
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    By May, after three months, I had lost22pounds and reached my goal of 115 pounds. My friends would say “Alice, you look great!” or “How did you lose so much weight?” Those compliments made me feel good and confident.

    Soon I dropped to110 pounds. A few of my friends told me that I needed to stop dieting, because I was starting to look sick. They brought me a present—— a bag of chocolates, which I later gave to my sister. My mother would come to my room, with tears in her eyes, and have long chats about how harmful this diet was and begged me to stop. My dad would leave worried messages on my cell phone at school, telling me that it would do serious harm to my body.

    By mid-June, when school was coming to an end, I was down to an only alive state of 95 pounds. All of a sudden, I knew I had to do something. I guessed the number itself scared me. I recalled my doctor. He told me about a girl who was 95 pounds and was at the risk of dying. I knew I was putting my life at risk, but for what? To make those who love me worried? Was it worthwhile to be thin?

    Now I realize that models in magazines, TV and movies are not realistic. The price to pay for the “perfect body” is living with a dangerous and sometimes deadly eating disorder. And there are more important things to think about than how thin you are.

(1)、The underlined word “compliments” in Paragraph 1 probably means_____.
A、questions B、praise C、understanding D、experiences
(2)、Why did the author's mother come to her room in tears?
A、Because the mother was worried about her daughter's health. B、Because the mother thought her daughter was brave enough. C、Because the mother was sorry to have helped her daughter go on a diet. D、Because the mother was deeply moved by her daughter's friends.
(3)、The author decided to stop dieting_______.
A、after her parents persuaded her out of it B、when her weight dropped to 95 pounds C、after she reached her goal of losing weight D、after her friends told her to stop dieting


    In 2006,Paul Letourneau of Worcester,Mass,lost his parents,his home and his pet dog.And that August,his life­long mild depression took a turn for the worse as he became suicidal(有自杀倾向的).

    “I said I didn't want to be alive anymore,”Letourneau,67,recalled telling his best friend.

    He and his friend had gone for a walk when Letourneau stopped and asked his friend about ways to die painlessly.His friend advised him to admit himself to a hospital.

    “When I went back home,physically,I was shaking so much-and emotionally,I couldn't stop,”Letourneau said,“I knew I had to get help.”

    For many men,it takes a lot more than feeling down to recognize that they are depressed and then step through the doors  of a hospital,or a friend's or relative's home to ask for help.Men who are depressed usually refuse to get appropriate treatment,depression experts and patients say.

    “When men get depressed,the depression can be quite severe,”said Dr.lan Cook,professor of psychiatry at the Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.“The challenge is getting men to acknowledge that they're depressed.”

    Depression affects about 15 million people in the United States,according to the National Institutes of Mental Health,and men get depressed about half as often as women.

    “It's unclear how much of this is a reporting bias,”Cook  said.“The stigma(耻辱)issues are somewhat different for men than they are for women.”

    “Men intend to consider that asking for help is a sign of  weakness,but when they can't complete the task of bringing themselves to the Promised Land,they become at risk.” said  Steven Lappen,who was once a depression patient.


    If ever a drink were invented to satisfy the thirst of social media, this may be it.

    With its fantastic name, bright pink and blue twist topped with a pillow of whipped cream, Starbucks' new Unicom Frappuccino(独角兽星冰乐) practically asks to be posted on social media.

    And a glimpse at Twitter shows Unicom Frappuccino is indeed gaining attention.

    So what's in it? As Starbucks describes it: “A sweet dusting of pink powder, mixed into a Frappuccino with mango syrup and layered with a pleasantly sour blue drizzle. It is finished with vanilla whipped cream and a sprinkle of sweet pink and sour blue powder topping.”

    A look at the ingredients reveals a list less fantastic. The pink powder is actually sugar and "Fruit and Vegetable Color.”

    Starbucks advertises the drink “,as rare as a unicorn." But unicorn food is actually a thing. The BBC reports, it's fashionable to post pictures of rainbow colored food which reminds of the fairy tale creature.

    Rainbow sushi, anyone?

    As for the Unicorn Frappuccino, Lori Aquino said the drink caught her eye on social media. Then people at work were talking about it. “I saw it was coming out today, so I decided to try it,” Aquino said at a Washington D.C. Starbucks. “I'll probably put it on Snapchat or Instagram.”

    She bought one to share with her two coworkers.

    And the opinion?

    “It's kind of nasty,” Aquino said.

    Letitia Winston agreed: "Nope. That will not be something I come looking for."

    But Moriam Animashaun was more forgiving. "It's not bad,” she said, “It's just really sweet.”

    A 16-ounce medium, or a grande in Starbucks speak, comes in at 410 calories, 59 grams of sugar and 16 grams of fat.

    One thing the women agreed on was the drink's appearance. “It's pretty," said Animashaun.

    “It looks nice," agreed Winston.

    And in the age of likes, snaps and tweets, the fantasy image may be all that matters.

    The Unicom Frappuccino is available April 19 through April 23 at participating stores in the United Stales, Canada and Mexico.


