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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

高中英语外研(2019)版必修二Unit 1 Food for thought单元自测卷


Are you interested in losing your body fat to look slimmer(苗条)? This article concentrates on losing fat, not weight or muscle. You will naturally look slimmer, and be and feel more healthy and attractive.


⒈ Doproperexercise.

These are exercises that get your heart rate as high as possible and burn fat.  Doing at least one hour of cardio(有氧运动)every day along with one hour of strength training a few days per week is the best habit. This will make you lose fat faster, combined with muscle exercise and a healthy, low-fat diet.

Eating whole, unprocessed foods is the best way to not take in too much fat. This means eating foods that are in their natural state such as fruit and vegetables. Buy raw foods and cook meat yourself, with plant oil. Protein(蛋白质)helps gain muscles. You can find protein in foods like milk, fish, beef and eggs. Get filled with low calories foods such as vegetables.

⒊ Watch what you drink.

Don't drink soda, alcohol and fruit juice all the time, since these drinks contain a lot of "empty calories" which will only lead you to put on unnecessary weight. Green tea is good, healthy choice.  Drink one full glass of water every morning when you wake up—it is said to make you lose weight faster.

A. Build muscles.

B. Eat healthily and diet.

C. These exercises include running, jogging, swimming, etc.

D. Read on if you are interested in getting all of these advantages!

E. This will make you eat less fattening food, thus making you slimmer.

F. Before going on a diet, you should consult with your doctor to avoid side effects.

G. Drink two cups of water with each meal to fill you up, avoiding eating too much.


                                                                                             How to Care for Your Ears?

        Ears not only let us hear, but they alsoplay a role in maintaining our balance, which is vital to our ability to function in daily life. Yet, we ignore them. We can't even see our ears, exceptin a mirror. We take for granted what they do for us day in and day out-untilwe notice something's wrong, such as when an earache strikes or when we starthaving to ask people to repeat what they say.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

◆ Clean your ear with a washcloth-coveredfinger only.

      Never put anything inside your earcanal, including cotton swabs (药签).{#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

◆ Leave earwax(耳垢)alone.

      Wax is your ear's way of eliminating(消除)anything foreign that gets into the ear canal.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}If you find you have too much earwax,use a few drops of earwax remover(去除剂) in the canal. After a few minutes,wash the ear with warm water.

◆ Avoid noisy places.

      Rock concerts and construction sites are just a few places that frequently have noise levels that can damage hearing.Any place where you have to shout to be heard should be avoided.


      Be careful not to play MP3 too loud, especiallyif using earphone.

◆Be careful with illness andmedications.

      Respiratory (呼吸的) illnesses should be treated to avoid their spread to the ears. Certainmedications can damage hearing, so follow the directions carefully beforetaking them.

      See your doctor if you suffer fromsudden hearing loss or hear noises in your head.   


A. Most people don't need to clean waxout of their ears.

B. In such case, go to see a doctor assoon as possible.

C. These can be symptoms of a seriousillness which needs to be treated.

D. This article will show you how tocare for your ears.

E. Turn the volume(音量)down

F. Avoid using earphones while listeningto MP3.

G. Your ear canal is very narrow, and aswab can damage it.


    How similar are language and music

    Language is part of our daily lives, no matter where we live m the world.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Both language and music play a huge role in our culture and here are some of their similarities.

    ·Both language and music have a writing system.

    In English we record language using the alphabet, which is a collection of letters. Similarly, we use notes to keep a record of music. Musicians read notes and create meaning in the form of music{#blank#}2{#/blank#} By writing pieces of text or music, we are able to share experiences through time. We can read the ideas or hear the composition of someone who lived hundreds of years ago.


    You can make a good guess at where someone is from by listening to the language they use. In the same way, we know that styles of music are different around the world, giving us the opportunity to explore many different cultures through their music and providing us with music for every situation.

    Both share emotion.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Of course you may be able to see it in my face, but you will know for sure through my word'. Similarly, music can sound angry, sad or happy. Music can show you exactly how the composer was or is feeling, and allows us to share in that emotion. When you feel happy, you might want to sing and dance to a happy song to celebrate your happiness{#blank#}5{#/blank#}I think we have all used music to express or process our emotions, often combining it with language in the form of song lyrics.

A. Both are expressive.

B. Both vary with culture.

C. How do you know that I am angry?

D. We use language to express our thoughts.

E. So just as you read English, you can read music.

F. Similarly, music is part of many people's lives.

G. In contrast, you probably also listen to sad music when you are feeling down.


    “Helicopter parenting” describes a style of raising children where parents are overprotective and do too much. It describes parents who watch over their kids at home and on the playground like a helicopter. Today, modern technology allows these helicopter parents to watch over from even far away.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Julie Lythcott wrote a book titled Break Free of the Over Parenting Trap and Prepare Your Kids for Success. In her book, she gives readers a closer look at this parenting style.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Julie Lythcott says she experienced the effects of helicopter parenting firsthand when she worked as dean of first year college students.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} But many were unable to take care of themselves. They were turning to parents constantly for guidance, for problem solving, to have them make the choice about something.

