
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I arrived at my mother's home for our Monday family dinner. Mother was 1 quilt after quilt from the boxes, 2 showing me their beauties. She was preparing for a quilt show at the Elmhurst Church. When we began to 3and put them back into the boxes, I noticed something at the4of one box.

    “What is this?” I asked.

    “Oh?” Mom said, “That's Mama's quilt.”

    I 5 the quilt. It looked as if a group of school children had pieced it together; 6designs, 7 pictures, a winding line on the right.

    “Grandmother made this?” I said, 8 My grandmother was a master at making quilts. This 9 didn't look like any of the quilts she had made.

    “Yes, right before she died. I 10 it home with me last year and made some 11” she said. “I'm still 12 on it. See, this is what I've done so far.”

    I looked at it more 13 At the center of the quilt, she had sewn a piece

of14 with these words:  “My mother made many quilts. She didn't get all lines15. But I think this is beautiful. I want to see it 16. Her last quilt.”

    “Oh, this is so nice, Mom,” I said. It17to me that by completing my grandmother's quilt, my mother was honoring her own 18. I realized, too, that I held in my hands a family

    19. It started with the loving hands of one woman, and 20 with the loving hands of another.

A、splitting up B、picking up C、pulling out D、showing off
A、proudly B、frankly C、politely D、generously
A、push B、lift C、cover D、fold
A、top B、bottom C、back D、front
A、pressed B、spread C、packed D、raised
A、perfect B、delicate C、mature D、irregular
A、childish B、elegant C、classic D、horrible
A、excited B、depressed C、surprised D、delighted
A、almost B、certainly C、partly D、probably
A、robbed B、bought C、dropped D、brought
A、decisions B、money C、changes D、mistakes
A、working B、depending C、living D、sitting
A、disappointedly B、closely C、nervously D、gratefully
A、paper B、bread C、wood D、cloth
A、strong B、hidden C、straight D、bent
A、finished B、removed C、produced D、prepared
A、happened B、appeared C、occurred D、struck
A、skill B、mother C、show D、quilt
A、shame B、responsibility C、desire D、treasure
A、continued B、stopped C、declined D、disappeared

    Imagine that you're a whale (鲸鱼), about 25 feet long and weighing thousands of pounds. You can 1 as fast as 35 miles per hour and may travel 100 miles in a day. The entire 2  is your home. Now picture yourself as the3 whale living alone in a small pool. You cannot dive 4  or swim great distances. There is nothing much to do 5  circle the small pool day after day.

    Now imagine you're an elephant living in a close family group. Members of the family 6 each other while travelling long distances to find the large quantities of food needed to7 the family. Now picture yourself8  in a trailer(拖车)or train moving from city to city. You're9 to perform tricks like standing on your head-things you'd 10 do in the wild.

    For many years, people watched whales and elephants 11  in circuses(马戏团)and marine(海洋的)parks. But now people are speaking up for the 12. They're saying that they deserve to live a more 13 life and not be used for entertainment. And people and some companies-are beginning to 14.

    In March 2015, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey  15  that they would no longer use elephant acts in their circuses. And on May 1, 2016, the elephants performed their last 16  . One year later, SeaWorld Theme Parks announced that it would gradually 17 using shows featuring whales performing silly 18 .

    The announcements by Ringling Bros. and SeaWorld are first steps in putting an end to using wild animals for19 . These decisions were made as a result of many people speaking out loud and clear that  20 animals deserve to live free.


    The news of Stephen Hawking's death came a great shock to the whole world. To his family, he was “a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy(遗赠)will 1 for many years”.

    His parents, both Oxford graduates, placed a high  2 on education and family members were often seen reading books at dinner. 3 known at school as “Einstein”, Hawking was not 4 successful academically. With time, he began to show talents for scientific subjects and decided to read  5 at university. As mathematics was not  6at Oxford then, Hawking chose physics instead.

    Diagnosed with a rare motor neurone disease, Hawking eventually 7 a wheelchair. Though shocked and bitter, Hawking continued his work in physics  8. After the loss of his  9, he communicated through a speech-generating device, which  10 him to produce A Brief History of Time with the help of an assistant.

    Hawking once  11how he felt when first informed of his disease,  12 that he would never realize his potential. “But now, 50 years later, I  13 be more satisfied with my life,” he said.

    Hawking also gained popularity  14 the academic world and appeared in several TV shows. He was featured in the film The Theory of Everything, which  15 his rise to fame and relationship with his first wife, Jane.

