
试题 试卷


题型:概要写作 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists believe that the surface of the earth is covered by a number of moving plates. Sometimes two plates move towards and push against each other. Sometimes they stop for years but at other times they jump and an earthquake is felt. Because of the movements of these plates, California, China and Japan have a lot of earthquakes. You can see the result in San Francisco where the Pacific plate meets the North American plate. When the 1906 earthquake happened, the Pacific plate jumped 5 to 6 metres to the north.

    China is a country where many earthquakes happen. The Pacific plate is pushing China from the east and the Indian plate is pushing China from the southwest. The power of this movement created the Himalayas and Mount Qomolongma. It now causes earthquakes in China. We cannot stop earthquakes but we can do things to make sure they do not destroy whole cities. First it is not a good idea to build houses along the line where two plates meet. Second, if you think there may be an earthquake, make sure to build houses on rock rather than sand. Third, you must make the houses as strong as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up.

Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

China's National Treasure

    Pandas are in danger of extinction at present, with only 1,900 remaining in the world. The scientific name of the giant panda is actually called the cat bear, the number of which is very scarce. It is one of the most precious animals in the world and belongs to the protected animals at the national level. Its body color is black and white. Giant pandas are unique to China, very cute. The existing major habitats are in the surrounding mountainous areas such as Sichuan and Shanxi in China. The giant panda has a very powerful function: digesting bamboo. We all know that bamboo is mainly cellulose (纤维素), and most animals can't digest it except giant pandas. The giant panda's hometown is in the mountains southwest of China, green bamboos and springs everywhere. Therefore, the giant panda's main food consists of bamboo and spring water.

    Giant pandas are often referred to as living fossils. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was the peak period of giant pandas. This is of great scientific value for studying and protecting biodiversity and environmental changes on the earth. Long, long ago, the climate of the earth became colder and colder, many ice cubes formed on the earth; plants could not grow, and many animals were frozen or starved to death. The giant panda alone survived in the deep valleys of the mountains and became a treasure of the animal world. The giant panda still retains the characteristics of ancient animals. Therefore, the giant panda is not only popular with adults and children in terms of appearance, but also becomes a living fossil for biologists to study ancient creatures.

    The status of giant pandas has been politicized. Giant pandas can be seen in almost all the major countries in the world. The giant panda has become a witness of friendship between China and foreign countries. For decades, wherever the giant panda goes, a panda whirlwind will blow. With its charmed figure and natural cuteness, the Chinese giant panda attracts numerous fans around the world, and at the same time plays the role of friendship ambassador in China's foreign exchanges, becoming one of the most famous symbols in China.

阅读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。

The way of Chinese people's life has been changed through the China's" New Four Great Inventions". What are" New Four Great Inventions"? They are High-speed rail, Shared bikes, Online shopping and Alipay.

What did the China's" New Four Great Inventions" bring to us?

High-speed rail—Modern transportation makes everybody neighbor. The invention of the high-speed railway makes it easy to thousands of miles a day. Today China's rail transit technology is the best, the China's daily average of 4, 000 trains, sending about 4. 6 million passengers.

Shared bikes—Short walks become more convenient and faster, and carbon emissions are reduced, which is friendly to the environment. You can download the APP about shared bikes, pay some money, and then you can use bicycles everywhere in the street. The Chinese shared bicycle programs have been becoming more and more popular.

Online shopping—Don't need to go out to find the needs for living. Online shopping, as the name implies, is to pay money online. Purchases(购买物) can be sent home. China has 751 million Internet users, 724 million mobile phone users; total transactions on November 11 and December 12 hit a record high every year. Online shopping lets Chinese Internet users enjoy" shopping carnival" every day.

Alipay—A software which can replace cash payments. With intelligence phones' popularization, Alipay has become an indispensable (不可或缺的) APP. Through scanning the " QR code", Alipay wants to realize the ambition of " replacing cash payments" gradually. On 11th November 2018, both the mobile payment account and the transaction reached 213. 5 billion.

There is no doubt that China has already used its own power of" New Four Great Inventions" to become the great powerful technological country, showing the power of China once again.

