
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



In an incredible display of compassion and kindness, a man from Turkey was spotted trying to warm a pigeon in the most creative way.

Sabahattin Yılmaz was at home one chilly day. After a rain shower had passed, he noticed something landed on the sill (窗台) outside his window—a cold and wet pigeon. The animal was trembling and soaked; it clearly didn't have the chance to seek shelter before the rain began. Feeling for the poor pigeon, Yılmaz thought of a way to dry him off.

Rather than pick him up and take him inside to warm up, Yılmaz plugged in a hairdryer and used it to dry off the bird. Little did he know that his neighbor captured the whole moment on video. In the video, Yılmaz can be seen leaning out of his window. He was stretching his arm as far as he can so the hot air can reach the pigeon. The bird willingly let the man warm him up, crouching (蹲伏) to let his outer feathers dry.

Yılmaz told the media that he spent about fifteen minutes drying off the bird. He said he had just opened his window when he saw the pigeon around the corner of the sill. He described it as wet and "about to freeze" from the cold and rainy weather.

After fifteen minutes, Yılmaz gave the pigeon birdseed, which he ate happily. However, the bird remained wet still. "I saw that it was still there so I warmed it up again, after the pigeon recovered again, and after eating a good amount of seed, it flew away," Yılmaz recalled.

He also didn't know that he was being recorded at the time and that the video was shared online. He simply did it out of the kindness of his heart. "The pigeon is a living creature and deserved to continue living, that is why I did it," he said.

(1)、What is the text mainly about?
A、An online video about a pigeon became a hit. B、A man warmed up a wet and cold pigeon. C、A man invented a creative way to help birds. D、A man lives in harmony with a pigeon.
(2)、What was the bird's reaction to Sabahattin Yılmaz's behavior?
A、It was scared and flew away. B、It was annoyed and refused his help. C、It was ready to accept his assistance. D、It was happy to settle in his home.
(3)、What can we see from the video?
A、A man was filming Yılmaz's kindness. B、A pigeon was jumping back and forth when dried off. C、Yılmaz was warming a pigeon in a novel way. D、Yilmaz was stretching his arms to catch a pigeon.
(4)、Which of the following words can best describe Sabahattin Yılmaz?
A、Indifferent but creative. B、Patient and ambitious. C、Talented but careless. D、Sympathetic and warm-hearted.

    How cool can libraries be in an era(时代) of iPods and Kindles? More than you think. Only if you know where to go.

Central Library: Seattle, Washington, United States

    The Central Library in Seattle is modern and fashionable and has tourists from around the world paying visits and taking tours. It was designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas and American designer Joshua Prince-Ramus. Tours began in 2006, two years after its opening. The library holds various art exhibitions, book signings and other events, while visitors can stop by the Chocolati cat for a coffee and scan through the gift shop anytime.

Trinity College Library: Dublin, Ireland

    The Trinity College Library in Dublin is the oldest library in Ireland, founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I. It is the largest single library in the world, also known as the Long Room, which contains more than 200,000 of the library's oldest books. The Long Room houses one of the oldest harps(竖琴) in Ireland. Dating to the 15th century, the old harp is the model for the symbol of Ireland.

Geisel Library, University of California: San Diego, United States

    At first glance, it looks like a spaceship. Architect William Pereira, who helped design actual space launch facilities at Cape Canaveral in Houston, Texas, designed the library in 1970. It has been featured in sci-fi films, short stories and novels. The library hosts “Dinner in the Library” which invites readers for cocktails, and also a special speech from distinguished authors.

TU Delft Library: The Netherlands

    The library at the Delft University of Technology was constructed in 1997 and has more than 862,000 books, 16,000 magazine subscriptions and its own museum. The building itself exists beneath the ground, so you can't really see the actual library. What makes it interesting is the roof, which is a grassy hill. The roof covers 5,500 square meters. And it has become one of the most striking and greenest structures in the area.


    One Moore Elementary school teacher is showing students the importance of communication through “shout-outs”. Third Grade Moore Elementary Teacher Lindsey Winders said a shout-out is a compliment(称赞) that students can say or write down. “Like, 'hey I noticed you doing a really great job solving your math problems yesterday. I wanted to make sure you know that I saw you do that,'” Winders said.

    Winders said she makes sure she is giving shout-outs to her students every day. “I might write them a sticky note, or write them a quick little note in their planner. I might just say it to them on their way into the classroom or on their way out of the classroom, but most importantly I try to do it every day,” Winders said.

    In addition to the compliments, Winders has the students greet(问候) each other every morning during morning meeting. She will have students give examples to the class of how to communicate in different settings(场景). Third grade student Nayelli Moranchel said she had given at least six shout-outs this year. “It makes me happy, because they always write something back,” Moranchel said.

    Recently, Winders took it one step further and wrote a personalized note on each of her students' desk. “In our classroom, sometimes it can be challenging for me to give a compliment or a shout-out to each and every one of them in a way that feels equal(平等的) and valuable at the same time. So I decide that there is no better way than leaving a note on their desk that can stay for as long as they wants it to,” Winders said.

    Winders said it is encouraging when she sees her students copy the act, and give each other compliments without her guidance(指导).


    In the future we might live somewhere other than Earth, like Mars. Some people ask how this will be possible. Well, Mars is in fact a lot the same as the earth. The days are almost the same as those on the earth. However, the two planets vary in temperature.

    Since there is mostly carbon dioxide on Mars, it would be quite difficult for a human to just land on it. So, special types of homes and space suits have to be designed. The space suits should be almost like the ones astronauts use now, and except that they have to be warmer so that the astronauts can survive the cold temperatures. The space suits must also be able to withstand (承受) high pressure and potentially dangerous radiation that can kill.