So as a parent, what can you do if you want to break the over-parenting “helicopter” cycle?{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Stop saying “we” when you mean your son or your daughter. All too often a parent would say “we are on the travel soccer team.” Well, no, your son is or your daughter is.

    Stop arguing with all of the adults in our kids' lives. You need to teach your kids to stand for themselves.

    Stop doing your kids' homework.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Teach them to cross the street, make a meal, and remember to put their own items in their backpacks, which becomes a briefcase one day. When kids have all the skills to take care of themselves, they will be prepared for adulthood.

A. The following are some ways to stop over-protecting your children.

B. She also explains why parents should stop it.

C. Your kids have to do the things they can all by himself.

D. They can give their children directions at any moment from anywhere.

E. Build your kids' skills.

F. The freshmen were very smart and did well in their paper work.

G. Your kid is eager for more freedom, but should you give it to him?


    The running of the bulls is a nine-day traditional Spanish festival in honor of Saint Fermin in Pamplona. Every year, at midday on July 6th, the Mayor of Pamplona shoots a rocket. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} The participants are usually dressed in white and wear red neckchiefs and belts. They open champagne mostly used for sprinkling(撒)other people.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} It starts every day at eight in the morning and the runners run, sometimes wildly, sometimes less. As a sign that the run has begun they shoot the first rocket. Then they shoot the second one when the bulls are out in the streets. Six bulls which are trying to attack the participants from behind run down the 900-meter-long street to the bullring(斗牛场) with a lot of spectators. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} All of the six bulls are going to be killed at the bullfight in the stadium. The bullfight in the stadium begins at half past six in the afternoon. First, there comes the first bull. There is also a person called "picador". {#blank#}4{#/blank#} That makes the bull very wild and it starts to run all over the stadium. Later when the bull is tired, there comes another person—-a "matador" who kills it with an arrow. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} At the end of the celebration, another rocket is shot as a sign that the bullfight is finished.

A. It makes the bull very nervous.

B. It is one of the greatest events in the city.

C. This is a sign that the celebration has started.

D. The same thing happens with the other five bulls.

E. The main event is the running of the bulls.

F. The participants can get hurt or even killed.

G. He waves a red cloth in front of the bull.


    When you think about people who have made the world a better place, you probably think of famous scientists or great leaders. That is not all the truth.  {#blank#}1{#/blank#} An act of kindness can bring a smile to a person's face even if only for a moment.

    Give away your money.  {#blank#}2{#/blank#} For example, if you want to help hungry children, you can try to find an international organization that provides food for those in poor areas. Every cent you give away will mean a lot.

    Help a stranger. Your small actions can brighten the day of others. Hold the door for someone whose hands are full. Help the blind cross the street.  {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The key is expecting nothing in return for your acts of kindness.

    Care about those you know. Show the people close to you how much you care about them. Tell them they mean a lot to you. Make a beautiful gift for a friend. Take your husband to his favorite fun place if he has had a hard week.  {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Be grateful to others. Have you had good service in a restaurant?Thank the waiter. Do you have a very good neighbour who is always there when you need her?Tell her how much you appreciate her being in your life.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} If a friend needs skills in a certain area, offer your advice. Perhaps she is struggling to set up a computer, and you know how to do that. Offer whatever ability you have, but always remember to be polite.

A. Keep walking forward.

B. Share your knowledge.

C. Small steps, not big ones.

D. Give your seat on the bus to an old man.

E. Choose a charity that has meaning for you.

F. Tell your children how much they mean to you.

G. Ordinary people like you and me can also help a lot.


You know that eating healthy, staying active, and solving a few brain games can help keep your memory. But the following lesser-known habits work wonders too.


When we sit with our shoulders bent forward, this defeated position actually causes us to feel anxious or depressed — which makes it harder to think clearly and remember things. Conversely (反过来), straight upright posture apparently improves memory because it boosts blood and oxygen flow to the brain.

⒉ Exercise — Once

Having trouble remembering faces? {#blank#}2{#/blank#} In a study, pictures of faces were shown to

older folks after they pedal a stationary (静止的) bike at an intense pace or simply sit on a self-pedaling bike. On average, people remembered the faces better after the intense exercise. What's more, the memory gains after a single workout were similar to the gains after 3 months of regular exercise.

⒊ Limit TV

Every parent and grandparent has heard that too much screen time can hurt a child's cognitive development. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} According to a study, people (aged 50 or older) who watched more than 3. 5 hours of TV a day for 6 years experienced a greater drop in verbal memory test scores than those who watched less.

⒋ Draw aimlessly

A research shows those who drew the words remembered the most when recalling words. That's because while some parts of the brain about getting memory back become worse as people grow older, the picture processing regions usually don't.  {#blank#}4{#/blank#}    

⒌ Walk Backward

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Walk back! Backward motion — whether real, imagined, or watched — helps people remember the information better than sitting still and, in most cases, better than forward motion. It may be that moving backward in space mentally helps us move back in time to the moment we learned something.

A. Sit Tall.

B. Stand Straight.

C. Start more workouts.

D. Sweat for physical training.

E. Thus sketching can help adults keep their memory sharp.

F. But what about those at the other end of their life span?

G. Next time you're trying to recall something, don't just think back.