    Prof James Hartle, who once worked with him ,praised his unique ability to see through all the clutter(混乱)in physics and get to the  16.” My 17 of him would be…first as a scientist and, second, as a human being whose story is a victory  18 misfortune, which inspired a lot of people.” Prof Jim Al-Khalili pictured Hawking as a  19 person. “He was a fun loving guy. Inside that paralyzed body was someone full of  20 for life,” he said.


    There was once a boy called Joseph Webb who always loved to show off how many friends he had at school. One day his 1 said to him, “Joseph, I 2 you a big bag of popcorn that you don't have as many friends as you think. I'm sure many of them are nothing more than companions.”

    Joseph 3 the bet at once. However, he wasn't sure how to 4 whether his schoolmates were real friends or not, so he asked his grandfather. The old man answered, “Wait a minute.” Then he left and 5 soon as though carrying something in his hands, but Joseph could see 6 there.

    “Take it. It's a very 7 chair because it's invisible (看不见). It's rather 8 to sit on, but if you take it to school and 9 to sit on it, you'll activate (激活) its 10 and it'll be able to tell who your real friends are.”

    Joseph, brave and determined, set off for 11 with the strange and invisible chair. At break time he asked everyone to form a(n) 12, and he put himself in the middle, with his chair. Having difficulty seeing it, Joseph tried to sit on it but he 13 the seat and fell straight onto his backside. Everyone around him had a pretty good 14.

    Wait! Let me try again, Joseph said. But again, he missed the seat, 15 more surprised looks and a few catcalls (尖叫,喝倒彩). Joseph didn't 16 and kept trying to sit on the magic chair. But he kept falling to the ground…until, suddenly he tried again but didn't 17. Looking around, Joseph saw three of his best friends holding him up. 18, many others he had thought of as friends had done nothing but make fun of him. And there, the show came to an end. Joseph understood that 19 friends were those who care for him, and not just the 20 that happened to be passing by. And someone who took joy in his misfortunes (不幸) was even less of a friend.


    Barry White, Jt., a fifth grade English teacher at Ashley Park PreK­8 School, has a personalized handshake as greetings with every one of his students every day.

    The students know that when they 1 the school gate we do our 'good mornings' and then it's time to 2 " White told ABC News of his enthusiastic 3. "I'm always pumped up 4 . we start doing the moves, which brings them 5 and cheers them up for a high­energy 6."

    Each handshake is different, using custom moves inspired by the student's personality.

    "I started with one simple handshake last year with one of my 7 graders," he explained. "The girl of fourth grade would 8 me every morning before she'd go to class. She'd get in trouble sometimes for being late because she'd wait on the 9."

    "This year I started 10 handshakes with the kids during class breaks. It was just one or two students and then it became contagious (有感染力的) , he 11 ." I saw how much it 12 to them, so I said, Come on, everyone! Come on! Then it was my 13 class, then it was kids from other classes. Now I have third graders wanting to do it too.

    His administration loves the 14 which White brings to his students each day. "Barry's handshakes 15 his own authentic building relationships with 16 . When I walk into my teachers' rooms, I see the 17 of those strong and trusting relationships. When kids know their teacher 18, they are attentive, engaged and driven to be 19. That's the culture we are 20," said principal (校长) Meaghan Loftus.


You can't imagine how crazy I was about football when I was young. For years my life followed a(n) 1: I slipped out of the house, played football until dark and instantly I was infected with malaria. Football was so appealing that I was willing to 2 anything —injuries, punishment, and even sickness—to play it. Soon enough, my mother would rush me to the Sijuwade Hospital. There, the doctor said I needed to be 3 .

My dad often spent the night with me in the hospital while my mother 4 my sister at home. Then came the happiest 5 when my father told me wonderful stories.

My father was a(n) 6 storyteller. In the hospital, he would tell me a story or two, or, sometimes, if he was not too tired, many in response to my request. He 7 bicycle sounds and the howl of the wind so vividly that the pictures would never 8 from my mind. So happy were these moments that I sometimes wished to   9 my hospital stay.

Because of my mom's strict supervision, it became 10 difficult to steal out. No longer sick, no more stories. 11, I broke into my father's room one evening.

"Dad, you tell me stories only when I'm sick."

My father laughed, "You are already eight and can read by yourself!"

He 12 me a book and said, "Go and read that. It'll tell you stories."

I remember that night clearly. I opened the book and read what turned out to be the most 13 story that I had ever read.

What I discovered that night 14 my life. I became thirsty for books and became a voracious(求知欲强的)15 . I read in the mornings, at nights and in between. Through reading, I felt as though I were on the magical journey to the endless.

