题型:短文续写 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难
Jack took a long look at his speedometer (车速表) before slowing down: 73 in a 55 zone. Fourth time in as many months. How could a man get caught so often?
The policeman was stepping out of his car, the big pad in his hand.
Bob? Bob from church? Jack sank farther into his coat. This was worse than the coming ticket. A policeman catching a man from his own church. A man who happened to be a little eager to get home after a long day at the office.
Jumping out of the car, he approached the man he saw every Sunday, a man he'd never seen in uniform. "Hi, Bob. Fancy meeting you like this." "Hello, Jack." No smile. "Guess you caught me red-handed in a rush to see my wife and kids." "Yeah, I guess." Bob seemed uncertain. Good.
"I've seen some long days at the office lately. I'm afraid I bent the rules a bit — just this once." Jack toed at a stone on the pavement. "Diane said something about roast beef and potatoes tonight. Know what I mean?"
"I know what you mean. I also know that you have a reputation in our neighborhood." Ouch. This was not going in the right direction.
"What did you clock me at?" "Seventy. Would you sit back in your car please?" "Now wait a minute here, Bob. I checked as soon as I saw you. I was merely 65." The lie seemed to come easier with every ticket.
"Please, Jack, in the car." Anxious, Jack ducked through the still-open door. Banging the door, he stared at the dashboard (仪表盘). The minutes ticked by. Bob wrote something on the pad. Why hadn't he asked for a driver's license?
Whatever the reason, it would be a month of Sundays before Jack ever sat near this policeman again.
1)续写词数应为 150 左右;
Paragraph 1:
Bob tapped on the door, with a folded sheet of paper in his hand.
Paragraph 2:
Having read the "ticket", Jack jumped out of his car to find Bob.