
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



Last year I decided to do some volunteer work. I began to 1 on the Internet and discovered Volunteer USA. Three months later I 2 myself on a plane to Phoenix, Arizona. I was scared at the thought of living with lots of 3 people for three months. However, within fifteen minutes of arriving, my 4 had gone. Everyone was so friendly and like-minded that it was very 5 to feel at home.

 I was sent to the Coronado National Forest for my first 8-day project. We had to 6 everything we needed and walk three miles to where we worked. It may not seem like a  7 way but in 35℃ heat and with a heavy pack, my legs were on fire.

 My 8 was to build a stairway (台阶) out of rock. This meant climbing up and down the side of a mountain inhabited (栖息) by mountain lions, 9 I should say they were only heard, never seen.

Three days later, a beautiful stairway came into being. I got such a strong feeling of 10  when I knew that my work will be on that mountainside for many years.

But on the last night we were 11 in a rainstorm. I woke up at midnight to find a swimming pool in my tent. The temperature was close to 12. It was so cold that I had to spend the rest of the night trembling (颤抖) in the only 13 part of my tent.

Needless to say, I suffered a lot. But I know whatever I have to 14 in my life I was there and I survived. I think I am much 15 for having taken part in the project.

A、compete B、discuss C、cancel D、research
A、imagined B、found C、enjoyed D、introduced
A、new B、busy C、crazy D、creative
A、excitement B、shyness C、worry D、kindness
A、funny B、good C、lucky D、easy
A、drop B、carry C、make D、list
A、nice B、safe C、long D、quick
A、job B、secret C、hobby D、fault
A、unless B、because C、since D、although
A、satisfaction B、sadness C、relief D、shame
A、left B、caught C、punished D、separated
A、normal B、boiling C、freezing D、average
A、clean B、dry C、big D、safe
A、face B、avoid C、follow D、bring
A、smarter B、busier C、happier D、stronger  

    Once an old man who had four lazy sons fell sick and was counting his last days in bed. He was very worried about his sons' future because they always believed in luck {#blank#}1{#/blank#}of hard work.

    The old man decided to play a trick{#blank#}2{#/blank#} he died to make his sons realize the importance of work. He told them that he would leave them a treasure box {#blank#}3{#/blank#} gold coins and wanted them to share the treasure.

    The young men asked where his father had placed the treasure. The old man replied," I can't exactly remember{#blank#}4{#/blank#}place. However, the treasure is buried in our land."

    After a few days, the old man died. The sons decided to{#blank#}5{#/blank#}the land to find the treasure box. They worked very hard, but they couldn't find the box. They dug even{#blank#}6{#/blank#}, but they still got nothing.

    Later, one of their neighbors {#blank#}7{#/blank#} by and saw the loose (松的) soil. He suggested that the sons should turn it into a farm. Soon, good fruit and vegetables grew out of the land. The four sons sold them at a good{#blank#}8{#/blank#} and made lots of money.

    Then they realized that the {#blank#}9{#/blank#} box their father mentioned was hard work in fact. The father successfully played a trick to {#blank#}10{#/blank#} his sons how important it was to work hard. What a clever father!

 Read the passage and fill in each blank with a proper word.

Last night,John went to a welcome party for foreign students. In the {#blank#}1{#/blank#}something funny happened. He met a Japanese boy {#blank#}2{#/blank#}was called Sato. He didn't know {#blank#}3{#/blank#}the Japanese are supposed to greet each other. As soon as he held out his hand, the boy {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. He just stood there, embarrassed, with his hand out. But finally he {#blank#}5{#/blank#} the bow.

Last weekend, Katie met her French friend Marie for the first time. She did the {#blank#}6{#/blank#}as John did, holding out her hand. To her great surprise, Marie kissed her on {#blank#}7{#/blank#} sides of her face. She also felt embarrassed. Later she came to know that {#blank#}8{#/blank#}people are supposed to kiss when they meet each other.

Li Hua went to the Capital International Airport to meet Tony Garcia from Colombia and Julia Smith {#blank#}9{#/blank#} Britain. After Li met them and introduced {#blank#}10{#/blank#}to each other,Tony went {#blank#}11{#/blank#}to Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek. She stepped{#blank#}12{#/blank#} appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defense(防卫)!

These actions are not good {#blank#}13{#/blank#}bad, but they are simply ways that cultures have developed. Studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads!


Astronauts would face dangers both getting to and surviving (生存) on Mars. Let's learn about surviving a trip to Mars.

What would it take to keep people safe and healthy on a trip to Mars? Scientists are already working on it, though the trip may be many years later.

Over the last 60 years, many spaceships have flown by orbited(沿轨道运行)and even landed on the Red Planet. However, machines cannot replace humans. That's why the United States, China and other countries want to send people to Mars. But surviving on this trip would not be easy.

A trip to Mars would be the farthest journey in human(人类) history. Mars is about 225 million kilometers away, so it would take astronauts at least 180 days to reach there. However, it only takes a few days to get to the Moon.

Space travel is dangerous. For one thing, staying in space for long periods makes the human body weak. Also, it puts pressure behind the eyes and causes eye problems. But gravity(重力) machines could help.

Then there's space radiation(辐射) to worry about. It is bad for astronauts when they have long journeys. Scientists are working out the issue. They have found that taking certain vitamins can help.

Astronauts will have to pack light to lift off from the earth. But they won't be able to get the things they need easily. Astronauts on the space station practice for this by growing lettuce and other food in space. Engineers are developing 3D printing techniques(技术)which can allow future Mars astronauts to build what they want.

