
试题 试卷


题型:书面表达 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研版(2019)必修三高中英语Unit 1 Knowing me Knowing you SectionA Starting out & Understanding ideas基础分层训练


Talk about the following questions in pairs, and find out the best answer.

(1)、If you were Agony Aunt, what would you advise Ben to do?
(2)、Have you ever had a similar experience?  Please share your own story with your classmates.

    Want to know how to survive a plane crash? What about a terrorist attack? To put your mind at ease in nearly any situation, you can almost guarantee your survival if you never leave the house without 3 necessary items, i.e. a lighter(打火机), a lifestraw(救命吸管) and a raincoat.

    Right off the place full of danger, your first instinct(本能) might be to search for help the minute you realize you're in trouble. But survival experts insist you should stay where you are until help finds you, instead; doing so will make it easier for the search and rescue teams to locate your location.

    What should you do until then, you ask? Prepare to hunker down(盘腿坐下) for the long run. That's where your three pieces of survival necessities come into play, Stewart says.

    For one, you should have something to start a fire on you at all times. Fire-starting tools are inexpensive to purchase, and you can easily carry them around in a backpack or pant pocket. But even without a fancy item, all you really need is something to light the first flame.

    "You can use cotton balls covered in petroleum jelly(凡士林油) as a fire starter," Stewart told USA TODAY. "They are water resistant and will start a fire with just a spark."

    Second, you'll need something to make your drinking water fit to drink, such as a canteen(饭盒) that can boil water. Stewart recommends buying a $20 lifestraw, which  "can be struck into the muddiest pool of water you can find and you suck the water out like a straw." Any doubt? It could still save your life, Stewart says.

    "I always say that your life depends on your water source," he said.     …  

    You can keep all three items with you when you are away from your home.     …   

注意:1). 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2). 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3). 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头词或句子已为你写好;

4). 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

阅读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60字左右的内容概要。

    Over the past few years, there has been a big increase in the number of people sharing information online. In this article, we will learn about some positive reasons for people to share information online.

    94% of those surveyed by The New York Times said they put a lot of thought into how the content they are sharing will be beneficial to others. We often share information with our friends in the office or at home to educate, entertain, or pleasantly surprise them. This is also true while sharing information online. If you look at the Facebook wall posts of your friends, you will realize that most of their updates are usually famous quotes(引述), entertaining videos, humorous images, funny jokes, etc.

    A lot of people share information online to picture their true self to the outside world. Some people, especially those who are shy and not comfortable talking about their areas of interest in the presence of others, find it extremely convenient to share that information online with others.

    According to the study, 78% of the people said they shared information online because it helps them develop better relationships. Today, people are so busy that they do not have the time to meet each other personally. A lot of people now “meet” each other online, rather than in places like restaurants and pubs.

    Lastly, when we share our thoughts online, we are actively communicating with a large number of people who are a part of the World Wide Web. Sharing information will affect the viewpoint of others, or add to their understanding about the world.


    In 1878, when Margaret Wolfe Hungerford wrote “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, she was stating that there was no consistent(never changing)view on beauty. Standards of beauty change across time and cultural groups.

    Traditions and fashions, like society itself, change and adapt with time. So it is reasonable that our ideas of beauty change as well. In 19th-century Europe, women used to wear corsets to achieve a body shape that is no longer considered healthy. Men would wear woolen shawls across their shoulders. It is hard to imagine that they would be seen as attractive in the 21st century. Nowadays, in the western world, one in every ten people has a tattoos or a form of body art. In the past, some cultures used tattoos as an addition to costumes, to show family associations or to mark criminals so that they could easily be recognized.

    In contemporary society, culture remains a major part in determining our ideas of beauty. In some countries, young women follow slimming diets to lose extra kilos in preparation for their wedding day. In other cultures, looking thin for a husband-to-be is not what a woman desires at all—rather, looking a little overweight is considered more attractive.

    With the influence of history, society and culture, there are no precise criteria which can be used to judge what is beautiful. Life long commitment and, indeed, the survival of society itself rely on people seeing beauty in difference and depth. The human race would soon die out if we could only see beauty within a set of limited criteria.

    Physical beauty must also be accompanied by an attraction to something deeper within a person. This particular kind of attraction is found in a wide range of personal qualities, e.g. kindness, warmth, a healthy conscience, etc. judging the appeal of a person's inner beauty is much more subjective. It takes more than a casual glance to appreciate and it is much more important than physical beauty.

    Beauty, therefore, has more than one dimension. We are influenced by our culture, our biology and our time in history to notice physical beauty quickly and easily, but it is inner beauty that requires us to truly see. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.


    Once, when I was a teenager my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. Finally there was only one family between us and the ticket counter.

    This family made a big impression on me. There were eight children, all probably under the age of twelve. You could tell they didn't have a lot of money. Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean, the children were well-behaved, all of them standing in line, two-by-two behind their parents, holding hands. They were excitedly talking about the clowns, elephants and other acts they would see that night with their brothers or sisters in a low voice. One could sense they had never been to the circus before. It promised to be a highlight of their young lives.

    The father and mother were at the head of the pack, standing proud as they could be. The mother was holding her husband s hand, looking up at him as if to say, "You are my knight in shining armor." He was smiling and responding in pride, looking back at her as if to say "You got that right". The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly responded "please let me buy eight children's tickets and two adult tickets so I can take my family to the circus.

    The ticket lady gave the price. The man's wife let go of his hand, lowered her head and her lips began to shake. The father leaned a little closer and asked, "How much did you say?" The ticket lady again told him the price. The man obviously didn't have enough money.

    How was he supposed to turn and tell his eight children that he didn't have enough money to take them to the circus? Actually we were not wealthy in any sense, so I understand how the kids would feel. I felt sorry for them.






Paragragh 1:

    Seeing what was going on, my dad seemed to have an idea.

Paragragh 2:

    That day my father and I went back to our car