    The houses should be similar to our homes today with a slight difference. All of the houses and other buildings should be built inside a large dome (圆顶状物) or bubble. The domes should be made out of glass, and would also be able to prevent radiation from affecting the people inside. The domes will be connected to a machine (like plants which turn carbon dioxide into oxygen).

    With Mars' population growing, how would the people on its surface get fresh food and water? Just like humans use domes, they can also use domes to grow plants. However, the domes where the plants are grown must be built to expand. Once we upgrade the domes to a larger size then we can grow more food by cultivating (种植) more plants. To get the food or come in connect with other domes, there will be long narrow tunnels like roads that connect to each dome separating them by several doors so that the pressure in each dome can remain the same.

    On Mars, so many other things are available to us. As humans, we can have access to rare and fairly expensive metals that aren't very easy to get hold of on Earth, and a colony on Mars enhances (提高) our chances of finding these metals. So when someone here on Earth says that going to Mars is impossible, please tell them that they'll never know it until they try and they may try very soon. After all it's our future. Why not make it on Mars?


Essentials of Nutrition — Good nutrition VS malnutrition (营养不良)

    Author: Joel Bressler

    Price: $29. 99

Essentials of Nutrition touches important health topics such as: the positive and negative aspects of nutrition; the importance of exercise; the necessity of vitamins, minerals, and water. It also advises how doctors and educators will improve our health in the future.

    Preserve the Best and Conserve the Rest—Memoirs (回忆录) of a US Forest Service Wildlife Biologist

    Author: Hadley B. Roberts

    Price: $19.99

Preserve the Best and Conserve the Rest covers US Forest Service wildlife biologist Hadley B. Roberts' half-century career in wildlife and fish habitat conservation and preservation. It includes his accomplishment, motives and influences behind his actions.

Poodle (贵宾犬) Mistress —The Autobiographical Story of Life with Nine Toy Poodle

    Author: Sandi Latimer

    Price: $22.99

Poodle Mistress is a story of unconditional love and devotion about nine dogs that changed author Sandi Latimer's life. Her memoir (回忆录) details a twenty-seven-year journey as she and her husband cared for and enjoyed the funny behaviors of their toy poodles.

A Professor and CEO True Story—A Fascinating Journey to Success

    Author: Richard T. Cheng

    Price: $13.95

In A Professor and CEO True Story, Richard T Cheng shares how he overcame great odds and transformed from a struggling immigrant to million-dollar CEO and esteemed professor. This is a powerful and inspiring story of success and survival.


    A dog found swimming more than 220 kilometers off the coast of Thailand has been returned safely to land.

    Late last week, workers on an oil rig (钻井平台) noticed the animal, all alone, in the water. It began swimming toward the side of the rig. The dog was able to get itself onto a solid area.

    He appeared cold, tired and fearful. The workers lowered a rope and secured it around the dog. Then, they worked together to pull the animal up to safety.

    The crew that found the dog quickly gave their new friend a name: Boonrod. The name means something similar to one who survives in a disaster in the Thai language.

    One of those workers was Vitisak Payalaw. He has been providing updates on Boonrod on his Facebook page. He said it was lucky that the crew noticed the dog in the water. If there had been waves, he said, the animal would not have been seen.

    No one knows how Boonrod ended up all alone at sea, or how long he had been out there. But Vitisak and others have guessed the animal might have fallen off a fishing boat.

    On Monday, Boonrod arrived on dry land. A team of animal doctors was waiting for him in the southern Thai province of Songkhla. Workers at the Songkhla port also welcomed the dog with neck rubs and a special welcome necklace made of yellow flowers. Many people took pictures with Boonrod.

    Vitisak wrote on Facebook, Today (April 15), a ship transporting the dog arrived onshore at around 10.am. His overall condition has improved. He is getting stronger and can smile.

    The dog is now in the care of an animal doctor in Songkhla. The animal protection group Watchdog Thailand said he is in good condition and getting stronger. On Tuesday, the group published pictures of Boonrod getting washed—and getting plenty of love and attention.

    Vitisak says that if no one claims Boonrod as their pet, he will take him with him to his home in northeast Thailand.


    When the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) was on fire, it seemed as if the nation had lost a piece of its soul. A similar tragedy took place in 19th century Russia. And the rebuilding effort of the Russians might offer some inspiration for the French.

    Standing in the heart of the Russian capital, with 60,000 square meters of floor space and 1,500 rooms, the Winter Palace was among the world's grandest building. On Dec. 17, 1837, a fire broke out at the Winter Palace. By the morning of Dec.19, only the structure's framework remained.

    For the czar (沙皇), the fire presented a political challenge. Fearing that Russia's enemies would cast the fire as a blow to the czarist orders, the czar's supporters quickly worked together to shape the description of the fire in Russia and abroad. They wanted the country to appear united. And they certainly didn't want despair to become the story.

    The first full account of the fire was written in French by the poet Petr Viazemskii. A Russian translation appeared two months later. That text and others painted a highly idealized picture of the response to the tragedy. The accounts noted that the czar forcefully directed the fire's containment. Soldiers were selfless to save the palace. The Russian people felt the loss just as deeply as the czar.

    To erase the shame of the fire, the czar set a nearly impossible goal: rebuild the palace within 15 months, and he ordered that rebuilt palace look exactly as it had before. Thousands of workers labored on the construction site. They made rapid progress. On Match 25, 1839, the czar celebrated the rebirth of the Winter Palace.

Outwardly identical to the old version, the new palace featured more iron and brick in its structures—and less wood. It was far less fire-prone than the original.

    Notre Dame hasn't experienced the same level of destruction as the Winter Palace, if the Russian phoenix of 1839 is any indication, there is hope that a renewed Notre Dame will once again grace the banks of the Seine.

