
试题 试卷


题型:选词填空(语篇) 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通


Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each-word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.

A. leave B. signal C. brief D. interruption E. marking F. indicated

G. practice H. resting I. unified J. struggling K. temporary

What Is a Paragraph Break?

It is one of the most important punctuation marks. A paragraph break is an indentation (缩造) or a single line spacethe division between one paragraph and the next in a body of text.

Generally, paragraph breaks serve tothe transition from one idea to another in a stretch of text, and from one speaker to another in an exchange of dialogue.

Few readers would think of the paragraph break as a punctuation mark, but it certainly is. In ancient times there were no paragraphs. Sentences simply flowed into one another without.During medieval (中世纪) times, the mark evolved into the paragraph symbol and eventually became the modern-day paragraph break, which isnow only by a line break or indentation.

Today, the paragraph break is used to give readers a break. The art of creating paragraphs is called paragraphing, theof dividing a text into paragraphs. Paragraphing is a kindness to your reader because it divides your thinking into manageable bites. Paragraphs that are too longreaders with dense blocks of text to read through, while more frequent paragraphing provides readers with convenientpoints at which to take a break and relaunch themselves into thinking.

To fully understand when to insert a paragraph break, it's helpful to know that a paragraph is a group of closely related sentences that develop a central idea. Therefore, each paragraph discusses onetopic. Also, a paragraph break is cmploycd before each new topic is introduced. In this way, the writing will flow, and readers will be able to proceed through the writing in a logical fashion instead ofall the way to get to the last line.

Paragraphs used to be longer, but with the development of the Internet, which gives readers access to literally millions of sources of information, paragraphs have become increasingly. The style for many websites, for example, uses paragraphs no more than two to three sentences.

