern Norway's Long{#blank#}1{#/blank#}




    It's dark for 20 hours a day; Beautiful colors; To the south are the{#blank#}2{#/blank#}colors of the horizon; To the north, the sky is a special blue.

People's activities in the darkness

    They exercise and{#blank#}3{#/blank#}with vitamins A and D; In winter, people enjoy skiing on hills and{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    They are going to film and music festival;

    They are spending time{#blank#}5{#/blank#}in cafes and restaurants; They are going to sleep a little earlier.

