
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Carmakers. including BMW, Fiat. Chrysler and Peugeot, warmed that the worldwide semiconductor processor(半导体处理器) shortage will continue in 2021 and beyond. The shortage has affected both production and sales of automobiles.

Automobiles have become increasingly dependent on processors. also known as chips. They are needed for computers to help engines with better fuel economy and assist drivers in emergency braking(刹车). Without a good supply of chips, carmakers have centered production on higher-profit models. The higher prices keep their businesses going even though they are selling fewer cars.

Richard Palmer is the chief financial officer of Stellantis. The company sells cars under 14 brands including Fiat, Chrysler and Peugeot, He said the company did not expect chip supply to improve before the last three months of the year. That would mean a production loss of around 1.4 million vehicles for 2021.

The German carmaker warned that there will be more problems during the second half of this year. “The longer the supply bottlenecks last, the more tense the situation is likely to become,” BMW chief financial officer Nicolas Peter said in a statement. “We expect production restrictions(限制) to continue in the second half of the year. Those restrictions will cause a lower number of sales,” he added.

German chipmaker Infineon Technologies confirmed the shortage. The company said the latest wave of COVID-19 cases slows the production of materials in Asia. And the amounts of goods available have now hit all-time lows. Reinhard Ploss is the Chief Executive Officer of Infineon. He told economists that a sharp limit of supplies is hurting the recovery of worldwide car markets. He observed that “it will take time to get back” to a balance between supply and demand. “In our view, this will take until well into 2022,” he added.

(1)、How do carmakers deal with reduced sales?
A、By improving production technology. B、By selling curs with lower fuel consumption. C、By offering better emergency braking systems. D、By producing high-priced cars,
(2)、Why does the author mention Richard Palmer and Nicolas Peter?
A、To stress the seriousness of the present situation. B、To provide a solution to the reduced sales. C、To convey their expectation of the car production. D、To highlight the importance of chips for carmakers.
(3)、What's Reinhard Ploss' attitude towards car production and sales?
A、Hopeful. B、Indifferent. C、Worried. D、Doubtful.
(4)、What is the best title of the passage?
A、The Decline of Car Sales. B、Chip Shortage and its Influence. C、The Restrictions of Production. D、The Balance between Supply and Demand.

    What do butterflies have in common with the human spirit? Meet Maggie, a middle-aged wife and mother who was about to find out.

    Maggie wasn't rich like a millionaire or poor in a manner of being homeless. She was living an average comfortable life. It was made even better when a baby girl came her way. She and her husband made sure their daughter had her needs met and they were still able to take a yearly vacation by the beach.

    Maggie was a partner in her husband's business. They both had a different set of duties and everything was in balance. One day a severe blow came to her husband's business, and over a three-year period the business dropped out of sight. Her husband had to totally reinvent himself and was eager to start a new business. She was happy for him and supported him fully, but still the money was not coming in.

    Maggie began to feel guilty that she wasn't contributing with any kind of income. She began job-hunting and found filling out applications somewhat difficult, especially the part asking for job references. She was self-employed with her husband for almost 20 years, which seemed to mean nothing as she was never called for an interview.

    When she was job-hunting her mom became more ill than she had been and ended up in the hospital for a week. Once Maggie's mom returned home she became her mom's helper one day a week. She did everything that her mother was not able to do any more. Of course her mom would pay her for her lime and labor but she still felt she needed to find another source of income.

    One of the first applications she had filled out finally came through. She passed the interview and was told she was exactly what they were looking for. Although it was only part-time it was exactly what she wanted. It was important for her to be home when her daughter arrived home from school.

    Within a few weeks, though, she received an e-mail saying that the company had changed the job into a full-time position so that she was not qualified. Maggie felt betrayed and felt she had been lied to. That evening she was alone at home. She welcomed the aloneness and wanted to put herself in the bathtub to kill the lonely time.

    As she knew she would, Maggie began to cry, softly at first just from the sharp pain of being rejected. Three long years of struggle had finally overwhelmed her.

    When she was able to cry no more, she became worn out and gave up. It was at that moment that a silent idea came to her: why not offer elderly people home care assistance? Using another talent for computers she printed off some flyers and cards and distributed them to her church, grocery stores and even placed a small ad in the newspaper. Within a week she had procured two new customers. Now, even though she's not a CEO of a major company she feels happy and productive again.

    Before a butterfly can come out of its chrysalis (茧) it has to go through a lot of struggling. Each time it pushes out to escape, acids are being removed from its wings. If someone were to come along and break the chrysalis open for it then the butterfly would die from those acids. Actually the struggle is necessary for the butterfly to survive. Then in the stillness, when the struggle is over, the butterfly can come out and share its beauty with the world.

    We as humans are not any different.


    Reading Oktoberfest

    Palmer Park is the perfect place to host the first Reading Oktoberfest, which takes place 15—18 September 2017.

    You can experience everything that makes Oktoberfest, held in a huge Beer tent. We'll have live music and DJs and thousands of people going crazy.

    Opening hours:

    Thursday 15 September 17:00-23:30

    Friday 16 September 17:00-23:30

    Saturday 17 September 12:30-23:30

    Sunday 18 September 12:30-19:00

    Ramsbottom Festival

    With its riverside location, Ramsbottom Festival is one festival which can truly be called beautiful. Here you can enjoy a mix of music, great arts and family shows, as well as a variety of Great British and international food.