    An American company has built a new drone(无人机)that could improve the speed of deliveries(送交的货).

    The drone is very different from other unmanned aircraft.It is made almost completely out of cardboard and has no motor.It can be packed with materials and sealed up with tape.

    Because the drones do not have a motor,they are designed to be dropped from airplanes.Hundreds of drones could be sent out at once.Then they could be automatically guided to where they are supposed to go.The company says these drones could then complete deliveries to different places over an area covering hundreds of kilometers. The drones look bigger than the paper airplanes we used to make as kids.But this light flyer is not a toy.It is aerodynamically designed and equipped with a small computer,a battery and sensors to guide it to the ground.

    The drones are being developed by Otherlab—a technology research company in San Francisco,California.It calls the drone a "Sky Machine."

    The company says it can travel about 150 kilometers at speeds up to 88 kilometers an hour.Now,it can carry materials weighing up to one kilogram,but future models are expected to carry larger loads.

    One of the drone's main advantages is that it does not have a heavy motor or large battery.This allows more room for materials and makes the drone cost less to build and operate.

    The Otherlab development team has called its invention the "Ikea of drones".This is because it is packaged similarly to products from the Swedish furniture maker Ikea.The drone arrives as flat pieces of pre-cut cardboard that can be quickly and easily put together.

    The technology that guides the drone can make it land within 10 meters of its target,according to Otherlab. Unlike other drones,even a crash landing is acceptable.The company says the drones can also be reused.

    Once the drone completes its delivery,it can be thrown away and the cardboard material will likely break down within a few months.

    The company has received money from the U.S. Department of Defense to carry out research on the drones.The money came from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.The agency is attempting to find the best delivery vehicles that can disappear after their missions are complete.The U.S. military has a need for delivery drones.But it wants to simplify and lower the cost of using them.Otherlab's Sky Machines are an attempt to fill that need.

    Military drones can also be stolen and studied by others if found after use.Before they can truly disappear,the electronic materials inside must also somehow disappear.Researchers are still working on ways to get the technology itself to self-destruct.


    Adopting (领养) a new pet should be an exciting and rewarding experience. But just as all families are different, so are all pets. Learn what to consider before you find your new furry family member.

    All pets require their owner's time, so Theisen, an expert in pet care, says how much time you can give to the pet is the top thing to consider. "If you adopt a 4-year-old cat, she's not going to need the same amount of care as a 9-week-old dog". says Theisen.

    Like dating and finding the perfect partner, you want a pet that shares your interests and activity levels, particularly if you're looking for dogs. "Consider activity levels in the family," says Theisen. "If you're a couch potato, or in other words, a homebody, look for a pet that matches that activity level."

    Some dogs, like Dalmatians and Terriers, can be loud and noisy and demand a more active lifestyle and room to be outside; they might not fit as well in close living situations as more sedentary pets. The Humane Society of the United States encourages potential owners to research books and websites and talk to other pet owners when considering adopting a new pet.

    Theisen says that potential owners should go beyond the first impression of loveliness and watch how the animals interact with them. "There are dogs that will jump to the gate to meet you," says Theisen. "And there are dogs that sit there with their sad doggy eyes — you know they're not going to be high-energy dogs".

    Some exotic pets, like tortoises and parrots, are likely to live longer than dogs and cats — and even their human owners. They can also grow to be much larger than they were when they first came to live with their owners. Owners should make sure that their living situations should be continually updated and also prepare for the animal's future.


    I was reading these interesting stories behind a group of great logos(商标) in the world. Personally Nike is my favorite one﹣it's so simple. And I liked the stories behind them, which made me forget all other things. McDonald's, Apple, and Mercedes Benz own great logos as well, and they are among my favorites.


    In the Greek myth, Nike is the goddess of victory and the source of inspiration for soldiers. This logo represents the wing in the famous statue of the Greek goddess.  Nike's logo was designed by Carolyn Davidson in 1971 for﹩35, and was registered as a trademark in 1995.


    The logo was designed in 1962 by Jim Schindler to resemble the arch shaped (拱形的) signs on the side of the company's then walk﹣up hamburger stand. Later on, the two golden arches were combined together to form the M. The McDonald's name was added to the logo in 1968.


    There are different stories behind Apple's logo. The first logo was a reference to the religious story of Adam and Eve, in which the apple represented the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. One year later, the second logo was designed in 1977 by Steven Jobs and Ronald Wayne, and it described Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. This logo didn't stay long. One year later it was replaced almost immediately by graphic designer Rob Janoff's "rainbow apple",  a rainbow﹣colored silhouette (轮廓) of an apple with a bite taken out of it. And then the rainbow﹣colored apple was replaced by the one﹣colored logo in 1998. It has not been changed so far.

    Mercedes Benz

    The Mercedes Benz logo, which was originally created by Gottlieb Daimler in 1909, consists of a simple description of a three﹣pointed star that represents its rule of the land, the sea and the air. The company was founded by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. Mercedes is the name of Maybach's elder daughter, while Benz came as a result of a combination with Benz Cie and DMG in 1926.

