
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Sam was born with a bone disease. He has never walked. His bones are so fragile that they can break if he just coughs or sneezes.

When Sam was young, he was always breaking bones. He never liked fireworks. A sudden loud bang would scare him so much that he could break some bones. Sam's family had to learn how fragile he was. When he was a baby, it was very difficult for them.

No one knew much about what would happen to Sam. His friends grew taller, but he didn't. Sam didn't let how he looked worry him. "How we look on the outside," he said, "is only a small part of who we are."

Sam wanted to do everything that his friends did. Doctors put metal pins in his legs to make them stronger, but the pins didn't help him walk. So Sam needed wheelchairs. Sam had wheelchairs to take him to different places. He had some wheelchairs for going over sand and others that would take him over muddy, rocky places.

Once, Sam's wheelchair got stuck in some mud. There was no one around to help him, so he had to crawl home on his stomach.

Sam has been to many places in the world. He has been down rivers and in rainforests. If he couldn't get somewhere in his chair, people would carry him.

One day, when Sam was in the mountains, his wheelchair broke. He knew a lot about chairs, but he couldn't fix this one. Then, he had an idea. He would invent a new and different wheelchair. So Sam invented a chair that he can do everything in. Sam's wheelchair, the EZi-Riser, can go as high as a bench and as low as the ground. It can move around in small places. Now, many people around the world are using his wheelchair.

Sam will always be small. He will never be able to walk. But he says, "There is always a way to do everything. It may not be the way most people do things. It may take a while to work it out, but there is always a way."

(1)、What can we learn about Sam?
A、He grew taller than his friends. B、He was worried about how he looked on the outside. C、He liked playing with fireworks when he was young. D、He has had serious bone disease since he was born.
(2)、Sam invented his own wheelchair because_________.
A、his wheelchair got stuck in some mud B、his wheelchair broke while in the mountains C、he wanted to go down rivers and rainforests D、he intended to help more people in the world
(3)、Which of the following words can best describe Sam?
A、Helpful and honest. B、Careful and friendly. C、Strong-willed and creative. D、Warm-hearted and humorous.

    The more interested you are in a topic, the more likely you may be to form “false memories” about the events related to that topic.

    “Most people are pretty confident about their own memory for some events, but new research shows that false memory is a lot more frequent than many people realize. In terms of daily life, the key point here may be to understand that someone who remembers an event differently from yours isn't necessarily lying—someone's memory may be faulty, or it might be you,” said study co-author Ciara Greene, a psychologist at the university College Dublin.

    In the study, the researchers asked 489 people to read four news stories about events that were related to the topics they ranked as the most interesting, and four stories about events related to the topics they rated as the least interesting. In each case, three of these events really did occur, but the fourth one was made up.

    It turned out that people tended to remember the stories of the topics they said they were more interested in compared with the topics they were not interested in. However, the participants also tended to store more false memories related to the topics they were interested in compared with the topics they were not interested in, the researchers found.

    The more people know about a topic, the more memories related to this topic they have stored in their brains, the researchers said. Therefore, when a person meets new information on this topic, that information may find traces of similar memories that have already stored in the brain, Greene said.

    “This can result in a sense of familiarity or recognition of the new material, leading to the conviction (确信) that the information has been met before and is in fact an existing memory,” Greene said. In other words, this new material or information may “feel” familiar and therefore the person may believe it must be true, he said.

    Learning more about how false memories work may help protect against the harmful results of them, such as when eyewitness accounts(证言) of crimes are faulty.


    As the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, mooncakes are turning up all over China, from traditional teashops to Starbucks counters. The holiday is one of China's four most important festivals, and in the weeks before the date arrives, top hotels get into the spirit with lavish(奢华) treats in lovely packaging. Traditionally, the cookie-sized round pastry(馅饼) has a rich thick filling usually made from red-bean or lotus-seed paste and covered by a thin crust. It may also contain yolks from salted duck eggs, integrating a beautiful savory tinge into the sugary taste. Fillings and crusts have become more diverse over time, especially in the hands of skilled pastry chefs. The mooncakes in Chinese culture represent homesickness, and the top crust of each moon-shaped pastry is generally imprinted with the Chinese characters for longevity or harmony.