    Ramsbottom Festival takes place 16—18 September 2017 at Ramsbottom Cricket Club. Bury, easily reachable by public transport from Manchester city centre.

    The Willow Festival Dorset

    The Willow Festival—the world's largest festival showing new and undiscovered live music bands and artists is coming to Dorset. Fun for all the family, the event also has a shopping area, a world food village, and plenty of activities for kids.

    Tickets are just £10.00, which covers a come-and-go attendance (出席) for all three days.

River Cottage Festival

    It's our first ever family-friendly music festival, right here at River Cottage HQ in Devon. On 17—18 September 2017, the farm will be filled with live music from popular bands in the UK. In between all that dancing you'll be able to watch shows from local craftspeople (匠人) and make your own piece of jewelry (珠宝).

    Tickets will cost you just £35, or £l0 for children under 12 (babies under 2 go free).


    Some people seem to have extraordinary memories. Zheng Aiqiang, a "memory athlete" on TV show Super Brain, can remember 2,660 numbers in just one hour!

    You would think people like this have special brains. But according to a recent study by researchers from the US and the Netherlands, the brain structures of ordinary people and 23 of the world's leading memory athletes show no difference.

    That's because good memories can be trained. New research in the journal Neuron(神经元期刊) suggests that you can become a super memorizer with just six weeks of hard training.

    Researchers found that technique(技巧) called loci, invented by ancient Greeks, can greatly help improve memory. By using loci, you are using your imagination to improve the brain's memory networks. You can link(关联) something you need to remember with a place that you know very well. For example, to remember a list of numbers, imagine yourself walking through your house. Each thing is linked to a number. For example, zero could be handle(把手) on the door and five could be the painting on the wall.

    In one study, some ordinary people were given 20 minutes to remember 72 words. First they could only remember 26 of them. But when they were taught loci, they could remember 62 words.

    "Not everyone can become a memory champion. But everyone using the technique can improve a lot from the level they're at," said Boris Konrad, one of the researchers in the study.


    If conditions get bad enough, almost any kind of weather can become a storm.

Stormy weather can cause people to cancel their plans. It can cause major events to be postponed. And severe stormy weather can be dangerous to people, fortune and anima1.

    If you weather the storm, or ride out the storm, you survive and move on without harm or injury. For example, 1et's talk about Tornado Alley, the name for part of the central United States. During springtime, this area often has a large number of powerful tornadoes. People who live there are taught to shelter in the safest place they can find and wait for the storm to pass. People who live in Tornado Alley are used to weathering many storms!

    You can also weather a storm, but it doesn't involve actual weather. “To weather the storm” can also mean to make it through a difficult experience or trying times. So, if the stock market(股市)crashes, you might have to weather a financial storm.

    Often before a big storm, conditions are calm. The calm before the storm can happen anytime. It is the time before something bad happens. For example, at the beginning of a family reunion, the adults were all talking happily. But the older children knew it was just the calm before the storm. They've seen it happen before. The adults talk happily for about an hour. Then they start arguing about events from the past—things that should really stay buried!

    But after the storm begins and you find yourself in the middle of it, you are in the eye of the storm. In the world of weather, the eye of the storm is the calmest part, in the center of a hurricane, for example. However, in the English language, if you are in the eye of the storm, you are in the most intense part of a conflict. For example, she had no idea that walking into the meeting would put her in the eye of the storm.

    However, a brainstorm does not exist in the world of weather. To brainstorm means to try to solve a problem by talking with other people. And don't worry. If we have trouble thinking of an idea for the next program, we can always brainstorm with you!


    Most groups of plants and animals are richer in species and more plentiful near the equator. In the ocean, that holds true for cold-blooded predators(掠食者). But warm-blooded predators are more diverse toward the poles and noticeably missing from several warm hot spots. Why?

    John Grady, an ecologist, and his team considered the possibility—warm-blooded animals need a lot to fuel their metabolism(新陈代谢). Perhaps colder waters are just richer in small fish? But they found that at higher, colder places, there isn't actually much more food around. It's more that warm-blooded animals are eating a much bigger share of it than their cold-blooded competitors.

    The real explanation is simple. An animal's speed, swiftness, and intelligence depend on its metabolism, which in turn depends on its temperature. Since birds and mammals can keep heating their bodies in icy conditions, they remain fast and attentive. By contrast, the fish they hunt become slower and duller. At some tipping point of temperature, seals, dolphins, and penguins start out swimming their prey(猎物). They become more likely to come upon targets and outpace the cold-blooded predators of their own.

    In Grady's words, "Warm-bodied predators are favoured where preys are slow, stupid and cold." That's why sharks and other predatory fish dominate near the equator, but colder waters are the kingdom of whales and seals. By keeping food to themselves in the poles, these creatures can then specialize on specific types of prey, which makes them more likely to split into separate species. The killer whales of the North Pacific, for example, include mammal-eating transients and fish-eating, year-round residents.

    But the world is changing. It's likely that the surface of the oceans will warm by 2 to 3℃ within this century. Grady's team estimates that every time the ocean's surface warms by 1℃, populations of sea mammals will fall by 12%, and populations of seals and sea lions will fall by 24%.

    But "predictions are hard," Donna Hauser from the University of Alaska Fairbanks notes. "Polar bears are losers of a warming world, but some populations are still doing well. Some groups of whales have changed the timing of their migrations; others are hunting in deeper, colder waters. These changes might make sea mammals more adaptable to changing climates. Maybe they just need to find the places where fish remain slow, stupid and cold."