    This year, the fancy gift boxes that have long driven the mooncake trade are particularly striking and rich with tradition.

    For example, the Fairmont Peace Hotel in Shanghai, built in 1929 and a magnet for Hollywood celebrities in the 1930s, has prepared a selection of mooncake gift boxes with designs inspired by the beauty and elegance of the hotel's famous art deco style. The simplest box of four pieces (red-bean paste, creamy custard, plain cheese, green-bean paste) is 198 yuan($29.64), while more lavish selections of five or six pieces, including mooncakes with egg yolk, run up to 338 yuan for a box.

    Beijing's Nuo Hotel, meanwhile, has created Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) inspired mooncake gift packs based on the design of porcelain vases in the hotel lobby, with the essence of landscape painting using Zhang Dai's poetic passages to show the peaceful harmony of man and nature. The box of six is 158 yuan, and includes mooncakes ranging from cheese mango to charcoal burning fragrant Pu'er tea and white lotus with egg yolk. A box of eight cakes of different flavors is 228 yuan.


    Paul and Jason were brothers who lived and worked on neighboring farms. For 35 years they farmed side by side, sharing machinery and goods as needed, without a single problem.

    However, one autumn, things changed. It began with a tiny disagreement about a horse, which grew into a major difference. The difference led to angry words, followed by weeks of silence between the two brothers.

One morning there was a knock on Paul's door. He opened it and saw a builder holding his toolbox. "I'm looking for a few days' work." the builder said. "Are there any jobs here I could help with?"

"Yes," answered Paul, extremely pleased to see the builder. "I do have a job for you. Look at that farm across the creek(小溪).That's my brother's farm. That creek used to be a grass field, but last week my brother dug a path from the river and made the creek. But I'll go him one better. See that pile of wood? I want you to build me a fence, two meters tall, so 1 won't need to see him anymore."

The builder said thoughtfully. "I think I understand the situation and I'll be able to do a job that pleases you."

    Paul had business in town that day and left the builder to his work. When he returned, the builder had just finished his job. Paul was shocked. Instead of a fence there was a bridge, stretching from one side of the creek to the other.

As Paul stood on the bridge, staring in amazement, his younger brother Jason, came across, and took Paul's hand. "You are a good man to have built this bridge after all I've done," said Jason.

Then, Paul, with tears in his eyes, said to the builder who was packing his bag to go, "Thank you so much. Please stay. I have much more for you to do."

"I'd love to." the builder said quietly, "but, I have many more bridges to build."


    Have you ever heard of agritourism where you can experience farm life? If not, Dr. Cindy Ayers-Elliott will tell you the real story of Foot Print Farms.

    The original concept of building Foot Print Farms was simple. When Ayers-Elliott returned to her hometown after graduation, she didn't have to look any further than her state's alarming health statistics to find a mission. Everywhere she turned, there were reports of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. "The problem was already identified." explains Ayers-Elliott. "Too many Mississippians were seriously unhealthy and it didn't take research to see that. And many of the state's greatest health challenges could directly result from poor diet. "

    These days, Foot Print Farms, which started with a few raised beds of herbs and vegetables, is making fresh, naturally grown food. "When speaking of the key to my success, the co-op model works because we share the work and rewards," notes Ayers-Elliott. "A perfect example is the Wingfield High School football team. To earn the money for equipment and other items, players committed to working five hours a week on the farm, and by the end of the summer they had produced 1, 000 melons and the profits from their sales helped to buy weights, T-shirts, sweat suits and pregame meals. But the lessons they learned about the rewards of hard work and working together to accomplish something were even more valuable products of their efforts."

    "It' s a model that can easily be learned in other places and I' m looking forward to seeing some of our current partners do just that——to take what they have learned here and spin it off in other communities," Ayers-Elliott remarks. She is now looking forward to developing an agritourism aspect to the farm, where visitors can experience farm life, learn new skills and take with them seeds of inspiration they can sow in their own communities when they return home.

